Day of the River

Aug 04, 2010 16:23

Haku's river was like a white snake, curling through the city with a comfortable laziness. It was deep in some places, slow-flowing and calm, except where the veiny surface of Stacy jutted up beneath the soil and forced stones and cobbles to bring rapids to life. There was at least one otherwise undamaged road that was no permanently ruined by the ( Read more... )

!location: the kohaku river, mei-xing, !status: open, !location: the city, haku

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Comments 23

killsfengshui August 4 2010, 20:35:10 UTC
Mei-Xing had wanted to speak to the spirit for a good while, but speaking to a free spirit with that much power at his hands... If he had been an air elemental, she would have been happier. They liked her for some reason. But a water elemental was trickier. Especially one that she had tried to banish once upon a time.

Here was hoping he didn't hold a grudge.

When she arrived, she was relieved to find him already there. At least she wouldn't have to summon him. She hesitates on the banks of the lake, then gestures, purple rings forming around her hands. With the levitation spell active, she steps onto the surface of the water, barely causing a ripple as she walks over to Haku, stopping a respectful distance away. "Good morning, Haku." She nods her head, as if acknowledging a social superior. "I hope you aren't busy at the moment?"


thekohakuriver August 4 2010, 22:53:29 UTC
You are walking on the surface of his river, Mei-Xing. Respectful distance ended a while ago- but he's used to it, from humans, and people like you, especially. He inclined his head in response to her respectful nod, watching her approach with the gaze of a cat who knows the length of it's pounce, and is only measuring the time until you're in range.

"What do you want?" He asked, very calmly, as if asking after the weather.


killsfengshui August 4 2010, 23:28:22 UTC
Oh, good. He isn't instantly furious. That's a good sign!

She clasps her hands behind her back, managing not to look him in the eyes. That would be rather rude. "I intended to build a home in the city, as none of the buildings available suit my needs." She glances along the river length before looking at her feet. The spell has smoothed out the water again, leaving it undisturbed. "However, I would like to build it near your river. I thought it would be... polite to ask your permission before doing so."


thekohakuriver August 4 2010, 23:36:01 UTC
"Where, exactly?" He asked, perhaps more sharply than he needed to. Mei-Xing was a stranger, and a rude one, despite her best efforts, but the idea of someone living on his banks again was both discomfiting and appealing.


galacticfairy August 4 2010, 23:52:33 UTC
"Neat trick."


thekohakuriver August 4 2010, 23:57:51 UTC
Haku blinked. A girl? No, a woman. For a moment the dragon-boy just watched her, and tilted his head slightly, as if to find a better angle, before approaching. The water did not ripple under his feet, instead rising to meet each step as if expecting it.

"It isn't a trick," he told her, still deciding, "Who are you?"


galacticfairy August 5 2010, 00:04:38 UTC
"Sheryl," she said primly. "Sheryl Nome."


thekohakuriver August 5 2010, 01:18:40 UTC
Haku inclined his head in recognition, but made no further movement. Shaking hands was a foreign concept, to him, and he'd become increasingly wary of giving out his full name, lately.

"I am called Haku."


on_errantry August 5 2010, 19:41:03 UTC
As prickly as Haku was to his other visitors, there was at least one being that was always welcome on the banks of the river.

Rhiow padded up to the side of the water - that reservoir hadn't been this deep when she and Katara had dug the riverbed, but then that was a river for you. She gazed out over the surface for a few moments, sharing a comfortable silence with the kami standing atop his other self.

Then her ears pricked forward as she saw a shadowy shape flit by under the surface of the water. Fish. She knew Haku had wanted fish for his river, but hadn't realized he had succeeded in getting any. They must have come from somewhere on Zokez II, before the planet was put in shambles by the attack.

"Dai stihó, and well met on errantry, kami-sama," she said. Unlike many of the others, she knew exactly what - and who - she was speaking to.


thekohakuriver August 5 2010, 19:48:05 UTC
And Haku was more than happy to walk to his friend before speaking, unlike the others, who were forced to come to him, or shout.

"Well met, Rhiow," He replied cheerfully, and bent to touch the fur behind her ears in greeting, "I see you've noticed my fish. Have you yet met Amaterasu?"


on_errantry August 5 2010, 20:08:43 UTC
"I saw the fish, yes," Rhiow said, barely managing to contain herself. She would be courteous, Iau bless it, and not lick her chops in front of the river's master.

But as Amaterasu's name filtered through the Speech, the nuances translated and come back to her, her ears twitched. "I haven't met the Bright One, no." She said cautiously. There were too many Powers on this ship already, and now another one? "At least, not this incarnation. I have met Her in the past, in Her aspect as Aaurh the Destroyer-by-Fire... although the circumstances were a little strange."


who's your favorite river? thekohakuriver August 5 2010, 20:19:55 UTC
"She takes the form of a white wolf. I think she's injured," but the way he said it was unconcerned. Amaterasu was herself, no matter her shape, and at any rate she seemed to be enjoying herself. Who was he to object?

"Or maybe she's waiting for someone."

But Rhiow was practically drooling and Haku gave her a fond smile, relenting, "The red carp are still setting in, but the white have already bred. They'll die in a few weeks, anyway, unless I keep them alive. If you can catch them, they're yours."


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