Superman Returns/Batman Begins: Cat and Mouse (Slash | S/B | R | 150 words | 05/15/07)

May 15, 2007 00:14

According to LJ, it’s arch_schatten’s birthday tomorrow, so a little S/B seemed in order. :D Happy birthday, dear!

Cat and Mouse

He woke up in the middle of the night, sweating.

“Kal,” he growled, knowing even half-asleep whose fault this was.

“Hmmmm?” A pause. “Oh. Sorry.” And all the blankets were tossed off the bed in one fell swoop, but that didn’t change the fact that he was awake and unhappy now.

“You have got to get your temperature thing under control.”

Kal tossed a hand over his slick chest, and drew their bodies flush against each other.

“Want me to make it up to you?”

The answer was already pressing into Kal’s hip, but Bruce strung a leg through his to make sure the message didn’t get lost in translation.

“And you wonder why I keep conveniently forgetting,” Kal smiled as he slipped a hand down between them.

A sharp intake of breath.

“And you wonder why I let you?”

Kal laughed, and was glad to show him exactly why.

=superman returns, *writing, =batman/superman, *writing: fic, =batman (nolanverse), =superman returns: fic, =batman (nolanverse): fic

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