It turns out that it is distinctly more difficult to write on citrus than I had anticipated. This means that my lemon project continues to delightfully soldier on in the spirit of the absurd - which is so perfectly suited to Cabin Pressure promotion.
I am a whore for Cabin Pressure...but I have to confess that most of the episodes are currently absent from youtube. I assure they are all excellent, and here is one (the second ep of the first season) you can (as I type this) listen to
at this link. On with the story of your citrus...
Really, this could be chalked up to my paint pens running out of paint, because they did the first few beautifully! Still, the jury is out, as I am rather put out at having so much citrus ready for distribution and such disappointing results in general as to the labeling process...
I really think the visual speaks for itself.
Yes, that's right. Once again, the Hello Kitty Duck tape comes to the rescue. I have pretty high hopes since the bumper is still intact. This is a PSA to be on the lookout for Citrus Near You! Watch out! It is unbearably cute!