spice & the seaside

Mar 28, 2010 13:27

Arha had woken suddenly in the sort of way one does when they have overslept and forgotten something terribly important.  A date, a person, something massive, something life-changing--something that was no longer there.  She had fallen asleep, not in her own bed, but at a terminal in the media library researching...something.

Energy, it looked like ( Read more... )

arha masaari, !location: sensoriums, katara, obi-wan kenobi, matt olsen, wedge antilles, sherry birkin, !status: open, billy cranston, jamie mccrimmon, luke skywalker

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Comments 123

yubyubcommander March 28 2010, 17:31:13 UTC
Wedge had been hoping to find an empty Sensorium, in order to set up the program for the mechanical introduction to the x-wing. Instead he found himself on an alien shore, cool wind whipping his hair back and warm sand beneath his feet. He paused, not wanting to interrupt somebody's private moment when his eyes settled on the tent. Curious, he moved a bit closer, tugging one flap aside slightly to glance inside.

"Hello? Anyone in there?"


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 17:37:14 UTC
"Wedge," Arha murmured without turning. "I have tea, if you'd like some." Her voice was a bit distant, but there in a quietly wavering sort of way. Distracted. Trying to place her thoughts, her memories, the way they fuzzed and blurred, the way her Mothers-Within shifted uneasily.

"Did you..." Arha blinked and turned to glance at him, the fading remains of Nanoha's damage in bruises and cuts on her face all too vivid. "Did you need this space?"


yubyubcommander March 28 2010, 17:42:18 UTC
"Oh, Arha. No, I was just hoping to figure out the program for some of the training." He slid into the tent, closing it behind him as he took a seat among the pillows, watching Arha.

"And I would love some tea, thank you." He studied her a moment longer, stretched one leg out. "Something on your mind? You seem a bit distracted."


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 18:11:32 UTC
Training. Training for the X-Wings, for the Rogue Squadron. That's what he meant. Yes, that she knew. Arha wordlessly set her untouched teacup down and neatly poured him one of his own. The heady scent of spice filled the air, though there was none of it in his drink as there was in her own. Arha's blue-within-blue eyes caught his as she placed the handle-less cup in his hands.

"I'm not sure," she said in a small voice. "I feel a little lost today. Lost and weary. Such is...an odd feeling."


morphitudinous March 28 2010, 17:51:42 UTC
As he walked, Billy felt a wave of nausea hit him at once. Perhaps an after-effect of...something. His mind wouldn't focus on it. Everything was a blur, as if his head was being scrambled and re-scrambled again and again. Maybe all that bouncing hadn't been a wise decision.

Head hurting, he wandered until his nose caught the scent of something calming---mmm, yes, that was nice. Slowly, he made his way into yet another Sensorium where a tent awaited on a beach. A beautiful beach that wasn't quite what he'd expected. Red waves, white sand?

Taking it all in with what remained of his analytic power, he moved to the tent. A tent that looked incredibly inviting. Were those pillows and blankets? His fuzzy head decided it would be a nice idea to crawl in and rest for a short while. Hopefully the owner wouldn't mind too much.

"Hello?" called his soft voice.


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 18:16:32 UTC
"Come have some tea, Billy," Arha murmured, recognizing his voice immediately and feeling a wave of relief that she was able to put it with the mental image of his face. It was frightening to be so adrift, so out of touch with herself as well.

But this was a familiar face.

And this place was soothing in a hazy sort of way.


morphitudinous March 28 2010, 18:28:16 UTC
This was Arha's sanctuary? Somehow, it was fitting. Comforting and warm, like what little he knew of her. After taking a deep breath, he slipped inside enough to see Arha and her tea in the dim light. Upon finding her, he inclined his head as he settled across from her.

"Thank you, Arha. I'd like that." He noted the damage to her face quietly, reminded all too well of the ordeal they had only recently overcome. He was the intruder here, though, so he'd allow Arha to decide if she wanted to talk and about what. "It's been a while."


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 18:51:22 UTC
"You are welcome and it has been," she said, peering at him as she set her own cup down and poured another before sweetening his tea just enough to enhance the flavor. She offered it to him with the smooth-sided cup neatly balanced on her fingertips.

"Are you well?" she asked, infinitely polite as the heat from the small cup warmed her chilled fingertips.


lackofdarkwings March 28 2010, 18:21:23 UTC
Part of being psychic was also able to hear frustration a mile away. Packing up a small bag of fresh bread and his guitar, Matt followed the sensations along the way to the Sensoriums where he found Arha.

