There´s only this week of school left until I (finally) get to enjoy my last real summer vacation. I will spend it simming all day long (well, except for those ten days in July where I got with my family to France, but that´s just ten days..) ;D
I´m so excited about being able to do whatever I like all day, you guys. I will read legacies, make stuff and play the game like crazy >:D
But you´re not here to read about me and my obsession with the Sims. It´s time for an Oden-update :]
Now, what happened last time? Vile grew up and moved out. Epicede reached his elder years and he and Njord celebrated their golden anniversary which got out of hand when Epicede suddenly thought Njord was cheating on him. We found out that Liam had a secret love-life and was a three-bolter with every single man in the house (except Vile whom he had "only" two bolts with). The maid was adorable while cuddling with the cat and Frey gave birth to his and Liam´s second lovechild, Rota.
Warnings: Adorable kids-spam, general fail and some incest o__o
Remember last time when I showed a picture of the new second floor? Now the aquarium has fishes in it ^_^
Rota grew up and here begins the toddler-spam.
Frey is an awesome dad :]
Lets all join in on a synchronized "awwwww" <3
Njord enjoys being a grandpa.
Njord: Aren´t you arorable :D
/End Rota spam.
Garnnystan grew old.
Now follows something rather unexpected. I confess I was surprised when things ended up like this too. Boreas was walking by and Ask took the opportunity to greet him.
Translation: Get married to Ask.
Seeing as to past incidents I couldn´t let this oppotunity slink away.
<3.. but wait, let´s look what that hoovering, green thing above Boreas´s head is..
So that´s why you wanted to marry him, huh? -__-
As long as Ask´s happy I´m happy, I guess.
Ask: I love you <3
Boreas: I love your mon-.. I mean, I love you too <3
And before I knew it, it was time for the first kids of generation four to grow up.
Bor: I feel awesome :D
Bor: No wait, I don´t D:
Nal: At least I can say that I feel awesome :D
Nal: And there the feeling of being awesome left D:
Bor: Blubbedi blubb blubb
Shrink: What do ze have here?
Awesome x1
Awesome x2
I love how the shrink is only visible if you have the sick person selected XD
And in the midst of all the crazy I found Boreas in a cab leaving. And with leaving I mean leaving as in leaving the house 4 eva ;_;
(He started to glitch and since I didn´t want the glitch to spread I descided it was best to just elimitade the glitch-causer. But don´t worry - you will see him again.)
The shrink-visit(s) did wonders :3
Bor: *sparkles*
Look at Nal´s profile :D :D :D
Rota also grew up :]
o___o *drools*
Close-up of adult Bor <3
And Nal <3
This is where generation three ends and generation four starts. If it wasn´t for the fact that I´ve just been playing double heirs I would pick Nal and Bor as heirs for generation four, but two people twice in a row is a bit too much. Especially when Ask´s LTW is to have six grandchildren. I´m not taking care of two elder couples, two adults couples and six children O_O
And that is why we´re saying goodbye to Nal T_T
Bor was the only one to run outside to say his goodbyes.
In his moment of sorrow he turned to his precious haldheld games.
The fishes took after Boreas´s and Nal´s example and dissapeared. (Actually, I don´t know what happened to them. One moment they were there and the next they were gone.)
Rota <3
Ask: :D
Ask: No one better touch my snowman now that I´m going to work ]:<
Frey also had fun in the snow.
Garnnystan: *dreams of a magical kingdom where catnip grows on trees*
Nystan: Hi good sir. Noticing anything different with me?
Bird: Um.. no?
Nystan: I´m old now, my friend. This means I´m wise ^_^
Epicede: OooooaaaaaaaaAAA *Ninja-cry*
Epicede: Got ya!! :D
Ask aint going to be too happy about this ;_;
It was about time for Bor to find himself someone to settle down and start working on this six grandchildren with. The matchmaker helped Bekah find Gunnar, but has since then failed quite a few times.
Let´s just call this another fail, shall we? WTF are you doing here, Saga (read: Bor´s aunt)? -_-
Let´s move the camera a bit to the left..
.. and we find a matchmaker with an evil grin on her face.
Matchmaker: You didn´t give me enough money, young sir >:]
Time for a synchronized awww :3
Since the matchmaker couldn´t help him I descided to send Bor to a community lot downtown. I´m just going to say it right now: Being on this lot was like being in a romantic fairytale. The moment he got there wonderful love-esque music was playing and the snow made everything look unrealistically pretty.
Bor is (unlike most people in this neighborhood) not interested in boys. The first girl to enter the lot was Jovana (Brilliantsims).
It was love at first sight. They went on a date :3
(And I apologize for the bad lighting in the pictures. Apparently Maxis didn´t see the point in putting lamps in their buildings -_-)
Things progressed rather fast.
The beautiful music kept on playing during their stay at the lot. I almost cried because of the ~pretty~. Jovana descided to follow Bor home.
When they got home Ask was leaving the hosue looking worried.
Ask: I havn´t seen you for a while. Where have you been? <3
Boreas: I´ve been thinking. Perhaps it´s not such a good idea that I live with you.
Ask: B-but we´re married and everything.. ;_;
Boreas: I can still come around time to time for some *censur*
Message from the writer: The rest of the conversation has been censured for your sake.
This love-story doesn´t look like it will end anytime soon, though <3
Boreas left before Bor and Jovana even got inside.
Bor: You´re not like any other girl I´ve ever met. You want to move in?
Jovana: Awwww. Yes I do <3
She´s the ONLY girl you´ve ever met and dated who wasn´t your aunt, Bor -_-
Not that I mind her moving in, though. Bor got a bedroom on the topfloor and it´s in this moment of love that we leave them <3
Next time on the Oden-legacy:
Love. So much love.
Sims seen in this update were made by:
Alleliua, Brilliantsims, Fantasyrogue and Niloublue.