Happy Easter, everyone! I wanted to get this posted yesterday, but I didn't finish taking and cropping preview-pictures until now so the posting-part had to wait. Beneath the cut you will find a whole bunch of things - clothes for the most part but also a hair and an accessory. I hope you'll like them :3
Another picture. Starting off with the accessory. It's a ribbon made using a mesh-piece which I snatched of an EF-clothing mesh. It works for all ages, but only for females. It will clip with some hairs, but with those that it does not clip with I think it looks quite cute :3
Tops for AF, EF and TF. EF- and TF-files are linked to AF-files for textures. I used a top by Nymphy (and Bruno) as a base and smoothened it out. Three colors.
Original textures - Bruno (MTS) and Nymphy
Meshes - HP, Gelydh, Migamoo, CatOfEvilGenius and Aquilegia
These pants should have been posted ages ago, but for some reason I havn't posted them yet. All ages, both genders. Other ages/genders are linked to AF for textures.
Another picture. Another set of bottoms, this time newer than the previous. Adult females only. Comes in blue, black, red and white.
Pinketamine's new pants with 3t2-boots by Elexis for TF. Linked to AF-files for textures. Original files (which are required) can be located
Original mesh - Pinketamine
Jeans-mesh and textures - Nouk and Ghanima-Atreides
Shoes - Elexis
I've already posted this dress over at Tumblr, but figured I might as well toss it up here too. It's a re-texture of Amaryll's Vi-dress on a mesh by MrOstrichbird with wedges by Sentate :3
Mesh - MrOstrichbird
Shoes - Sentate (with smoothened textures)
Top-textures - Amaryll
This is a request that I got ages ago (back in December if I don't remember wrong). It's basically Amaryll's jeans with chunks and Misomoso's re-texture of Amaryll's Retro-hoodie mashed up as outerwear. Works for CU, TF, TM, AF and AM. Files are linked to AM-versions for textures.
Just as an experiment I recolored a blue jacket with grey hoodie (seen above) as well as made a green jacket with a hoodie with a Spongebob-print ^__^
Pants-mesh and textures - Amaryll
Top-textures - Misomoso
Top-mesh - Amaryll
This dress was made for Alleliua and is based on a dress which already exists but, sadly, couldn't be located >:
Shoes - Sentate
Io's TS3-dress converted for TS2. Original dress can be found
Textures - Iosaur
Shoes - Sentate
A dress I made for no reason other than that I wanted it.
Shoes - Sentate
Original mesh and textures - Evanesco and MrOstrichbird
RainYDrops 43 Pookleted (in the four colors I use + Io's Bastet) and converted for females. Included in the download is a male- as well as a female-version :3
Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet and Iosaur
Original mesh - RainYDrops
Another picture. I saw a picture over at Tumblr of an awesome lamp and descided I wanted to give re-creating it for TS2 a try. The result is shown above. Note that the lamp is off-grid so that the light doesn't look too weird. Only the recolor shown above is available and I'm unsure if the lamp is recolourable >: