Vader is a terrible, terrible man. AGAIN. [OPEN]

Jun 04, 2010 21:41


Vader's eyes snapped open as he jerked to consciousness, his last memory of Kenobi's smirk burnt into his memory. The treacherous Jedi had thwarted him again. Why he was not dead was beyond him, but the second time Kenobi had left him for dead without having the stomach to actually finish the deed would be the last ( Read more... )

kyle katarn, sofia mantega, lash, vestara khai, !location: med bay, wedge antilles, darth vader, luke skywalker, simon tam

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Comments 244

ladyofthesands June 5 2010, 03:59:22 UTC
Arha had been waiting, quietly, watching him with wide open curiosity. He had tried to kill Obi-Wan, and here we was at the end of it; stuck to a machine. He had been burned, charred at one point--this she could tell by examining him from the side of the bed. Such would explain the need for artificial support. When he did stir, Arha moved back slightly.

"I would not advise moving until we can devise a more portable unit," she said in a quiet voice. She had chosen to wear her soft brown outfit and it was unmistakably Jed-Eye; the long sleeve puddled slightly against the edge of the bed as she eased herself upright. "This one is hardly adequate. I would ask how you are feeling, but I will take a guess that comfortable was never on such a menu."


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 04:03:59 UTC
"Who are you? Are you responsible for the theft of my lightsaber?" He asked, drawing away from her even as she gave him space. He was frustrated by the weakness of his voice with the vocoder.


ladyofthesands June 5 2010, 04:16:05 UTC
"I am Arha Masaari," she said, her eyebrows arched. "And I did not steal anything of yours. That is the doing of this ship. If you wish to lodge a complaint, you must take it up with the Thinking Machine, Stacy. Such is not anything I can help with."

She folded her hands across her lap, thankful that she had not worn any weapons at all. This was what Obi-Wan had meant when he said Dark Side. Anger and pain rolled up into a ball of bright hate. Arha studied him with bright blue-within-blue eyes, tilting her head slightly.

"I would offer my assistance," she said thoughtfully, "if you would take it." It was true, she was certain she could ease some of the discomfort if only briefly and with concentration, but it would require this man's cooperation and agreement. Such was how all healing worked.


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 04:22:23 UTC
"You are a Jedi," Vader said, scanning the room behind her for anything that could be used as a weapon. "I am not interested in any assistance you can offer."

She seemed baseline human, but he could not be certain- she may have some unknown ability that would hinder any escape attempt, he thought.

"Ships are not made to be sentient," he replied, defiant even while helpless. "Even droids do not think as organics do. The Jedi are slipping in their studies- their pool for kidnapping and brainwashing grows smaller daily."


restoresbalance June 5 2010, 04:31:44 UTC
Luke cautiously made his way into the medical bay. The last time he'd seen his father, it hadn't gone so well--the words I have no son had echoed unpleasantly around Luke's mind despite the fact that he was once more sleeping with his love in his arms--so he admittedly didn't go into this meeting with high hopes.

But he had hopes, and that was enough. Or at least, he hoped so...

"Father?" he called cautiously. "It's me, Luke."


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 04:36:58 UTC
Vader set his jaw firmly, looking up at the ceiling rather than at Luke-- the boy (who was, in truth, older than he was) had information he needed, but the knowledge that his own son was forever lost to him was still too great.

"Have you come to gloat over me in my current state?"


restoresbalance June 5 2010, 04:41:32 UTC
"No," Luke replied simply. On his way over to Vader's bedside, he snagged a stool and perched on top of it when it was in place, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're my father. I'm here to keep you company and talk, if you want."


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 04:44:16 UTC
"You may, if you wish, explain your reasoning behind my capture and imprisonment," he said, still looking at the ceiling, "but I will not be swayed by Jedi propaganda and misuse of truth."


mercjedi June 5 2010, 06:03:02 UTC
Kyle stood at the door for a few minutes observing Vader. He was sure the Sith Lord could already sense him, just as he could sense Vader. Still he wanted to wait before trying to speak to him. It was strange seeing him like this. Growing up, and at the Academy there had always been images of Vader. Tall, and strong protecting the Empire and all that other sithspit.

