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The Medbay -- Reactions cityship November 9 2009, 09:39:29 UTC
The people in the Medbay have a lot to think about now. There are still injured people to treat and they might want to offer some comfort to each other after what they've just found out.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions kawalskyeffect November 11 2009, 03:26:41 UTC
Also lucky for her Kawalsky was pretty strong, strong enough to lift her up onto one of the beds. He checked her pulse and looked her over. If she were a man he'd try slapping her awake but...

"Uh, medic?"


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions notastaffchick November 11 2009, 03:35:07 UTC
"What happened?" Hunter asks, trying to sound brisk but ending up only slightly less polite than usual. He didn't quite catch what happened, but he can see an unconscious girl about his age on a bed.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions kawalskyeffect November 11 2009, 03:37:01 UTC
"I don't know. She was upset and tried to punch this guy. He stopped her and put his hand around her throat for a few minutes and then let go of her. I didn't think it hurt her." Kawalsky was genuinely clueless.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions deep_sky_diving November 11 2009, 05:07:19 UTC
To all appearances Tess is healthy-vitals all a little more aggravated than they should be, but that's probably understandable, given the situation. Maybe it was just how the stress finally got to her.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions notastaffchick November 11 2009, 21:10:28 UTC
"Unless this guy was Spock, it shouldn't have done anything." Hunter says absently, checking the girl's pulse quickly. He thought for a moment, then glanced anxiously over at Kawalsky. "It wasn't Spock, was it?"

Hunter got kidnapped by a living spaceship full of superheroes, survived a zombie invasion, and found out his whole universe was completely destroyed. To him, a Vulcan Nerve Pinch sounds almost normal right about now.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions kawalskyeffect November 12 2009, 03:50:58 UTC
"No, he wasn't Spo-" He turned to look at Hunter. "Wait, Spock? Really?"


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions notastaffchick November 12 2009, 23:18:51 UTC
"After today? I feel like I have to ask."


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions playsin_traffic November 9 2009, 18:32:27 UTC
Tony staggers in. He's covered in gore, ichor, and various other nasty bodily fluids. His arms up to his elbows are literally dripping, leaving a spattered trail of blood and other nasty fluids behind him. He slumps against a wall, cradling his head in his hands as he starts to break down in hopeless, wretched sobs, mixed with strained laughter. It's always like this after he frenzies. It's always like this after a long fight. The realization that you just waded through a sea of blood and guts, that you can only remember snatches of the fight, the world washed in red. The realization that you probably came within inches of death and lived ( ... )


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions withteethbared November 10 2009, 02:19:14 UTC
Have a little whining noise, Tony. And... yes your good arm has been licked.

Bella's ambled over to him. She's covered in zombie gore too all worked into her fur, and bites and bruises and scratches. She's in pretty good shape overall under the mess, though. Her wounds now are mostly those that didn't have time to heal up before she shifted down. The pod suit she'd had is entirely gone, shredded off her in the fight.

Bella wags her tail slightly, almost questioningly.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions playsin_traffic November 10 2009, 02:22:10 UTC
Tony glanced over at Bella, looking bone tired and horrendously distraught. He's just been through Hell or as near as it comes. Without another word, he pulls the wolf against him, hugging her tightly as he murmurs.

"...we made it. We made it. We're alive."

But that doesn't change that everything is gone.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions withteethbared November 10 2009, 02:29:36 UTC
Bella would ordinarily squirm away but... they've had a rough day. And she doesn't mind. Wolves are touch-y.

"We did," she says, with a note of pride. "It was a good battle. We won."

She's coping about her pack by not thinking about them. Either dead, or lost somewhere in the pod caverns below. She aches to see them.

"Is the Wyrm dead?" she wonders aloud. If the universe fell apart... It's hard for her to imagine.


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions playsin_traffic November 10 2009, 02:30:40 UTC
"It... it might be. But that means that Gaia..."

He trailed off, not wanting to think about it. If Gaia was dead, what did that mean for all of them?


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions compromise_wolf November 10 2009, 02:34:57 UTC
"If we are not certain about the Wyrm, we are not certain about Gaia."

Leaf walks towards the pair, splaying her ears out for a moment and betraying her own uncertainty about the matter. But they prick forward again as she nudges at Tony and then at Bella with her gory muzzle.

"And if Gaia still somehow lives, we can still fight for her."


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions withteethbared November 10 2009, 02:39:26 UTC
"Mother Gaia." Bella's ears perk up.

"Maybe we can find her again. If so many Garou are lost she will need us very much."

"There are still Garou. They are just asleep. When they wake up we will find them, too."

But Bella, privately, likes to think the Wyrm is dead. Ha ha! They've outlasted it!


Re: The Medbay -- Reactions playsin_traffic November 10 2009, 03:25:30 UTC
"I'm just... so damn tired. I musta carved through at least a couple hundred of those damn zombies, not to mention the giant ass thing with goddamned tentacles."

Plays groans and slowly clambers to her feet, "...I gotta go find someone, guys. Stay good."


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