with no password!

Feb 14, 2009 10:11

I'm just a mess. Really.
maybe you know who I am, because I'm still chaos_imsystem . But I lost my password! My head just doesn't work all the time, beause I tried to regenerate it. And it didn't work.
So, I have been forced to create a new LJ account, with a new nickname.
And I just prefer this, it's just because of the name, "trapne". In Italy I always used " ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

reds_88 February 14 2009, 13:08:46 UTC
*O* coccolosa mia adorata <33333 me ti lovva


trapne February 14 2009, 22:37:36 UTC
*la strapazza*
sai la mia amica se n'è appena andata XD mi ha tenuta tutto il giorno impegnata in modo da non dover pensare al San Valentino passato da single.. *saltella intorno*


schnurrli February 14 2009, 14:00:00 UTC
aw thanks for your cute comment at my journal! It made me blush that you like my graphics so much *blush, hides*.
Thank you <3

I'm going to keep checking your layout from time to time, hopefully seeing soon some of your works! I'm really looking forward to them. Your icon is already cute XD haha.

best wishes, schnurrli.


trapne February 14 2009, 22:41:20 UTC
KYAA *_*
I'm just shaking XD I know I'm stupid ._. but your graphics are so amazing, really, you seem to be a very passioned girl, and I admire you for that.
And you really know how to work with HTML, CSS exc..
I'm a schnurrli addicted. I hope I will be your first fan ever u__u
and I guess I have to apologize, I never left a comment on your page. it's because of my ugly english ._.

yay, happy St. Valentine's Day *.*


schnurrli February 15 2009, 13:28:30 UTC
It took me a lot of time to work with HTML and CSS. When I wanted to make a fanpage over 3 years ago I just looked like an idiot at these codes like ,,mh.. wtf?"xD But now It's easy for me and I'm glad that I learned it through the last 3 years. Graphic and webdesign is part of my hobby and life. I love it and will also do it as a job in my future.

I'm so glad that there are people who like my works. That makes me very happy because I just do the graphics for the people in the world.

You don't need to worry about your english. Mine isn't perfect either but still I speak it all the time because I want to improve it and become better and better. So I would love to read more comments of you at my page and also at my journal. Comments always make me happy, if it's something great or some critism doesn't matter. I'm glad about every comment.

<3 schnurrli.


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