born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe [open]

Nov 16, 2009 22:14

Lafiel floated in the great chambers, weightless and warm as a great womb. Organic docking clamps (T-shaped with surfaces like teeth) held great shadowy shapes, sleek and metal. They were curved, beautiful and deadly.

The first clamp held a ponyu class, the only fighter in the Abh fleet. Its split tail and rounded body gave it the appearance of ( Read more... )

!location: vehicle bays, !status: open, holly short, spaurh, robert donovan, lafiel

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Comments 43

bostonbeatcop November 17 2009, 03:19:10 UTC
Rob had taken a wrong turn somewhere. He was certain of that. Because he honestly had no idea how he had gotten into this huge chamber, packed full of vehicles. Everything from what looked like biplanes to what he could only assume were starships of one kind or another filled the space. He pushed off into the zero gravity, flailing uncertainly as he floated across the bay. It was a new experience, this weightlessness. He looked around, spotted another moving shape.



not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 03:23:30 UTC
From the side of the ponyu, Lafiel recognized the shape of a lander flailing in zero-g. She waved and called before pushing off the side to catch him. "Mr. Donovan!"


bostonbeatcop November 17 2009, 03:26:03 UTC
Robert grunted as the smaller woman caught him. He was amazed at how well she handled herself in this environment, the easy way she grabbed onto him to stop his pointless movement.

"Oof. Thanks for the save, Your Highness." That was correct, right? She was an emperess after all.


not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 03:38:12 UTC
Lafiel was completely in her element and floated along side him as they waited to contact the other bulkhead. "It is the least I can do after what I put you through the other day."


thehollycopter November 17 2009, 04:36:33 UTC
Holly was exploring, trying to get used to the layout of the ship. It was complicated, sure, but nothing was a bad as the miles and miles of caverns that made up Haven city.

She shouldn't have been surprised to find a shuttle bay, but she was. Lightly floating into the chamber, she reached out and gently touched the hull of the ponyu. Always a flyboy at heart, Holly was certainly interested in this ship.


not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 18:11:47 UTC
Hello other our-elves-are-different girl. Lafiel appeared from the other side.

"Greetings captain. This is a ponyu class fighter."


thehollycopter November 18 2009, 00:13:40 UTC
"Lafiel," Holly greeted the not-quite-elf with a nod. "Is this a type of shuttle from your world? As in, for space?"


not_prncss_tldr November 18 2009, 00:33:56 UTC
"Yes, this is a ponyu class. It is the only vessel in the Abh fleet that could properly be called a 'fighter', though it is used more for police work." She patted the metal hide affectionately.


unsc_rabbit November 17 2009, 18:22:04 UTC
Kelly had stepped into the vehicle bays to check and see if there were any familiar craft she was certified for. Stepping into this bay however, she felt herself lifting off the floor as the gravity disappeared. That being the case, she kicked off with her toes as hard as she could toward one of the ships. It would be a great help if she could just grab one.

Then she spotted the Abh. A small smile flitted across her face. Figured Lafiel would be here.

"Getting your hands greasy, Empress?"


not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 19:55:06 UTC
Lafiel turned towards the source of the sound with a movement of the hips that caused her to rotate around her central axis. She waved to the Spartan. "Abh ships do not use grease!"


unsc_rabbit November 18 2009, 04:22:23 UTC
Kelly stopped her momentum by hooking a foot in an overhead handhold and hanging upside down as she greeted the empress. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little grease."

She smirked slightly. It should be noted that her hands and face are smudged with the aforementioned grease. Looks like someone had been busy.


not_prncss_tldr November 18 2009, 04:37:00 UTC
Lafiel was completely comfortable with this seeming reversal in motion and talking to Kelly as if she were facing her right side up. "Were you cleaning your suit?"


bored_admiral November 17 2009, 20:09:42 UTC
Spaurh floated effortlessly in the zero-gee of the chamber. This was blessedly familiar and after a month or two of high gravity, she felt free and light again. She pushed off of a wall, peering through the massive collection of vehicles as she searched for Lafiel. She tapped at her comm ring, << Highness? I'm trying to locate you. >>


not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 20:13:26 UTC
Lafiel tapped hers twice, sending a homing beacon. << In the assault transport. Come in, there's something I think you should see. >>

The pilot doors sphinctered open with a hiss.


bored_admiral November 17 2009, 20:23:45 UTC
Spaurh floated over, bracing herself as she ducked through the doorway. She paused, letting her eyes adjust as she glanced over the room. She'd been about to ask what it was all about, but she fell silent as she saw the anti-matter mine. A grin slowly spread over her face as she drifted closer, "Well. This is certainly an interesting find."


not_prncss_tldr November 17 2009, 20:30:32 UTC
"But a more problematic one than it first appears. With this in the hold, we can't use it as a transport and we don't have the almfac hookups to control the mine directly...Not to mention the danger should it be hijacked. I'd trade all three in a moment for Basroil...or your Futuune for that matter." Lafiel was deep in concentration, hooked to the pilot controls. Numbers scrolled past on the displays. "It's fully fueled."


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