Stacy's voice rang out through the corridors of the ship, announcing that a message had been received and would be played on the Obs Deck momentarily.
The message was patched through a few minutes later, shown on a holographic screen. It was shot in very poor video, from a very old communicator frequency.
A plea for help. )
Out of respect for the sick, Daniel left the majority of his stuff at the landing. It wasn't going to be too hard to get to if he needed it. The archaeologist doubted they were going to take any of it, if the way he caught some of the people eyeing it was any indication. The Oryans had already shown an open-mind and patience just by tolerating it in the first place. Daniel didn't want to step on their toes more than necessary.
It didn't take too long to find the one he was looking for. Daniel knelt.
"Hello. Are you Tamil?"
"Hello," he said. "I'm Tamil. And you are the skyman too, right?"
Daniel looked at the compress, and after a moment, slowly lifted his hand so Tamil could see what he was doing. The archaeologist gently touched the back of his first to fingers to it, checking the temperature, if it needed to be changed for a new one. He thought it seemed fine but fine was relative and he was coming from a Tau'ri perspective. Maybe it wasn't fine for them.
"How're you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything? Blankets? Another compress?"
"She's probably right, you want to take in as much water as you can when you're sick. You're not allowed to drink outside water brought in?" Maybe they had sterilized the water somehow? Maybe a form of medicine? Daniel didn't quite offer to get any outside water for him yet, careful of stepping outside their bounds for now. "Sorry, 'Her' wrath?"
"I can answer questions," he said. "I've answered many already but people say I'm good at it."
"Thanks. If you're getting tired-" ...more tired, Daniel corrected himself silently, and winced. "-just let me know and we can stop any time ( ... )
Tamil sat up slightly, taking the cold compress off his head briefly. "Avani protects us, but She will not protect those who do not honor Her."
"You should rest," he said, reaching over to gently ease him back down. "You shouldn't strain yourself. You're safe here."
Daniel glanced around at the other sick, to see if they had some privacy. This was obviously a sensitive subject. "So you strayed from her. Or She thought you strayed. Why did she think this? Something must've happened recently to cause people to turn their eyes away...."
He looked around them as though to make sure that other people could hear him, even raising his voice. "There is no other than Avani! We who have made the mistakes, we who haven't listened, She is punishing us!"
So religion was a touchy subject. It was in a lot of places, and if he wanted to continue this line of thought, Daniel was going to have to go with Tamil on it. The archaeologist didn't like having to go down this route: for a moment there, Tamil's desperation to please reminded him of the same desperation in the Abydonians to please Ra. It reeked too much of the Goa'uld inflicting their whims on their worshipers. The worst part is that many of those worshipers really, honestly believed that they deserved being tortured or killed ( ... )
"I looked at the sky," he said. "I looked at it for hours, though they told me not to. Avani saw the skylight in my eyes and then I was punished."
"That's it? You looked at the sky," Daniel repeated incredulously, although he kept his voice down. That was it? That was his sin. Daniel wasn't sure how that was a crime, there wasn't any avoiding looking at the sky here, not unless they were underground. He got the feeling he was seriously missing something more to the picture. The issue of how exactly Tamil was punished, what Avani's Wrath entailed, could wait. He needed to understand this angle more.
"What do you mean by the 'skylight in your eyes'?
Actually another question was coming up, but Daniel kept it to himself. If anything to do with the Sky was taboo, what did that make the landing party, since they were supposedly all Sky People?
"We are not to look at the sky. Or... we are not to look for..." Tamil drifted off.
"I only wanted to see if She was still there. But Avani forbids us from looking."
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