mel·an·chol·y /ˈmɛlənˌkɒli/ [mel-uhn-kol-ee]
plural -chol·ies, adjective
mel·an·chol·i·ly, adverb; mel·an·chol·i·ness, noun
1. a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
2. sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness.
-adjective4. affected with, characterized by, or showing melancholy; mournful; depressed: a melancholy mood
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Comments 23
in contrast, meloncholy is characterized by the state of having a disease where one perpetually is in fruit lust, specifically melons.
fruit lust! <3 i'm having a serious case of apple lust right now. with the ever-present side of mango lust.
(funny how time will fleet like a feathery dream but then hold you, trap you, muddle you through a moment like this one)
when cloudbursts carried him away. In those days he murmured melancholy in search of a face unfound: but in this moment he fears not, for the face fills his gaze like tears.
So strange, this sense of softness - his eyes are foggy, like frosted glass, and he says not to worry,
(don’t cry, Pete, we found each other again and that’s what counts, right? time belongs to us now, just us, our own little muddled moment)
but his lips are tired, and the words fall asleep in his throat.
I don't know if that actually makes any sense, but it was a fun little experiment. :D
Also? Your journal is kind of awesome. Would it be cool if I friended you? :)
Okay, see, when I feedback, I like to do this thing where I pick out lines if I can, and give specific reactions to that. But, but! The format you used here! I'm fangirling it quite a bit. Mmmmm, parentheses. And I love the pacing of it, the dream-like quality, the emotions mixed in with the poetry, and just, aaaaah. That last line is like a sweet exhale. ♥
And I have a completely free-for-all friending policy, so that's more than chill :D And worked out nicely, because I've been eyeing your journal for friending for a little while now. :)
Aww, yay, we've been stalking each other without even knowing it! Haha, that's great. :P
Last Christmas, watching that tall brunet sitting on the floor, reading that old story out loud, the one he, himself, had long memorized by now, but that his sisters still loved to hear... Last Christmas, with Natalie in his lap, and Faith curled up next to his boyfriend... Last Christmas, when the girls ran downstairs well after midnight, just to hang up a stocking with their guest's name on it, so he wouldn't be forgotten in the madness that would ensue the next day. Last Christmas, snuggled in his arms, on the couch, in the middle of the living room for the whole family to see...
And this Christmas, that stocking sat in the box, forgotten, neglected, alone...
Oh, God, Luke. This is so very him, to think back on those times, wish he could fix things. And great use of the prompt! <3
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