Finish-a-Th...ooooh, shiny.

Jan 04, 2008 18:57

I realize that many of you don't have this problem, but I do--the problem of getting halfway through a fic, only to be whacked over the head with another plotbunny, which makes you wander off dazedly in a completely different direction.

Enough of this, and there are way too many half-finished stories languishing on your hard drive and nothing getting posted for the entertainment of your friends.

Thus I present the Finish-A-Thon! Here's how it works.

1. You comment to this post with a short summary of 3-5 stories you have in progress. (This is important--this is not for those new ideas you have lurking in the back of your head--save those for the next go-round! This is for the bits of stories that you've already committed to paper. Or some sort of electronic format. Or scribbled on the soft walls of your institution with the oversize crayons which are all they'll allow you to have. Whatever.)

2. You pimp this post to your flist. It's multi-fandom--everybody is encouraged to participate! Any fandom, any genre, any pairing or none at all, crossovers--everybody's welcome! Original fiction is fine too. If you're writing it, we want to hear about it. The more, the merrier!

3. I'll give everybody enough time to sign up and pimp, and then I'll post a poll with everyone's choices listed. You vote for which stories you want people to finish. You can vote for everybody, regardless of how little you know about the fandom! You have total control over the destiny of complete strangers! MWAHAHAHAHA!

*cough* Anyway.

4. When the voting closes, you have to finish whichever of your stories won. The deadline will depend on how long the rest of the process takes, but most likely it'll be the end of February. That'll give us plenty of time to work on those longer fics. (Those of you who can pump out 10,000 words per week, shut up. You know who you are.) I'll put up a "I FINISHED IT!" post where you can comment with a link to your completed story.

There are no prizes for finishing, other than the satisfaction of Getting It Done. (Unless someone wants to make us some icons or something.)

There are no punishments for signing up and then not actually finishing (okay, other than knowing that you are disappointing millions of strangers on the internet who REALLY, REALLY wanted to read that Ianto/Owen mpreg). This is strictly for fun and encouragement. Nobody's taking names.

The only rule--if you finish any fic, it MUST be the one that won the voting. No fair ignoring the will of the people! It's perfectly fine if you want to be an overachiever and finish more than one, but at least one of them has to be the one that was chosen.

In the unlikely event of a tie vote on your fics, I get to be the tiebreaker.

That's it! Now it's up to you guys to get busy. Comment here, summarize, and pimp like crazy!

EDIT: If you only have two, that's okay. We like to vote! More than five would get unwieldy when voting, though (I personally have at least ten or twelve, maybe more--I'm afraid to count...*headdesk*), so please pick the top five you want to get done first.

about writing, finish-a-thon

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