SVU Drabble: Famous Last Words

Sep 16, 2005 20:03

Title: Famous Last Words
Words: 102
Pairing: A/O
Rating: I for Immature Audiences who's minds can't seem to stay out of the gutter.
Dislaimer: My first drabble for the ob_fangrrl Drabble Challenge.

“Come again,” Alex slowed her brisk pace. Her eyes still glued to the affidavit in her hand.

Olivia bit her tongue. Anything to keep her lips from saying what her mind was thinking.

Yes, Alex, I would like to make you come again.

Alex stopped dead in her tracks, Olivia almost slamming into her. The attorney gazed curiously at her. A slight smirk spread across her lips. The brunette still lost in thought. “Maybe we should try for a first time then?”

Olivia snapped from her thoughts. “Come again?”

“Famous last words,” Alex smiled before turning on her heel. “Call me, Detective.”


x-posted at ob_fangrrl

fandom: svu, femslash, fan fic

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