&.Mod Application.

Jun 15, 2006 19:14


Please use the following form and fill it out with correct information. If we've found that you have lied on this application, you will be banned before you even get to play D:

(remove spaces)

Applicant Information
< b > Name or Alias:< /b >
< b > Age:< /b >
< b > Gender:< /b >
< b > Email:< /b >
< b > Livejournal Contact:< /b >
< b > Instant Messenger Contact:< /b >
< b > Timezone:< /b >

Past Experience
< b > Have you ever roleplayed before (if so, where, how long, and what character/s):< /b >
< b > Have you ever moderated a community/roleplay before? (if so, where, how long, were there any problems?): < /b >

Interview Process
< b > Would you be willing to go through a short interview process via AIM chat? < /b >
< b > How much time could you put into this roleplay?< /b >

Further questions will be asked via AIM interview. If you do not have AIM, you will be contacted by email. All comments are screened for privacy.

mod app

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