SVU Drabble: Anticipation

Sep 27, 2005 12:26

More for the ob_fangrrl Drabble Challenge.

Title: Anticipation
Words: 231
Pairing: Olivia/Special Guest Star!
Rating: M for Mature, with slight Kink!Fic! Warning.
Summary: Olivia lies in anticipation.

Olivia pulled anxiously at the restraints holding her to the headboard. She knew what the woman could do. What she had done. It’s what Olivia wanted her to do that made the sweat glisten on her skin. Made her body writhe, her back arch, a dry tongue lick over even dryer lips.

The anticipation was killing her.

She hissed as full, red lips clasped around a nipple. Suckled, licked, teeth nipping, torturing her in ways that were the opposite of painful. Let out a low groan as those beautiful torturous lips pulled away.

Then, with soft, firm, strong thighs, she straddled Olivia. And she could feel the wetness that matched her own desire slicking her belly. She began to writhe over Olivia, slow sensuous movements that took her breath away, heart hammer beneath her chest. Danced over her as her hands played with Olivia’s breasts, pinching and teasing already erect nipples.

“Please,” Olivia grunted, arms straining now, yanking against the handcuffs. The woman over her leaned down, ran her tongue across Olivia’s lips, before leaning back, smiling devilishly.

“Please what?” Melinda Warner smiled, stilling her motions.

“Please Mistress.”

“That’s better.”

She descended upon Olivia. With lips, tongue, mouth, body, skin against skin. Olivia groaned louder. Head thrown back onto the pillows as she felt Melinda’s hand sliding between them, between the wetness, the heat, the want.

And Olivia anticipated no more.


A/N: Tamara Tunie's hot, yo! And now that she's in the opneing credits maybe she'll get more fandom love.

fandom: svu, femslash, fan fic

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