PHASE ONE: The Rebirth of Veronica
AKA I Hope You Brought Bandaids
Previous plot post here, including phases and info on the virus. PLOT POST IS
HERE Remember that weedy redheaded emo kid who’s always moping around here, or popping up to make cynical comments on your optimistic channel posts? Welp, he’s had
a little episode, and now he’s a nine-foot, thousand-pound monstrosity going berserk through the city! The T-Veronica virus has finally kicked in and taken over, and the ship’s favorite chewtoy is now a force to be reckoned with.
In Phase One, which IS NOW UP, your characters will be able to run-in with monster!Steve as he rampages down to the city. Unfortunately, Steve is out of control, won’t recognize any of you and WILL attack given the chance, so your characters will probably not come out unscathed unless they run.
To assist your mental picture/descriptions,
here is official art of Tyrant!Steve and
here is a video of him in action. Tyrant!Steve is not only massive, but he’s incredibly strong and is shown to smash through solid stone and later a steel gate without much of a problem. Despite his big frame, he’s also incredibly fast and has amazing jumping ability (easily clearing 30 feet in the air in-game by rebounding off of walls.) To make matters worse, Veronica causes highly increased cell regeneration, so while he is hurt by bullets, he can shrug them off within a minute and keep on truckin’ without much of a problem. To make things EVEN WORSE, Steve’s blood still lights on fire when it’s exposed to oxygen, so drawing blood from him will just lay a trail of INFECTIOUS fire in his wake.
In short: uh-oh.
Your characters are free to see him, freak out and run away if you’d rather they not get hurt. However, if your characters dare to face him, they will more than likely be injured, and in some cases fairly severely. You are free to choose what sorts of injuries your characters will receive, with two stipulations, as I mentioned on the last post.
1. Your characters MAY NOT be infected by T-Veronica. This sounds dramatic and cool until you remember that we don’t actually have a cure for T-Veronica, so if you catch it, our only option is to stick you in a freezer for 15 years lest you explode into a screaming mass of mutant in an hour or so. Nobody wants that.
2. Your characters MAY NOT die. Steve’s going to feel bad enough about this if he survives, he doesn’t need deaths on top of the stack too.
Otherwise, you’re clear for bumps, bruises, broken limbs, punches, squeezings, smashings, slashings, etc. You can go for blood-burns too, though if the burn breaks the skin your character will be spending the next week under strict watch in a quarantine cell. They will not be infected, but they have every right to worry about it!
I will be happy to thread out the smashing flat of your character, or otherwise injure them in whichever way you prefer. Just let me know ON THIS POST and we can work it. Like I said on the other post though, please submit only one character per mun to be injured in phase one. I can only handle so many threads at once, even if they are just GRRR SMASH.
The only exception to this is if one of your characters has significant CR with Steve and you’d like another one to be involved/injured as well. Then go ahead and ask me and I’ll let you know. If you’d rather not thread it out, feel free to write your character getting otherwise caught in his wake.
If you play a significantly powerful character (like, say, Superman) then you’ll be a bit more of a match for Tyrant!Steve. Talk to me if this is the case and we can work something out. As I said in the last post, though, the stipulation here is that you MAY NOT kill Steve or stop him for long, no matter how powerful your character is or if they use Level 999 Ultra Super Takedown Mambo #5. No. Under no circumstances. I don’t care how powerful they are, they can’t stop him. He’s got places to go and things to smash.
Meanwhile, a small group of scientists and doctors assembles with what might be their only hope of stopping Steve without ending his life...
Phase Two will launch later this week. You may enter a different one of your characters in phase two, or if your characters avoid getting hurt in this phase, they can enter the fight in phase two also.
Post in the first subthread for characters in the city who will be facing down our giant angry emo kid. Post in the second subthread for scientists/medics/engineers/concerned close friends and older sister figures who want to figure out a way to save him.
Feel free to start your own subthreads below that for assorted business/Outsiders meeting/lover's spats and whatnot. If you need to know if your thread is subthread-worthy, ask here.
If you have ANY questions about the plot, please let me know here or over AIM at FullArmoredGG. Happy Smashing!