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Comments 855

Stepping outside cityship February 6 2011, 18:43:50 UTC
As the crew takes their first steps outside, they'd notice a number of other ships in the area, giving the whole thing an almost parking lot feel to it. Numerous different groups of aliens were moving to and from the settlement surrounding the plateau, all looking rather happy and cheerful. Didn't they know they needed to go through rituals to get through?


Re: Stepping outside ronnae February 6 2011, 19:00:54 UTC
Ronnae's eyes grew wide with excitement as the doors open. She lets out a small cheery yelp as she rushes outside, taking the scenery in. She looked in amazement, who would have thought being in a ship for a long while would make you miss the 'real' thing so much? Even if this wasn't her planet she was happy to experience it nonetheless. Her face was beaming as she looked around.

She closed her eyes and looked up, letting the feel of the place take hold.


morphitudinous February 6 2011, 19:05:14 UTC
Billy followed a little more cautiously, observing the ships and travelers as they walked. It seemed that almost everyone walking away was happy, even if he couldn't read every face accurately. Were cheering chemicals manufactured here?

He eventually caught up to Ronnie, watching her joy at the exploration of a new planet take hold. "You're certainly optimistic about this."


ronnae February 6 2011, 19:10:36 UTC
She turned on her heel and smiled up at him. "Well we have to right? If we come here all down and worried and cautious we might give the wrong idea no? We came here diplomatically right?" She asked curiously.


Warm Welcome meatbabies February 6 2011, 18:53:15 UTC
Suddenly, a squat looking alien with a rather large head approaches the crew. He wore a simple white robe, carrying himself much like a priest of some sort.

"Greetings!" he called enthusiastically with a deep voice. "Welcome to the city of Orongo, surrounding the Sacred Mount. I am Domalai, and I shall be overseeing your stay here."

He sees one particular person in the crowd, and beams widely.

"Brother Cargn!" he says, "I see you're here with yet another group. Still, it is good to see you again, my friend."


Re: Warm Welcome daemonomicon February 6 2011, 18:54:19 UTC
"You as well, Domalai," Cargn returned the greeting warmly. "Of course, you know why we're here."


Re: Warm Welcome meatbabies February 6 2011, 18:55:43 UTC
"Indeed we do, but enough of that. We can speak of business once the festivities are over."

He turns back to the rest of the crew.

"If there are any questions you have, I would be glad to answer them."


Re: Warm Welcome ronnae February 6 2011, 19:04:09 UTC
Ronnae eyed the creature curiously. She had half expected to see a draenei of sorts, considering they where the 'aliens' she knew of... But then she thought that was pretty naive and blushed remembering that to azeroth, part of her heritage was alien as well.

Doing her best to get over her shyness and not seem rude in this new planet. She stepped up and bowed respectfully. "I... I'm Ronnae, Ronnae 'Mash Belore Ryllos. It's a great honor to be allowed on your planet."


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