Not Everyone Loves The Beach [Open]

Jun 17, 2010 14:34

To say that Kelly was having trouble relaxing would have been an understatement. Perched on the tallest, rocky outcrop she could find, the waves crashing against the smooth stone far below her, she was throwing stones across the water almost absently. The way her eyes refused to remain still however, attested to the fact that she was alert and wary ( Read more... )

john connor, kelly-087, sokka, !status: open, sherry birkin, jamie hemeros, !plot: shore leave

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Comments 45

in_venting June 17 2010, 20:03:18 UTC
Since her failed attempt at adventure, Sherry hadn't been out of sight of either one of her parents. Such was the way of punishment, of course, so she couldn't really argue that she could be left alone until her parents decided to again.

So, Sherry took her bucket and shovel and sat at the edge of a tidepool, watching the little aquatic life there with great interest. The little fish nibbled at her toes, which tickled.

But then, something horrible and on little tubefeet, crawled out of the shadows and attached itself to Sherry's foot. An alien-looking starfish (not that they didn't already look like they belonged to another planet).

She screamed.


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 03:03:56 UTC
Amidst the throng of people that frequented the beach, it was difficult for even a Spartan's sharp eyes to pick out individuals. Specially one's as...diminutive as the young Redfield-Kennedy ( ... )


in_venting June 18 2010, 03:07:41 UTC
"Tube feet!" Sherry flailed dramatically in Kelly's arms, "It'sgrossit'sgrossit'sgrossit'sgroooooss!"

Goosebumps had risen on Sherry's arms and she hunched her shoulders up, trying to make herself the smallest target possible. Not that it would help. Because the starfish was still out there. With its tube feet.


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 03:11:28 UTC
There was a moment of confused blinking, before she tilted her head at the girl. It was rather obvious that she didn't have any idea what she was talking about. "Tube feet?"

It was evident though, that whatever it was had had a profound effect on her little Spartan charge, and thus the arms around her weren't loosened just yet. At least, not until she got to the bottom of this.


theregularguy June 18 2010, 00:30:38 UTC
Sokka was wandering along the beach, occasionally stooping to examine a particularly interesting seashell, before he spotted Kelly. A smile spread across his face and the young man broke into a job, waving as he approached his friend.

"Hey! Hey, Kelly!" He waved frantically, as if his voice weren't enough to attract her attention.


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 03:15:57 UTC
The sound of the waves against the rocks was soothing, if not exactly enough to calm the tension that seemed to be a regular part of the Spartan's life. That this tension was brought on only by er own sense of caution was not something that seemed to bother her in the least.

Her thoughts were interrupted however, by the sound of a familiar voice calling out her name. Turning her head, she caught sight of the boy, his arm high in the air. Raising her arm in return, she waited for him to near.


theregularguy June 18 2010, 17:17:25 UTC
Sokka trotted up and sprawled out onto the sand next to Kelly, skidding a little bit and sanding a spray of sand over the Spartan.

"Oops! Sorry, Kelly." He grinned, teeth flashing against darkly tanned skin.

"I haven't seen you around lately. Enjoying the sun and the fun?"


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 17:24:16 UTC
She didn't seem to mind the sand at all, simply brushing it off, and watching him sprawl out on the ground, half amused. He really didn't need much to be able to relax, did he?

"Don't worry about it." She shook her head indulgently.

"I've been busy. Sorry, Sokka." At his question though she shrugged slightly. "Sun and fun isn't really my type of thing."


robots_omgh8u June 18 2010, 04:15:25 UTC
John noted the woman up on the rock. Clearly military, and probably for a long time. Only sort of person that would wear that sort of clothing in a place like this. Of course he was one to talk as he was dressed much the same the exception being he had a plain t-shirt on instead. He was at least a little curious about her. There were more soldiers on this ship then he'd originally suspected, and he was curious to meet some of them. Carefully he made his way to her position making sure she could see him. Last thing he wanted to do was sneak up on her, and have an incident.

Once he was close enough he gave her a nod, and spoke. "Not enjoying your leave either?"


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 04:23:05 UTC
As the man made his way up toward her, Kelly didn't pay him much mind. He was coming up, that was no bother to her. She did keep an eye on him, marking his progress now and then, but other than that, she paid him no mind. It was a free beach, and if he wanted up onto the outcropping as well, she wasn't about to stop him. The way he was dressed though, spoke volumes. And she was sure he was having much the same problem she was. Inactivity.

When he approached though, she nodded to him in return, dropping the remainder of her rocks back onto the ground. "Not exactly. Inactivity doesn't sit well that's all. Back home, it got you dead."


robots_omgh8u June 18 2010, 04:40:19 UTC
"Same here. Also standing out in the open, and not having a weapon with you at all times got you dead too. Been trying to stay busy with stocking up on supplies. Only so much of that you can do though before you need to take a breather." He'd found a lot of what he'd needed so far, but there was still so much that this planet simply didn't have. Well you always had to go to war with the supplies you had, and not the ones you wanted. "Already took care of your supplies I'm guessing?"


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 08:37:31 UTC
"Not too much of a problem here, my kind don't go down that easy. Real danger's complacency." She half smirked, just the corners of her lips curling upward slightly. At his chosen field of activity though, she nodded. She knew just how tedious gathering supplies could be. She knew firsthand about supplies in wartime. It seemed this man had some experience too. And by the way he carried himself, he was obviously military of some sort. "First thing I did. Not ideal, but I'll have to make do."

Though the polishing oil for her armor was completely awesome.


riseupnchargem June 18 2010, 04:46:03 UTC
"You're not out having fun with everyone else?"

Jamie's aimless wandering had led him, eventually, up to the same bluff. Kelly'd been pretty nice to him the couple of times they'd spoken, so he'd made his way over, pausing a respectful distance away.


unsc_rabbit June 18 2010, 08:39:35 UTC
At the sound of the voice, she turned to look over her shoulder at her team member. Offering him a slight smile, she motioned him forward. No need to stand so far away, Jamie! "I'm not the 'fun' type."

There was a pause as she looked him over, did he need something? No. His body language said he'd simply come up to talk to her. Hmm. That was nice of him. "What about you? Come to run some training drills with me?" That? Might have been a joke, Jamie. Just possibly.


riseupnchargem June 18 2010, 19:05:08 UTC
Ah, a kindred spirit. Most people would probably say that Jamie wasn't the fun type, either, though he'd simply argue that his idea of fun was just different from everyone else's. Folding laundry could be its own reward, you guys. Totally.

He ventured closer when she beckoned, hands tucked into the pockets of his new cargo pants. At the suggestion of training drills, he offered the barest of grins, as though it'd occurred to him that she might be kidding but he wasn't certain enough to disregard the request entirely. " - um. Sure, if you wanna. I wouldn't mind something to do."


unsc_rabbit June 19 2010, 06:19:43 UTC
Well, it wouldn't have been accurate to say that she wasn't fun. It was simply that her definition of fun didn't exactly conform to everyone else's. For her, fun was blowing things up, shooting, fighting, running. The adrenaline, the way it got her blood pumping. That was fun.

At his answer, she laughed, shaking her head. Really, she liked this kid more and more. He was going to be a useful member of the team. "Why aren't you off with your friends? The beach doesn't appeal to you?"


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