Download - Happy Easter!

Apr 09, 2012 02:49

Happy Easter, everyone! I wanted to get this posted yesterday, but I didn't finish taking and cropping preview-pictures until now so the posting-part had to wait. Beneath the cut you will find a whole bunch of things - clothes for the most part but also a hair and an accessory. I hope you'll like them :3

Another picture.

Starting off with the accessory. It's a ribbon made using a mesh-piece which I snatched of an EF-clothing mesh. It works for all ages, but only for females. It will clip with some hairs, but with those that it does not clip with I think it looks quite cute :3

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Tops for AF, EF and TF. EF- and TF-files are linked to AF-files for textures. I used a top by Nymphy (and Bruno) as a base and smoothened it out. Three colors.

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Original textures - Bruno (MTS) and Nymphy
Meshes - HP, Gelydh, Migamoo, CatOfEvilGenius and Aquilegia

These pants should have been posted ages ago, but for some reason I havn't posted them yet. All ages, both genders. Other ages/genders are linked to AF for textures.

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Another picture.

Another set of bottoms, this time newer than the previous. Adult females only. Comes in blue, black, red and white.

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Pinketamine's new pants with 3t2-boots by Elexis for TF. Linked to AF-files for textures. Original files (which are required) can be located here.

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Original mesh - Pinketamine
Jeans-mesh and textures - Nouk and Ghanima-Atreides
Shoes - Elexis

I've already posted this dress over at Tumblr, but figured I might as well toss it up here too. It's a re-texture of Amaryll's Vi-dress on a mesh by MrOstrichbird with wedges by Sentate :3

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Mesh - MrOstrichbird
Shoes - Sentate (with smoothened textures)
Top-textures - Amaryll

This is a request that I got ages ago (back in December if I don't remember wrong). It's basically Amaryll's jeans with chunks and Misomoso's re-texture of Amaryll's Retro-hoodie mashed up as outerwear. Works for CU, TF, TM, AF and AM. Files are linked to AM-versions for textures.
Just as an experiment I recolored a blue jacket with grey hoodie (seen above) as well as made a green jacket with a hoodie with a Spongebob-print ^__^

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Pants-mesh and textures - Amaryll
Top-textures - Misomoso
Top-mesh - Amaryll

This dress was made for Alleliua and is based on a dress which already exists but, sadly, couldn't be located >:

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Shoes - Sentate

Io's TS3-dress converted for TS2. Original dress can be found here.

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Textures - Iosaur
Shoes - Sentate

A dress I made for no reason other than that I wanted it.

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Shoes - Sentate
Original mesh and textures - Evanesco and MrOstrichbird

RainYDrops 43 Pookleted (in the four colors I use + Io's Bastet) and converted for females. Included in the download is a male- as well as a female-version :3

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Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet and Iosaur
Original mesh - RainYDrops

Another picture.

I saw a picture over at Tumblr of an awesome lamp and descided I wanted to give re-creating it for TS2 a try. The result is shown above. Note that the lamp is off-grid so that the light doesn't look too weird. Only the recolor shown above is available and I'm unsure if the lamp is recolourable >:

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download - objects, downloads, download - accessories, download - hair, download - clothes

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