Title: Caught Red Handed
Words: 242
Pairing: A/O
Rating: M for Mature
“Frottage?” Alex leaned in close, whispering in Olivia’s ear.
“Excuse me?” her eyes darted about the crowded subway car, making sure no one overheard.
“I was hoping for a demonstration,” Alex placed her hands on Olivia’s
hips, drawing the two women close. Her long trench draped around the
two of them as she slid her thigh between Olivia’s legs. “You know, for
legal purposes.”
“Legal purposes, huh,” Olivia hissed at the pressure applied, at the slow grind of hips against her own.
“Say stop,” Alex purred in her ear, moving just so until Olivia’s thigh was in the same position, “and I will.”
“Don’t,” Olivia growled, adding her own slow thrust to Alex’s movements. “Stop.”
They found a rhythm. One in tune with the slow rocking of the subway
car, the jostling of passengers around them. Just as they were about to
reach that point, the point where their hips thrust with a hurried
urgency, to take them to the threshold and then over, the car lurched
to a stop.
The two women, faces flushed, breath still ragged, quickly straightened
their clothes. As they stepped off the train, Olivia glanced towards
her left. Towards the older female couple, hands clasped together,
staring at the younger couple in that way people do when they’re trying
not to stare. As Olivia passed, the woman closest to her, with the gray
hair and sparkling eyes, gave Olivia a thumbs up.
Olivia blushed the entire walk home.
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