It´s time to do, do, do, do dododododooooo ;] (I totally didn´t steal that from
YuGiOh ~.~ - and I know he says "duel" and not "do", but for this purpose "do" sounds better :3)
You didn´t think I´d forgotten about the Oden´s, did you? It´s true I havn´t played them for almost a month and this update was written several weeks ago, but that´s only because I´ve been so busy playing the Linleigh´s. When I get back from France playing the Oden-family will be second on my to-do list - first will be creating a gift for my assigned person for CiJ over at GoS :3
Last time on the Oden-legacy? Balls were thrown, plants were given, a greenhouse was established and we left off with a bit of a cliffhanger - Jovana giving birth to the first baby/babies of generation five.
Warnings: Babies. So many babies O_O As well as old peoples´s love and woohoo.
I´m sorry about the cliffhanger you guys. Here´s Vidar <3
And here´s Vidar on the floor together with his slightly younger brother Mode and his youngest brother Munin in the hads of his mother. Yep, they´re triplets - I´m now halfway to fullfilling Ask´s LTW XD
Jovana is a family sim and she´s beyond happy. The baby is Munin (the only way to tell them apart so far is by their skincolor).
Bor is a proud dad :3
And Ask is a very proud grandpa, here with Vidar :)
Despite being a romance sim Frey is very good with kids.
Rota invited Sarah over. I guess she´s been feeling lonely now when her older sister doesn´t live with them anymore.
Sarah: Aren´t lamps like the coolest thing evar?
Rota: Totaly *Plus relationship*
Did I meantion Jovana loves being a mom?
Rota: You know what´s even cooler than lamps? Warlocks! My dad is a warlock :D
Never mind the diaper next to Njord
Njord is a proud great grandfather. Everybody gay :D (I love Family Guy XD)
Maid: I wish I wasn´t the only child ;_;
Jovana: Huh, you say something?
Chike (Jesstheex) followed Ask home from work.
.. and then proceded to give him a TV worth 8000 simoleons O_o
With the new greenhouse and all it was about time for the Odens to get a membership in the gardenclub.
The people sent out from the gardenclub weren´t impressed, however :(
Frey´s still as handsome as ever :3
The triplets are taking up pretty much everyone´s time, but since Ask wants six grandchildren three wont cut it.
Do not disturb: babies being made!
No chimes T_T
So they tried again ;P
Looks like someone has been using the new hottub :D
Chike: I almost feel as if I know this man...
You should. You were dating him in an
earlier life.
Rota: Oncle, what is wrong with aunt Jovana?
Ask: Don´t worry, hon, she´s just fine.
Jovana: Don´t worry?! Don´t listen to the man, Rota - he´s got balls! (Note: Refering to last update where Rota confessed that she hates balls.)
Frey and Liam enjoys the last woohoo they will ever have..
.. as adults ;)
They look more like brothers than father(s) and son.
If you couldn´t tell from the previous picture Njord and Epicede still exists <3
Frey: That is some hot meat <3
Liam: :D <3
I had Frey change his clothes seeing as the default replacement from the wizard clothes apparently doesn´t work for elders while the textures do. I will have to make a fix for that.. sometime.
And oh, oh, oh *is excited* - you see that thing on the wall behind Frey? The board with notes and keys? Would you ever have guessed that it´s strategically placed to hide a burglar alarm? Would you? Any future burglar wont know what hit it >:D
These two are as much in love as ever.
Frey is making good use of the hottub.
Jovana is ~happy~
Gustaf from generation two walked by.
Rota reached her teens and descided to flat iron her hair.
It was time for the triplets to grow up as well.
Vidar :3
Nystan: I´m not too sure than I approve of this ]:<
Munin <3
Pop x1. Another child or children on the way :D/D: It will be like generation two all over again ):
Synchronized awwww <3
Mode :)
Bor is very fond of his oncle, just like his son :]
Cuteness overload!
The trees bore fruit. Tasteless fruit ;~;
One has to love smartmilk.
Bor reached his LTW :D
Pretty much at the same time Liam got a bronze talent badge from taking care of the garden. It has to be the first time any of my sims recieves a talent badge *wipes a tear of joy*
Liam: Is there someone behind me watching us angrily, love?
Frey: Yes. Yes, there is.
Creepy Freetime hobby-people -_-
Liam: Is she gone?
Frey: Yes. Yes, she is <3
Vidar: :D
Vidar: My sauce pan is way more awesome than the dinousaur you´ve got over there. You hear me? Way more awesome!
Mode: Okay :D
Vidar: -_-
For some reason Munin gets all the attention from his parents. No favoritism on my part >_> Not at all
Bor´s new LTW is to maximize all skills. You know - the kind of LTW a knowledge-sim should have. This will be easy >:3
Epicede found himself a new hobby.
I´ve never used this thing before. It´s awesome!
Like I said - Munin gets all the attention. But he´s so cute :3
I don´t care if it´s cute - stop cuddling with the cat and do what you get paid to do D:<
For some reason I don´t think it´s a good idea for a heavily pregnant woman to be outside in the middle of the night taking care of the trees And that was a very odd ending, wasn´t it? Well, see you next time ^_^
Next time on the Oden-legacy:
I confess I havn´t played any further than this and I have no idea what will happen o__o
Sims seen in this update were made by:
Alleliua, Brilliantsims, Jesstheex and Niloublue.