Working It Out [Open]

Oct 24, 2011 23:23

Terry's first priority when he'd found himself on the ship for a second time, now with so much changed, had been to touch base with those he'd known before, and get up to date on what had happened while he was away. He still needed to go through the ship's roster in more detail to pick out any more familiar names, and find out a few more of the ( Read more... )

!location: sensoriums, terry mcginnis, !status: open, starfire, jamie mccrimmon, stature

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Comments 37

magnetlips November 1 2011, 18:33:28 UTC
Cassie had been thinking along similar lines when she went to the Sensorium. Sure, the medbay had some stuff to help her out with rehabilitation, and with work a lot of her dexterity had come back but at this point she needed to rebuild her muscles.

Cassie stopped at the door when she walked in. "Hey. Sorry, didn't know someone else was in here."

Terry might not recognize her. Her hair was much shorter than it had been, now comfing down just above her ears. Her skin had noticeable lines down the left side from her face to neck made from the clash of subtly different skin colors.


beyondgotham November 1 2011, 19:33:37 UTC
"Hey, no problem," Terry called out from a chin-up bar. He far preferred people wandering into something like this then his attempts to recreate Gotham or working out his frustration on his rogues gallery. At least with something like this, people didn't see a detailed little piece of his psyche.

He dropped from the bar and took a good look at the girl. There was something familiar about her, but it was hard to tell. So much had changed in the year he spent apparently trying to keep his soul from falling out. "Sorry, but... do I know you?"


magnetlips November 1 2011, 19:52:06 UTC
Cassie walked forward. "Oh yeah, I'm Cassie Lang. Might have gone by Stature when you were here. I think we went on a mission together. The one where we found er- empty homes." That hadn't exactly been a pleasant first mission.


beyondgotham November 1 2011, 21:04:46 UTC
The recognition clicked, and Terry's face brightened a bit. He was glad to find another person who had been around before he'd been re-podded. Especially one that had been around for so long.

Oh, that first mission. The one where he had smoke-bombed his team. "Hey, right. Ah... sorry about the stupid stuff I did during that mission. I was nervous, and wasn't thinking things through. That's not really an excuse, but still."


joyous_justice November 2 2011, 01:00:18 UTC
Starfire had no awareness of the idea that it might be impolite to watch someone working out. They were proudly displaying their strength, were they not? It was always a wonderful thing, to watch what well-trained bodies were capable of.

It hadn't been her intention to meet him like this, but after a few minutes of watching she couldn't restrain herself. She strode toward him from the sidelines.

"Do you need to consume water?"


beyondgotham November 2 2011, 02:58:59 UTC
Terry was surprised by the girl who was suddenly speaking to him. Not just that she was there - he was used to people wandering into his sensorium sessions, so that didn't really bother him anymore - but more that it seemed like she had been there for a while. And somehow, he just hadn't noticed.

You're loosing your touch, McGinnis.

He quite suddenly stopped what he was doing - single handed weight lifting - and raised any eyebrow at the girl. "Um... excuse me?"


joyous_justice November 2 2011, 20:32:42 UTC
"Hello!" Starfire pressed on, apparently unruffled by his surprise.

"You must require water to hone your strength, yes?" She had it all ready in a flash. "You will be a fine warrior. Maintaining your health will help."


beyondgotham November 3 2011, 03:27:54 UTC
"Uh, no? I mean, yeah I'd need water, but that's to keep myself from dehydrating. It really doesn't have anything to do with... honing my strength."

Terry was a bit confused as to what he even should say to this girl. Less then a few statements out of her mouth and she was already shaping up to be one of the weirdest, cheeriest people he'd ever met.

"And I'm not really trying to be a warrior, just a vigilante. I guess."


bonnypiperlad November 2 2011, 06:27:22 UTC
Jamie...has been thinking about food, as usual, and so this particular trip to the Sensoriums is less for exercising and more for imagining his lunch into something more palatable. Of course, he would have to go and pick the one that's being used, and is about leave when he catches sight of a familiar face. Grinning, he leans up against a nearby wall, folding his arms over his chest and waiting to see if Terry notices him.

It shouldn't be too hard, he thinks. After all, Jamie still looks pretty much the same as he did before, with the exception of two bracer-like devices he's now wearing on his wrists. But he can't help himself, and pipes up a few moments later with a slightly tongue-in-cheek comment.

"And here I thought ye would have imagined yourself up on some building in a city somewhere."


beyondgotham November 2 2011, 06:37:41 UTC
Terry was rather engrossed in what he was doing - somehow, machine work-outs tended to take up more of his attention then simulated fights. Perhaps because he was used to talking while fighting, but not while doing normal work-out routines.

But he was pulled out of his concentration when he heard a familiar Scottish voice.

"Jaime!" He said, looking up with surprise. Yeah, Jaime had gotten in touch through the omnicomm, but it was still much more surprising to see him in person. "Heh, that's what I thought of doing at first. But you can only beat up so many Jokerz before it gets boring, y'know?"


bonnypiperlad November 5 2011, 06:19:28 UTC
Said Scotsman gives Terry a crooked grin. It's definitely good to see him again. "Aye, maybe so. Although ye could always try imagining them in strange hats that change colors, I suppose. At least then you'd have something different to look at while ye fought them."

He pushes himself off the wall, walking around for a moment and looking around curiously. "Ye know," he comments, "I'd not given much thought to making a place like this for training with the Rangers. Would ye say it's useful?"


beyondgotham November 5 2011, 06:39:48 UTC
"Well, they already do the strange hats," Terry said, "but the changing colors would be pretty new."

Terry was just about to respond with his own thoughts on the sensoriums, but caught himself. "Wait... what d'you mean, 'The Rangers'?" He asked.


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