"Knock knock," said the young man from the doorway. "Hate to interrupt your personal time but you feel worried."


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 18:46:20 UTC
"I would be less so if I could remember why," Arha said, peering up at Matt. "Would you like some tea?" she had gone hunting for it again--the reason--and found blurriness and the vague uneasiness of her Mothers-Within.


lackofdarkwings March 28 2010, 18:50:31 UTC
"Ain't that a fact," replied Matt as he set down his peace offering and nodded. "Tea would be fine."

"I can sense unease amidst the rest of the ship. Something the matter?"


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 19:42:43 UTC
"It is a thing unplaced," she said, her voice a touch hesitant as she poured and fixed the tea. "And I seem to have forgotten the reason behind the unease itself. For once such as myself, this is very troubling."


kaya_waterwave March 28 2010, 18:42:45 UTC
Katara had found her way into the Sensorium. There was none of her usual brightness, if anything she was more somber than usual. The spot of forgetting hadn't stopped with Aang: more spots came throughout the week, enough so that Katara finally slunk out of the med bay: it no longer felt like a place she wanted to be in anymore. Sokka had come to see her, and it looked like he had forgotten something too, but it hadn't been as severe. It made her feel lonely, and as the memories started to get dim, she started to feel more isolated than ever.

Popping into the Sensorium turned out to be a good thing: she could see this was the preferred background for a Bene Gesserit. When she saw the tent, she approached the place, smelling scent of Spice in the air.

"Hello?" She asked tentatively. "Anyone here?"


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 18:59:09 UTC
"I am here, my Sister," Arha murmured, letting the words drift lazily, her tone soothing. It didn't take much projection, for her words to reach Katara. "Come and sit with me, the tea is hot and fresh. Such is a good thing for this day."


kaya_waterwave March 28 2010, 21:09:34 UTC
Katara relaxed once she realized that it was Arha: she was hoping it was a Bene Gesserit here. She gave Arha a short bow and sat down cross legged with her taking some of the hot tea. She took a sip and sighed, looking over at Arha.

"Sister, I'm feeling very unsure of myself the past few days. I feel like I'm missing parts of myself, like I don't know who I am."


ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 21:25:00 UTC
"This is a thing I find myself struggling with this very moment," Arha admitted, settling herself neatly. For Katara, she would be a strength, even if she was uncertain herself. "I, too, feel such, and it is a frightening thing to be so lost. But you are not alone in any of this, I shall not let you be ( ... )


in_venting March 28 2010, 19:09:24 UTC
Since some of her favorite reading spots had been damaged in the big mess in the city, and her father had asked that she not go playing anywhere dangerous, Sherry found herself in the sensoriums. It had been a relatively easy choice; instead of being in her room, she could make up wherever she wanted to be.

Still, it felt like she was forgetting something, and it made her wonder what it was. She couldn't think of anywhere she needed to be. All of her homework had been completed. Sherry took a long look around the area, confused, and put her reader in her bag for the moment. As far as she knew, there wasn't any such thing as a red ocean. The little girl hesitated before the tent, her curiosity plain on her face as there was no one around to watch her. Did someone just leave their fantasy running for a bit? Her small fingers brushed against the tent flap.



ladyofthesands March 28 2010, 19:50:20 UTC
The voice itself was unfamiliar, but Arha didn't mind. Company in all of its varied forms was welcome and being alone had helped little enough. She tilted her head gently and smiled.

"You may come in, if you wish," Arha said. "I do not mind."


in_venting March 28 2010, 22:54:33 UTC
Her voice didn't sound very bad, and the little girl still felt bolstered by curiosity enough that she slid the cloth back to peer at the woman inside. Her hair was redder than Sherry's mother, but it still looked nice. Her eyes were curious, and if Sherry thought about it - really thought - she'd seen the lady around before, and hadn't spoken to her.

"Thank you." Sherry answered politely. And then, two seconds later, "Why is your ocean red?"


ladyofthesands March 29 2010, 00:50:54 UTC
"You are very welcome," Arha said, then laughed as she tilted her head to blow across the surface of her steaming cup. "I do not know. Perhaps it is a sea I have come across in the library. It seemed to suit this place."

Her eyes on the girl's face were steady.

"Do you enjoy tea? If you wish, you may have some with me. It is a special tea from the place I am from."


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