Your Picture Out of Time, Left Aching in My Mind [OPEN]

Jan 17, 2010 22:22

As his mecha's gatling gun cools, Sima Yi finds himself trying, once again, to recall just how long he's been here ( Read more... )

!location: sensoriums, katara, mei ling, !status: open, mulan, zhongda, claudia donovan

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Comments 50

sent_herself January 18 2010, 05:29:58 UTC
More wonders of the new world! Mulan is content to watch in awe until she recognizes the face of the driver as one who might not be a foreign devil like the rest of the crew. She waves as respectfully as possible, and bows the same.

"Please pardon this one's intrusion!"


jin_xuandi January 18 2010, 06:32:45 UTC
Intent as he is on the task at hand, the voice startles him, though he's not as irritated as one might expect. He's been hoping, albeit subconsciously, for the chance to show off his newest acquisition a little. "Think nothing of it - this is a public area of the ship, after all." He finishes loading the gun before looking up, and is surprised to see a very young-looking boy in armor that's clearly Chinese in design, though it's a little different from any he's seen before - probably from an era later than his, though clearly not much different, judging by the fact that it already bears the marks of battle. "What's your name, boy?"


sent_herself January 19 2010, 04:56:04 UTC
"Fa Mulan, honorable sir." And she pauses, wondering if it would be terribly rude to contradict one who may very well be her superior. But dishonesty, even by omission, is not becoming of a soldier who has been given her freedom to be honest.

"Though it is beyond this one's status to correct a superior officer, honorable sir, this one cannot be dishonest even by omission. I am a woman."


jin_xuandi January 19 2010, 06:53:45 UTC
"My apologies, then. Times must be very difficult where you come from, if even women are forced to take up arms." At least things haven't been that bad in most of his country since the late king of Wei's rise to power. "And while the courtesy is appreciated, it hardly seems necessary to stand on ceremony when we're all refugees here." There's an icy edge to those last few words, but not directed at her - it's thinly-repressed rage at their situation and hatred of everyone involved in putting them in it. "My name is Sima Yi, courtesy name Zhongda, by the way. Back home, I was First Secretary to the Imperial Han, under Prime Minister Cao." Even if the title doesn't mean much here, however, that's not to say he isn't quite attached to it.


kaya_waterwave January 18 2010, 17:22:09 UTC
Katara was putting off a nap...or general sleep really, as long as she could. She wouldn't do it for long: she'd read up on the effects of those who missed a lot of sleep, and hallucinations didn't seem like her idea of a good time. So she resolved to get some sleep soon after a little wandering: honestly, she was feeling anxious and preferred to have something to take her mind off of that dread. So far she'd been doing well: she'd met Daja and Mulan, had a talk with Sheeana, had a confrontation with Alia and had gotten to know Nanoha and her best friend and girlfriend Fate a little better. All in all, it had been a pretty cheerful last few days ( ... )


jin_xuandi January 20 2010, 06:46:32 UTC
Sima Yi's finally got the new ammo belt loaded when she arrives; he makes a mental note that it's something he's going to need to practice, until he can do it a lot faster. "Nor had I, before I came here," he rerplies. "This machine isn't even from my world, let alone my time." When she introduces herself, he inclines his head politely in return. "It's nice to meet you, Miss. I am Sima Yi, styled Zhongda, First Secretary to the Imperial Han."


kaya_waterwave January 20 2010, 12:40:39 UTC
"Sima Yi," Katara repeated. playing with the words a moment. He sounded like he might come from her world, but she knew better than to think that: after all, Mulan wasn't either, and her name had also sounded like she would have been part of her world. She could clearly see that he was familiarizing himself with the machine though: he was still getting used to the way things operated, and that, she knew, was no easy feat. What she was curious about was the whys.

"If you don't mind me asking sir," Katara continued on, "what exactly are you trying to do with this machine? Are you just trying to understand the technology, or are you training in the new team that just opened up for piloting ships?"


jin_xuandi January 22 2010, 07:01:32 UTC
"Right now, I'm mostly trying to gain a better understanding of the technology. There are a few machines just like this one in Weapons and Possessions - perhaps they'll be of use in the days to come." If there's a situation that requires heavier armaments, he wants to be able to meet it - and while he'd rather be able to rely on his sword and spear, it's clear even from the equipment on the ship that he'd be far outmatched if he tried.


savin_ur_data January 18 2010, 17:30:17 UTC
Mei Ling had been watching curiously. His vehicle was an odd blend of technologies, but interesting nonetheless. Mei Ling was far from an expert on war machines, but she was intrigued and impressed.

When the driver stepped out, she realized she had been watching for longer than she had anticipated. She offered a sheepish smile and a polite bow, "Pardon my intrusion. I was saw your vehicle and wanted to watch it in action."


jin_xuandi January 19 2010, 04:27:50 UTC
He'd caught the flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye when she entered; he finishes loading the fresh ammo, replying, "Not a problem - this is a public area, after all." As enthusiastic as he is about the machine, he feels the need to clarify one point. "It's not actually mine - it's from over seventeen hundred years after my time. However, this seems to be one of those situations where one must adapt or perish - and I have no plans on dying here."


savin_ur_data January 20 2010, 03:54:03 UTC
"Oh my!" Seventeen hundred was quite the long time. "May I ask where you are from?"


jin_xuandi January 20 2010, 06:55:22 UTC
"I'm from China - the one of Jian An 25, if it exists in your world." That's 220 A.D., by much later calendars. "And yourself?"


groovytechchick January 21 2010, 22:46:28 UTC
Claudia had been watching the whole thing in complete and utter awe. A big ass robot - thing! How friggin AWESOME! She rocked forward on her toes, trying to get a better look at all the gadgets - from afar, she didn't want to get stepped on or anything - that would have been not so cool.

Seeing the guy climb out of the cockpit, she's all but bouncing up and down. "Dude! That," she motions toward the mecha with both her hands, "is just... it's just friggin' sa-weeeeeeeeet! Where did you find it?!"


jin_xuandi January 22 2010, 08:15:43 UTC
"It's... there are a couple like it in Weapons and Possessions." He's caught off guard by the girl's enthusiasm and strange dialect - and her very, very red hair. "As my era's weapons are somewhat outdated by the ship's standards, I thought it might be best to learn how to use something a little more modern."


groovytechchick January 22 2010, 08:27:16 UTC
"Seriously?" Oh she was so going to have to go and raid that place again... Hopefully the furball wouldn't try and attack her... Maybe she'd have to think that one over.

She headtilted a little, looking the guy over. "What era are you from?"


jin_xuandi January 22 2010, 08:37:34 UTC
"The end of the Han Dynasty." Though it hadn't ended yet, he and his lord - the new king of Wei, Cao Pi - had been laying plans to force the emperor to abdicate in favor of Cao Pi. It would have only been a matter of another few months before their plans came to fruition. "Jian An 25, to be more exact. What about you?"


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