The Oden Legacy - 2.0

Sep 11, 2010 16:41

Warnings: Burnt food D: and some slight nudity :D

Who will be the heir of generation 2? Well, Molly and Gustaf were out of question so they got to move into their own house in the new neighbourhood :D

Bruce x1 - cute but not out new heir.

Thor - hard choice (he´s so handsome *drools*) but he wasn´t choosen either.

Embla - Although she´s very pretty I didn´t really want another girl as heir right after Bekah.

Bruce x2 - Adorable, but no, not our new heir.

So who does that leave us with..?

NJORD!! :D :D :D

The other four siblings were kicked out sent off to live on their own.

After moving Gunnar seems to have forgot everything about his previous life and now only has eyes for Bekah (see the ring on his finger? - They got married sometime during the move.. :D)

Another picture of Njord just to show you how handsome he is *drools again*.

The welcome wagon consisted of Fantasyrouge´s Rhys, Calais and Boreas.

Njord descided to try the new matchmaker-lady out. After all that´s how Bekah got her Gunnar.

Njord: I want a blonde guy with a hot body, please :)
Matchmaker: Huh?
Njord: Blonde and hot, please :)
Matchmaker: I don´t think I understand...
Njord: Just give me a man -_-

Guys in blue and black jacket: *Is neither blonde nor hot*

*Pats Njord*

Njord was sent off to a community lot in hopes of finding the love of his life.. and to take some pictures :D

Njord: Rock it, grandpa!! :D

When darkness fell Epicede (Alleliua) entered the lot.

Njord: You´re handsome :)
Epicede: Awwww, thanks :) *is shy*

Go for him, Njord, he´s perfect :3

Njord: Meh, I don´t feel like it -_- *is bored*

This was the signal that told Njord that it was time to leave. *shrugs*

Second try with the matchmaker.

Njord: I want you to conjure up the love of my life :)
Matchmaker: I want to to conjure up some money :)

Njord: Blonde and sexy, then? :)
Matchmaker: Eh.. sure >.>

Njord: You really don´t get it, do you?

Here´s where I realised I´d totally forgot everything about the mini-challenges. I rolled a dice and got 5,2. Motherlode :D

Njord: Here´s 5000. Blonde and sexy male, plase :D
Matchmaker: Oh.. so much money *stares*

Third try. If this doesn´t work she won´t get another chance.

And that was the end of the matchmaker! -_-
Well.. atleast he´s blonde >.<

Njord: I´ve had enough of this, I´m going to bed.

But Njord, the welcome wagon havn´t even left yet. Get up and talk to them!

Njord: Hi, I´m..
Calais: *hates*
Njord: *Looks at Calais´s hand*

Calais: *Washes hands*

Calais: *Washes hands again*

And you are..?

Man: Welcome to the club for players.. oh.. what´s this room?
Bekah: It´s just a bathroom.
Man: Very interesting..
Bekah: But it´s just a -

Man: Very interesting indeed!

Njord the next morning.. just because I can :d

Njord: *fails and burns food*

Njord: ):


Njord: *tries again*
Gunnar: Do I smell something burnt?

Gunnar: Son, you forogt these in the oven..

Gunnar: Nvermind!

Njord!! D:<

Njord: Do you want to move in with me and carry my kids? I need someone to carry my kids soon or I will have to face consequences D:
Alejandra (Brilliantsims): Eh.. no thank you!!
Njord: A hug, then?
Alejandra: No!

Man: Hi Gunnar!
Gunnar: What? :D
Man: Interesting..

Njord was sent of to another lot to find someone.

Njord: Hehe
Me: -_-

Old man: Who would do such a thing? o.o
Njord: I don´t know.. <.<

Game: *generates hot unneeded townies*

Njord went back home.
Bekah: *Makes grilled cheese sandwiches*


Njord: *Takes a nap*

Njord invited Epicede over seeing as they got along quite nicely last time and aanrelty were one-bolters.

Cute :D

And he´s still shy <3

Njord quickly got bored and went to bed, though.

Leaving the man that could turn out to be the man of his life sitting on the couch watching TV all alone.

Bekah: *fails*

Njord got the flu ):

Njord: *burns food again*

Nosig somehow got lost in the move but now he´s back :D



Epicede was invited over again and seemed to be falling for Njord despite having been left all alone the night before.

And Njord seemed to have feelings for him as well..

~Love is in the air~

No chimes followed ):

Epicede seemed to be quite serious about their relationship, already planning their engagement.

Gunnar: *is slowly going insane*

We end this update with a picture of some creepy teddybears.

- - -

Next time on the Oden-legacy:
Lots of cute, sexy and pregnant males :3

Sims seen in this update were made by:
Alleliua, Brilliantcat, Fantasyrogue, Jesstheex and Simpurity.

pixel trade, legacy, oden-legacy

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