The Maingate Hotel was pretty extravagant, and an entire section of it had been eked out for the crew's use during their stay. They had several suites, three communal areas, a conference room, their own kitchen with a chef on call if they required her
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The archaeologist found Luthor somewhere he hadn't expected him. He thought Luthor would be in the thick of things, talking with the rest of the teams, gathering information. Daniel was surprised to find the man was actually more off to the side, watching everyone. Just like before, he seemed laid back, so sure of himself that he was completely at ease with the world around him. Thanks to Luthor, they had more information, more than had been offered. Granted, they should have had all this to begin with, but Luthor had been the one to get it out of the Councillor. Of course he'd practically twisted his arm to do it, and the whole thing had been effortless.
"You were impressive in there," Daniel's tone was was mild, careful. Not quite a compliment.
"You, at least, managed to keep your cool." There was a very subtle tone of Well, at least you're not a COMPLETE screw up, in hos voice, despite the pleasantness.
Gee thanks. He might as well have said the backhanded compliment out loud. Daniel had heard that kind of thing from a few professors and fellow academics before, although they got a lot less subtle after his last lecture. Luthor just happened to top the rest of them by backing it with such pleasant look that you almost wondered if you were just overhearing things. And he was being patronized in the same breath, as if he'd never done a negotiation or first contact with a culture before. As if he needed some reassurance.
Daniel gave him a tight smile. "Just doing my job. We're not going to get anywhere by yelling and chest beating at them. Besides, it bought us some time."
"Hopefully in that time, cooler heads will prevail." Though he doubted it. Even a quick glance around the room could tell him that the rage was only narrowly being kept at bay.
"Though, if you don't mind my asking, Dr., what's your opinion on this society, in general?"
He had to like Daniel's objectiveness in how he delivered that answer. But Lex didn't necessarily want total objectivity. "I imagine their historical data must be pristine and well preserved. Over five millennia of history and development, none of it lost to things like poverty, revolution, war, and pestilence."
Daniel wasn't surprised to find that Luthor was connected to the arms industry. Well, not solely, but mostly. The fact that he was something of a jack of all trades, intensely ambitious wasn't a shocker either. That wasn't the friendliest thing to think, was it? Daniel suspected part of his reaction to Luthor was because he was a big time CEO, because who knew, maybe Luthor was perfectly nice outside the job. Until he remembered what happened only a few hours ago. Someone who was all around a good person didn't do that. Bad people could do good things and good people were just as capable of doing bad things. But the ease at which Luthor manipulated Allin, and the fact he hadn't hesitated at all, made Daniel suspect it was something he did pretty often. You didn't get that good at crushing someone on your first attempt ( ... )
"Oh, I don't know. Once would think that some mention of it would survive in a history book, somewhere. Though, I admit what strikes me, five thousand years of peace and prosperity, yet it was only ten years ago that the ethical argument about clones comes to a head. You'd think that in any diverse, civilized society, such a debate would have raged on for years.
"Interesting that there doesn't seem to be one."
"I'm not implying anything, Dr. I'm simply wondering why the only voice of dissent regarding the clones comes in the form of terrorism."
"They were already forced to rethink their terms when we refused to deal with them further."
Was it only terrorism? Again, they only had Allin's word and whatever they decided to give them in terms of information.
"If there were attempts at nonviolent resistance, do you really think Councillor Allin would tell us? Much less even give us complete access to their data banks."
There was almost a smile at Daniel's question about Allin.
"My guess would be no, not an image conscious society like this. However, even if he won't give us the information, it would be something worth learning; give us a more full view of this society."
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