Out Of Alignment [Closed] [After Beyond the Sea}

Jan 18, 2012 23:29

||Attention, Attention. The following personnel please report to the Observation Deck. Attention, Attention. The following personnel please report to the Observation Deck.

Billy Cranston
Jamie McCrimmon
Ron Stoppable
Kate Bishop
Dustin Brooks||

On the Obs Deck, the following mission information was displayed, for any who cared to see:

Planet ( Read more... )

ron stoppable, !location: obs deck, lash, kate bishop, punchy, !plot: out of alignment, !location: planetside, billy cranston, jamie mccrimmon, dustin brooks

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Comments 24

Obs Deck Mingling meat_mooks January 19 2012, 04:37:01 UTC
That was about as vague a mission briefing as someone could get. No directions to the temple, and no description of the artifact in question. Still, if anyone could pull it off it was probably the Rangers. Right?

That said, they still had time to figure out a plan before the Obs Deck descended to the planet below.


morphitudinous January 19 2012, 04:59:24 UTC
Billy was immediately suspicious of this whole plan. He'd run the names over and over in his head, immediately drawing up the link between them.

"We were specifically sought out. This could be bad news, guys."


bonnypiperlad January 19 2012, 08:04:45 UTC
A somewhat tired-looking Jamie joined Billy, eyes automatically flicking up to the mission readout at his words. After the mission with Sobek, and the more recent one on Nereus IV, Jamie'd been hoping for some time. Time to work on the house. Time to spend with Victoria. But it appeared he wasn't going to be so lucky.

His jaw tightened at the sight of the words 'jungle temple', uncomfortably reminded of Kalimba, and what had happened there. But he shoved that thought to the side, focusing instead on the list of names...with a gradually sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he realised who all was on there.

"Aye. That's a wee bit too much of a coincidence for my liking."


potentialmonkey January 19 2012, 09:07:29 UTC
"Or it could just be a coincidence? Those've been known to happen." Ron piped up.

"Nuh-uh" Rufus squeaked, shaking his head.

"You don't think so either, huh pal?"


Planetside meat_mooks January 19 2012, 09:08:53 UTC
Turns out directions to the temple weren't really needed. As the Obs Deck neared the treetops, the top of the temple could be seen poking above them. Judging by the distance, it was maybe about an hour's hike away. An hour it hot, oppressive, humid weather, but still just an hour.


morphitudinous January 21 2012, 03:08:07 UTC
"I think I miss the desert," Billy quipped, pointing his scanner in the direction of the temple. The compass function showed him the direction, and he gestured toward it. "It was hot, but not like this. Drier, fewer insect swarms."


bonnypiperlad January 22 2012, 05:12:45 UTC
"Aye." Jamie replies, slapping the side of his neck in an attempt to squish a particularly annoying member of one of those insect swarms, only to see it dart between the gap in his fingers and fly off a short ways. Making a bit of a face, he goes back to helping to break a trail through the undergrowth.

"Or Pelau. A nice wee bit of cold weather would do the trick too."


ron_factor January 22 2012, 05:44:31 UTC
Ron...was not complaining at all. In fact, considering how many jungle missions he and Kim and been on, he was almost in his element.

"Man, you really think this is bad? Try doing it during monsoon season."


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