In light of his injuries, Tim hadn't been doing as much work as he honestly would have liked to-- he was supposed to be taking it easy while he finished healing, and thus had spent more time around as himself, as opposed to as Red Robin
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The goggles are still on, though. Because.
He pokes his head out and waves to Tim. "I think I'm hitting a breakthrough on this SOS shiznat. Froze a bunch of the distress call's code with a recording gig, been looking it over for like..."
He checks his watch. "I don't know, twenty-six hours? Either it's starting to jigsaw itself into sense or I'm mad jacked on sleep dep."
On the other hand, sometimes he made it hard for Tim to take him seriously.
Tim raises an eyebrow under his cowl at Punchy suddenly calling him, but it was clearly work related (even before he explained). He peels himself away from his own projects, turning to face Punchy before he moves closer to the tent.
"I take it you'd like a second opinion, then?" he asks. And he knew how sleep deprivation could wreak havoc on proper work. Not that that stopped him in the past, either. But still, to hit a breakthrough-- considering what they had-- was impressive.
And honestly, he was vaguely impressed. Punchy was certainly smarter than he seemed, and he had done some good work with this.
Red Robin nods, looking it over, before he actually-- nearly-- smiles a little. "Not bad at all," he comments, looking over all of the information on the screens. It seemed solid to him, as well. Lack of sleep or no, Punchy'd gotten it. "Nice work," he adds, casually, before he straightens up. He figures they should investigate right away.
"It was no big. Just a little elbow grease and some cranking with the binary. Gummi worm?" He holds the nearly-empty bag out to Tim. It's very likely Punchy hasn't eaten anything else in the last twenty-six hours. "Or you wanna just slap leather and see if we can find some prints or DNA or whatever shizz on whatever this is?"
Unless it's the real thing! In which case they should bring backu...nawwwww they're superheroes, they can handle anything.
"I'm fine," he comments offhandedly, turning his attention to the more important matter at hand-- locating the source of the signal, in the city. "Let's get out of here," he answers, voice serious because when is it not, ducking out of the tent. "The faster we make ground the better." He was all about efficient time usage.
"You got a GPS or something? Or a map?"
Still, he makes note of the coordinates himself, silently, pulling out his communicator from his belt.
"The communicators can serve that purpose," he answers simply, inputting the information as he walked. Save it no, instead of later.
"I ain't hit the streets here much. You know what joint the map's pointing us to?"
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