SVU Drabble: Eating Out

Sep 27, 2005 13:26

Title: Eating Out
Words: 110
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: M for Mature.
Summary: Olivia teaches Alex the nuances of fine dining.

“C’mon, say it.”

“I can’t. It’s so..crass.”

“What? Alex, the Ice Queen, is above being a little crass?”

“Well, there was this one time in college.. Hey!” Alex yelped, looking down to see a devilishly smiling Olivia taking a more than playful nip from Alex’s thigh. She sighed, taking a nervous glance around. Gazed through heavily fogged car windows, making sure the coast was still clear. “It’s just, when you said you’d be eating out tonight, I thought you had something a little different in mind.”

“Oh, don’t you worry,” Olivia rose from between Alex’s legs. Her hands moving down towards the zipper of her jeans. “You’re eating out too.”


x-posted at ob_fangrrl

fandom: svu, femslash, fan fic

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