Seattle Times - United States
Oregon inmate loses sex-change lawsuit
By The Associated Press
PORTLAND � An Oregon prison inmate has lost a lawsuit to force the
state to pay for a sex-change operation and transfer him to a women's
U.S. Magistrate Judge Janice Stewart ruled that inmate Anny May
Stevens could not pursue his federal lawsuit
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Comments 8
Corrections to assign inmates to a men's or a women's prison based on
their anatomical sex � not their preferred gender identity.
Otherwise, the judge said, inmates could request the opposite sex
prison based on personal preference.
Once again we see idiots thinking that people would claim a different gender identity just to get into restrooms facilities.
Besides, how could this inmate meet the pre-op Benjamin Standards in the first place? How could one "present as female" when everyone's wearing unisex orange jumpsuits?
If the public is going to pay for any surgery I'd have a list of things I need to have done at tax payer expense.
She did the crime and now it's time for her to do the time.
This article should please the cisgendered community at large anyway. Proving that we are actually human afetr all. *gasp*
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