Title: The Thousandth Man Pairing: Thor/Loki Warnings/Ratings: See Part I. Summary: Our heroes arrive on Earth and meet Jane, Darcy, and Erik. Pop tarts are consumed and secrets are shared.
Awwwww! Loki being an Evanescence fan, for they speak to the pain in his soul made me giggle out loud and then try (and fail) to explain to my husband why that was funny.
Then the last scene of this part was very touching. Poor Woobie Loki.
Ok, I haven't even gotten close to finishing this, but I just laughed hard enough to give myself an ab workout at Darcy's transexual, Transylvania comment. Hhahahahahaha!
Comments 5
Then the last scene of this part was very touching. Poor Woobie Loki.
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