Hello everyone!
My name is Starfire, and I assist with our ship's welcoming committee. You may have seen us at pod release gatherings, but I realize that we should be more involved in welcoming all of you to our crew. I do not enjoy seeing others feeling lost or alone.
So it is my wish that we all extend warm hands of welcome to each other! We are comrades on the same side of the battle. We may have grudges, and we may have differences, but I hope that we can set them aside and show kindness.
I would like to begin by offering each of you arms for embracing and ears for listening. If you visit the city park tomorrow afternoon, you will find me beside anyone else who chooses to assist me. We will offer you an embrace for as long as you need to feel one.
You do not have to announce that you are attending unless you wish to assist me in sharing embraces. We will be meeting among the trees, since I have learned that some of you do not like to be seen by others while your arms are around each other.
Please, everyone, come if you are able! Those of you who feel alone or that no one would care are especially welcome to join us! Please, do not be afraid. I would be delighted to meet all of you. And do not forget to embrace all of your friends as well!
((Log will go up early tomorrow, this is just a call for volunteers))