Sprawled out on her front, right in the middle of the spacewalk, is one Vala Mal Doran. She's booked out a mini-player video thingy from the Media Library and is watching re-runs of 'Dallas' of all things, idly kicking her legs around in the air behind her. Maybe the recent shore leave gave her the taste for cowboy hats as she's still sporting the
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Vala shifted round a bit, angling herself so that her left side faced him. "Daniel!" she said chirpily but sideways on with a smile that was all teeth. "I was just thinking about you, and how busy you must be."
And if that just now wasn't a barely concealed 'get lost', he'd turn in one of his PhDs.
"I needed some air." Mostly the truth. Not that he missed her hovering or anything, but after the shore leave, things had ended on a weird note. She'd said a lot of things he didn't think she would have under any other circumstances, wildly personal, vulnerable things. He leaned over, peering over her shoulder from where he stood at what was in her hands. "What are you up to?"
"I'm not quite sure that's what anyone means by culture," Daniel certainly wouldn't have used it as a good example of Earth entertainment. Or anything indicative of Earth storytelling to an offworlder. "Who's JR?"
"Oh." Well that was a disappointment, she was hoping to score points here and so far she'd been thoroughly enjoying it only to have Daniel dismiss it. There was nothing like Earth soap operas in her world and she'd found the less believable they were and the more plot twists there were, the more she revelled in it. "Well he's a rich oil baron and the eldest son of--I forget her name, but his wife is Sue Ellen and she's an alcoholic and he has enemies around every corner and--" Vala stopped herself, wondering if he was remotely interested.
"Well I like it," she said defensively.
His complete lack of interest must've showed on his face. Possibly the blank stare. Or the way his gaze started to float back to the far more interesting corridor. It was the look Daniel tended to get when he found himself wishing he could go back to his artifacts instead, usually when faced with the prospective of a long briefing or having to put on an appearance at hearing just for the sake of politics.
"You like what you like," Daniel was the very image of diplomacy.
"Precisely. So if there's nothing of any further interest here, I wouldn't want to be held responsible for keeping you from your mountains of work. I'm sure broken artifacts are infinitely more fascinating to an archeologist of your intellectual calibre than old soap operas."
Not once did she look up at him or turn to face him properly, she managed the entire conversation by simply glancing sideways at him.
And if it was, some part of him was deeply offended that a second rate soap opera was more interesting than he was. Daniel, deliberately oblivious, let the more blunt signal to leave fly over his head.
"I needed a break. It's not going anywhere. Actually..." Daniel pretended to suddenly remember. He tapped his chin. "I wanted to talk to you about the last shore leave."
"Shore Leave." That was a pretty big subject, whatever he wanted to discuss it wasn't going to be over in a matter of minutes. "What about it?" She paused the video player in her hand with some irritation. Obvious irritation.
"You do realise I think J.R is about to get shot?"
Giving him five minutes of her time wasn't nearly the chore she made it out to be. The look on his face could only be defined as either dumbfounded or steadily annoyed. It wasn't like he was about to debrief her on the significance of runes recently found on a set of ruins SG-4 stumbled across.
"Yes, about the night you came into my room," he clarified. Not the day of, not the morning after, he wanted to talk about that night. "You asked something of me. I'd like to know what you meant."
She asked him something? What had she asked him? Oh that... the entire reason she was laying low given why she'd got into a bar fight. The momentary confusion followed up by that sinking look on her face was all more then evident. If she hadn't pulled the hat brim forwards another inch or two and completely obscured her sizeable purple souvenir that is. Enjoy your conversation with a brown suede hat, Daniel.
"You'll have to jog my memory," she floundered, buying time.
Daniel saw it across her face the moment the hazy memory of the night in question returned to her. And if that wasn't enough to implicate her, Vala making the sudden decision that her hat was just as good as any fortress kind of sealed her fate.
Biting his lip, Daniel considered the hat wall. "You know what I'm talking about." What he didn't see the point of was Vala lying about it. They both knew she remembered enough. She might as well save herself the trouble. Them she could get back to her "cultural immersion". He crouched at her side, a sure sign he wasn't going anywhere else fast now. Cocking his head, he tried to peer under the brim.
"Can we please talk about this like adults?"
Resignedly she removed the hat and faced him properly. There was no use in trying to hide it anymore, he was going to notice it sooner or later and she might as well be the one to relent.
Besides, lying was still an option. Vala smiled at him guiltily, her eyelid was an interesting marbled effect of purples and yellows, her purple cheekbone outlined with orange definitely larger on that side of her face and her eye didn't quite open all the way. All in all it was a bit of a mess.
"You're right. Of course we can."
Vala's face was a mess. The smile might have been lopsided, but attractive-lopsided, on any other day, but today wasn't it. It ended up looking ugly, and worse, painful for her. A rainbow of bruises mottled her face. The area around her eye looked puffy. The only good part was that they didn't look extremely recent, but considering the last time he saw her wasn't that long ago, and she'd been fine then...
Daniel's mouth closed with an audible click of teeth. "What the hell happened to you? Who did this?"
It just didn't seem to come out that way when her mouth opened. "I was attacked on the planet. Some local thugs decided I must have been easy prey."
Well it wasn't a complete lie, they did attack her.
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