Lord's F@#$in' Name! [open] [R for cursing]

Dec 02, 2009 23:12

The brothers were being methodical in their mourning; the loss of their world had a profound affect upon them the first moment they had heard it, but it had been absorbed. They were here to do the work of God. If God wanted to end their world, it was not their place to argue ( Read more... )

connor macmanus, !location: the vatican, murphy macmanus, !status: open, the major

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Comments 40

standaloneshell December 3 2009, 18:38:38 UTC
Prayer was not something someone like Motoko had the luxury of. When one was intimately familiar with the deeply mechanical function of every thought and emotion, it was difficult to find much room to have faith in God. Even the existence of herself, a consciousness somehow separate from the synapses and electronic impulse was suspect. She'd never witnessed her own ghost, nor could she. She'd never seen her own brain. For all the Major knew, her skull was filled with Mochi, and what she perceived as reality was nothing more than a very creative illusion.

Cold comfort, but it sure as hell would explain a few things, if true.

"Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines," She called out into the echoing quiet of the abandoned, war-torn Vatican as they passed her on the way out. Cheeky bitch, she could hardly help herself.


st_aequitas December 3 2009, 22:52:18 UTC
The twins stopped and Murphy turned to the woman, one hand resting lightly on his brother's shoulder. Voice light, he offered a small, slightly mocking smile and said, "Ah, but we pray in the sun and the rain. Heat, snow, and gloom of night, too. We're just that dedicated."


standaloneshell December 3 2009, 23:04:35 UTC
"So, you're God's Postmen?" And that was derision in her voice, playful, but without shame; she found them quietly ridiculous, "Or are you simply very dedicated delivery boys?"


st_veritas December 3 2009, 23:10:05 UTC
Connor grinned, swinging an arm around Murphy's shoulders. "That's very good way of puttin' it, actually. We've been relyin' on the 7-11 comparison mostly, courtesy of Murph here."

Connor winked. "We're not always doin' business, but we're always open."


playsin_traffic December 4 2009, 04:24:30 UTC
For all of his knowledge of Gaia and the Garou Nation and it's religion, deep down Tony was still a Catholic. He still believed in God and he didn't precisely shake off a whole childhood of going to church and prayer like that. So, he came down to the sight of his last big fight, past the scorched and blackened stones and into the Vatican. He paused just inside, the door, peering up at it.

He hadn't had time to reflect earlier, but he was amazed at actually being in the Vatican. He'd never thought he would end up there. Well, here, rather. He crossed himself, then gave a nod to both of the brothers as they passed - he'd seen them around, but never really spoken with them, "Hey."


st_veritas December 4 2009, 05:38:04 UTC
Connor looked up from being nearly forehead to forehead with his brother. "Hello."

They seem friendly enough, at least, and utterly at home in the large building.


playsin_traffic December 4 2009, 07:33:15 UTC
Tony couldn't help but grin, slightly giddy as he nodded at his surroundings, "...y'know, it's just sinking in that I'm in the Vatican. Didn't really think about it when we were fighting for our lives and all that shit...."


st_aequitas December 4 2009, 07:42:31 UTC
"'S fuckin' fantastic, isn't it?" Murphy grinned back at the man, quickly picking up on the extra energy.


madeofwyn December 5 2009, 03:07:58 UTC
"There were zombies in the Vatican. Zombies in the Vatican." Wyn mutters, staring up at the Holy See with her head tilted. "Christ, when did my life turn into a horror film?"

... it is fairly safe to say that while Wyn's Irish Catholic, she's not a particularly good one.


st_veritas December 5 2009, 05:15:27 UTC
"'Bout the time you started livin' a oozing, breathin', livin' ship, I imagine." Connor leaned casually on his brother. "Weird, innit?"


madeofwyn December 6 2009, 18:39:30 UTC
"Everyone knows zombies are a bad idea. Everyone--" Wyn starts as she hears Connor, quickly turning her head in the direction of the voice. "--oh, sorry, didn't think anyone'd be here."


st_aequitas December 9 2009, 00:46:17 UTC
"Ought to know better'n that, really. Always Somebody here," Murphy reminded her, smiling as he leaned into Connor. "But if you're wanting space, we can get out of your way."


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