Meat n' Greet

Jan 01, 2011 14:54

The rest of the crew assembled on the Observation Deck to meet the latest editions to their numbers. After the revelation that their worlds are gone, many of them are even more eager to see people they knew from home.

Several people are set up near the doors to provide the new people with omnicoms and comm rings. New crew-mates might see a tall ( Read more... )

ax, aqua, merlin, sasami masaki jurai, daja kisubo, volstagg, thom, kang, angie spica, sandrilene fa toren, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, james, dustin brooks, tim drake/red robin, reimi saionji, !location: obs deck, jaime reyes, tieria erde, hikari yagami, cagalli yula athha, eleventh doctor, nura nal-dox, zoë shepard, eva, !emh, ventus, billy cranston, mary jane, !plot: pod release, duo maxwell, fate testarossa harlaown, kairi, dawn (anime), traci 13, ronnae, tavros nitram, dearka elsman, signum, celena vantari, sonic the hedgehog (games), miranda lawson, roxanne ritchie, andy davis, negi springfield, static, tron, arf, ophelia, scarlet witch, tom berenson, hiccup, remus lupin, ashley williams, edward elric, marco, faiza hussain, sensor, the pyro, howard the duck, ben 10, einhart stratos, matt olsen, red medic, jono starsmore, yzak jule, allenby beardsley, dave strider, nathan petrelli, terezi pyrope, spider-man (older), karkat vantas, lockon stratos, kanoe zouichi, paco, lacus clyne, phillip, yuuno scrya, nightwing, kanaya maryam, setsuna f. seiei, howard bassem, jill valentine, jade harley, dave lister, anwei ayles, kira yamato, dean winchester, judau ashta, feldt grace, tsukasa kadoya, sakura haruno, hay lin, bowser, coconut, aljan, kate bishop, sho fukamachi, reinforce zwei, son of satan, devlin levin, farseer alastirra, querl dox, sokka, hoshi hikari, megamind, kaylee frye, jamie mccrimmon, plays-in-traffic

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Comments 2989

wontendlikethis January 1 2011, 21:58:31 UTC
Arf shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to make of anything. She knew she wasn't alone, at least, which was kind of comforting. But where did she go from here? She had no idea at all. Wandering aimlessly seemed like as good a plan as any though, for now.

She just glanced from person to person in the crowd, her face clearly betraying her anxiety and concern. But there was a chance that she might find someone else she knew, right? She remained in her child form, hoping that she would draw less attention and make her able to move around the crowds more easily. But there was another concern entirely: she wasn't sure where she was getting mana from to sustain herself, so using as little as possible for the time being seemed like a good idea.


pocketloli January 1 2011, 22:11:55 UTC
Rein floated around, greeting new people when she noticed a familiar magic signature in the crowd. Her hopes spiking, she flew over and gasped happily.

"Arf-chan~!" exclaimed Rein, floating over and full sizing so she could hug her better.


wontendlikethis January 1 2011, 22:18:49 UTC
The sudden hug caught her by surprise a bit, but she happily returned it as she recognized who it was. Rein wasn't exactly who she was expecting to find, but her cheerfulness was rather infectious.

"Rein!" she smiled back, nuzzling against her a bit affectionately "You're here too, huh? Does that mean there are others too?"


pocketloli January 1 2011, 22:26:54 UTC
"Yep!" exclaimed Rein, happy to have one of her closest friends there. "Nanoha-san and Fate-san and Hayate-chan, along with Vita are here too! And Vivio-chan and Einhart-chan too! They're from our future and all but I dunno if you know Einhart-chan at least..."

"Haven't checked for others yet but you're one of the new ones!" added Rein.


memorystringzzz January 1 2011, 22:24:10 UTC
Jade stood off to the side, her big white dog next to her. He wasn't about to leave her on her own in such a weird place with all these weird people, although he probably would have if they had been in the Medium instead of here.

