Download - Three 3t2 Hair-Conversions + A Dress

Jul 09, 2013 18:16

The last couple of days I've been working on three 3t2 hair-conversions which Simmerstore was awesome and extracted for me (thank you). Two of the hairs work for both males and females of all ages while the third one only works for females of all ages. Which hair works for which ages/gender is written on the pictures - "M&F" means "Male & Female", "F" means "Female" and "AA" means "All Ages". Each hair comes in the five of Pooklet's colors that I usually use and these files are binned and familied. Included is also Io's Bastet as custom.
The dress works for adult females and comes in the three colors pictured. The mesh has a fat- as well as a preg-morph. There's a download link for everything at the bottom of the post :)




Meshes - EAGames
Textures - EAGames & Io's edit of Pooklet's texture
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur


downloads, download - hair, download - clothes

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