Title: Losing Time
Chapter 2: Don’t Shoot! (A, B and C)
Author: Stormy1x2 (traveling_storm)
Words (this chapter): 8,500-ish
Notes: again, thank you to nickdevilance for the poking, the prodding and the suggesting! Also, I am starting to hate and detest LJ. I quite clearly remember being able to have posts over the 4,500 word limit. When the
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Comments 2
“Not as such, no.”
“Am I?” Pooch muttered as an aside to Cougar. The sniper snorted and gave a half-shrug.
Heee hee, awesome! The thing that always drew me in about the Losers was how funny they could be, without them becoming too goofy. I think this reaction of Pooches is perfect!
I'm so glad you brought Jenny back. I was really disappointed to see her go, and I feel like it would have been the natural direction for Lester to head, right up until the whole "no civilian" thing.
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