Idly he wondered if Vader had even heard of him. Losing a Stormtrooper officer couldn't have sat well with him. If Kyle hadn't defected he might have actually served in the 501st. He certainly had the skills for it. Of course he'd have rather served under Thrawn. Imperial all the same, but at least he didn't execute people when he had a temper tantrum.

Finally sighing he stepped forward into the room fully showing his face. "Having a little trouble getting around are we?"


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 06:06:15 UTC
Vader glared. He was inundated with Jedi, it seemed. Arrogant, insufferable, maddening Jedi.

"Has Kenobi sent you to torment me? He knows I will not fail to end his life a second time. If you are unwilling to give him my message, I invite you to come a little closer- you are welcome to see just how well I move."


mercjedi June 5 2010, 06:09:31 UTC
"No, I'm here on my own. Also might want to drop the threats. It's pretty pathetic when you're hooked up to that machine like that." Kyle wasn't about to pull any punches. If Vader was going to be a part of this crew he wanted it clear just where he stood on his usual sort of activities.


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 06:11:56 UTC
"I gave my body in my service to the Empire," Vader growled, "and machine or not, there is nothing that stands between me and the Dark Side of the Force. It is all I need to crush your head like a melon."


yubyubcommander June 5 2010, 06:43:43 UTC
Wedge stood in the doorway, his arms crossed as he looked in on Vader. There was a chilly fear that ran through him at the sight of the man, something that shook him to the core. This was the man who had slaughtered billions without remorse, who had killed some of his best friends personally. He had had to watch from the edge of the combat, helpless to do anything in his damaged fighter as Biggs had been gunned down. There wasn't a day where that scene wasn't replayed in his mind, when he didn't think about how it could have been different.

But no. If he had stayed, he and Biggs would both be dead, an extra martyr for the pilots of Rogue Squadron to raise their glasses to. It would be so easy though, to kill him as he was helpless. Stacy wouldn't be able to stop him before he got a shot off...His hand drifted to the pocket containing his blaster, than dropped away. No. He couldn't. He wouldn't be able to face Luke afterward. Instead he sighed quietly, shook his head.

"'re not what I expected, Vader."


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 06:50:28 UTC
"You are not a Jedi," Vader said, disdain heavy in his voice. "Their numbers must be few if they would resort to sending one of their peons to needle me. I am not concern of yours- go back to your masters."


yubyubcommander June 5 2010, 06:54:24 UTC
"I don't serve the Jedi." Wedge replied, forcing calm. "I'm a pilot. I flew for the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic after that." He paused.

"And I can lay claim to being one of the few pilots to have flown against you and survived." He said with no little pride. Of course, the only reason he had survived was because Vader's shot hadn't blown him out of space and Han Solo had arrived at a fortunate moment.


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 06:58:08 UTC
"I have made a grave mistake in missing you," Vader said. "Allow me to rectify my error." He raised his fist, wondering if he could feel this arrogant little man die before the ship once again reprimanded him.


ayasofia June 5 2010, 07:11:04 UTC
He was not the only patient in the hospital, although Sofia was in much better shape. Her fractured ribs were on the mend but after hugging her friend tight against her, she was fairly sure they needed to be checked out again.

And without his mask, she didn't recognize just who this newcomer was. "Hello."


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 07:13:38 UTC
Vader glared at her, confused by this girl's lack of motive. She was not a Jedi, nor did she appear to be a member of the so-called 'Alliance', here to gloat over his weakened condition.

"What is it that you want?" he rasped.


ayasofia June 5 2010, 07:26:24 UTC
Endless reservoir of angst, meet endless fountain of cheer.

"I thought I would say hello." She sat on the bed next to Vader. "I haven't seen you here before, did you just wake up from the pods?"


sin_and_misery June 5 2010, 14:31:20 UTC
Vader has met his match.

"I would assume that the Jedi had alerted everyone of my presence," Vader said, his voice laden with disbelief. What did this girl plan to accomplish that the Jedi could not?


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