She adjusted her glasses a little - it was great to be able to see properly again, watching all of the weird people in the room. There were a lot of emotions she was feeling right now, but her primary ones were confusion, curiosity, and worry.


capture_worlds January 1 2011, 22:42:39 UTC
"Large dog you have there, Miss." Tsukasa said, wandering into the room and taking a small bit of wall to lean against.


memorystringzzz January 1 2011, 23:00:44 UTC
"Oh! Yeah, he is a bit big, but that's just how he is!" Jade smiled, petting her dog and guardian. One thing Tsukasa might notice about him is that he has no face, really, past a mouth and nose. She had no idea who this person was, but she didn't mind talking to him.


capture_worlds January 1 2011, 23:11:39 UTC
Tsukasa started for half a second at the dog's face, or lack thereof. He caught himself, and returned his attention to Jade. "You must come from an interesting world, Miss." He said, checking to make sure his camera had film in it.


level12headache January 1 2011, 22:32:28 UTC
Any of the older crew might recognize someone- at least at first glance. He was coluan- green skin, blond hair (although cropped much shorter than his previous predecessors). He even carried himself in a way that bore resemblance to their last Brainiac 5, the one who hadn't died. But this Querl Dox was not the ones they knew. Instead of three white circles on his forehead he had three tiny circles on his cheek, where the cords of his neural interface ran into his skin. And if anyone who knew the previous Brainiac 5s spoke to him, they would quickly realize that this Querl was different.

He was even more of an ass.


bears_omnitrix January 1 2011, 22:53:42 UTC
Green skin, check. Blonde hair, check. Haughty expression, check.

Wait, there was something about him, something that pegged at Ben's mind.

"Hey, aren't you mom's husband?" inquired Ben.


level12headache January 1 2011, 23:01:05 UTC

"What?" Querl quickly masked his look of surprise, now back to the usual look of mild disgust. "You are mistaken. I am not married- and certainly not to anyone old enough to be your mother." Sprock, did he look like he was into older women? Adults. Tch.


bears_omnitrix January 1 2011, 23:25:19 UTC
"Well you match the description," said Ben, folding his arms. "Unless there's more green skinned people I should know about. Mom's Nura by the way."


nevergetscredit January 1 2011, 22:38:54 UTC
Merlin had nearly had a heart attack when he'd found his magic book among his belongings. If someone saw it, he could be executed!

Fortunately, some of his neckscarves where also in there (although why they were there and not the rest of his clothes, Merlin had no idea). He'd hastily wrapped them around the book, hiding it from view. But he'd feel a lot better if he had a loose floorboard somewhere to hide it under instead.

Which is why he was now clutching it to his chest with knuckles that were turning white, and a distinctly anxious expression on his face.


hisfathersstaff January 1 2011, 22:45:16 UTC
Flying overhead, Negi wondered just how many people were magical on this ship in the meeting. He could feel the usuals milling about but there were some newcomers.

Swooping down over the crowd, he scanned for the newcomer. Ah there he was; the one holding a book.

Huh, he must be new: most magic users when they arrived seemed that squirrelly.

"Hullo!" he chirped from his staff.


nevergetscredit January 1 2011, 22:56:57 UTC
Merlin looked around wildly, half expecting a horde of guards to come out and arrest the boy for using magic so blatantly. He was flying around on a broomstick! How could he not get caught?!

But no one started yelling and pointing fingers, or drawing back in fear.



hisfathersstaff January 1 2011, 22:59:49 UTC
Landing and putting the staff on his back, Negi smiled at him in his most charming manner. He was still young, he could put up the adorable kidlet face right?

"You're a new arrival right? Pleasure to meet you sir, I'm Negi Springfield! Welcome to Stacy."

"And I'm Chamo!" chirped the white ermine on his shoulder. "Pleasure to talk to ya son!"


supersonicracer January 1 2011, 22:44:07 UTC
Sonic was feeling a WHOLE lot better after leaving the pod room. Cleaned off and reunited with his trademark shoes and gloves - and a bit more, to boot. He wore a metal gauntlet over his right hand and was carrying a sword... a sword that was talking.

"Now, explain to me WHY I can't call you that?" Caliburn said, the sword protesting in annoyance.

"Because, frankly, I don't think that sort of thing would fly around here!" Sonic said. "'Sides, a title like that just doesn't suit me!"


seraphicthunder January 2 2011, 04:27:04 UTC
Reimi who was passing by, looking for her friends blinked at the sounds. "Excuse me but do you have a talking sword?" she asked curiously.

That was odder than seeing a four-something talking hedgehog. To her, the talking inanimate object was odder.


supersonicracer January 2 2011, 04:40:11 UTC
"That is correct." The sword said. "My name's Caliburn. It's a pleasure to meet you, madam."

"Eh, don't mind him. He's just a suck up!" Sonic said, off-handedly.

"Where are your manners, Sir Sonic?!" the sword snapped.


seraphicthunder January 2 2011, 04:47:40 UTC
Reimi burst into giggles as she watched the byplay of the pair. "You two are made for each other," said Reimi. "Ah, I'm Reimi Saionji, a pleasure to meet you both."


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