hoar·frost (hôr'frôst', -frŏst', hōr'-), noun.
frost; frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface; ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside). Also called white frost.
How to Play
The challenge is: write something that a) uses this word, or b) is inspired by this word (thematically, literally, whatever). It’s mainly about delving into definitions and seeing what that inspires.
Any length, any rating, any fandom/original, any variation/synonym/stem of the word, linked or in the comment itself. Enter as many times as you like-the only rule is that you have to write something new. These posts never close, just accumulate, so if the
previous posts tickle your muse, responses are welcome at any time. And anyone, drive-by or otherwise, is welcome to participate. :)