Femslash Porn Battle: Lovers, Liars & Lingerie [RPFS; Nicole/Naomi]

Jul 01, 2006 16:10

Title: Lovers, Liars & Lingerie
Genre: RPFS
Pairing: Nicole Kidman/Naomi Watts
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1069
Summary: Naomi’s waited long enough.
Challenge: The full version, written for the femslash_today Porn Battle. Prompt by michellek: rpfs, Nicole/Naomi, truth.
Disclaimer: This is not real. I’d pay good money and probably a limb but, no, it’s fiction and has no relation to the persons named other than in name (and appearance) only.

Lovers, Liars & Lingerie

“I need you,” she’d shuddered as the words exited her mouth, the shiver trembling down her spine and ending somewhere between her legs. “Now!”

It was their life now, her life mostly. Naomi did what she always did, went along with it because to do otherwise would mean being without her. They could be together, just not BE together. She’d followed her across an ocean and, still, Nicole kept her at a distance. Except, in times like these, when the tension, the desire between them, stretched like a rubber band pulled too far.

“I can’t,” Nicole had said in an exasperated tone. As if Naomi were a demanding child asking for another serving of ice cream.

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Naomi,” she drawled.

“Nicole,” she purred. “I‘m wearing the lingerie you bought me. You know, the blue ones.” She paused. Heard the hitch in Nicole’s voice. “And now I’m all alone with no one to touch me but myself. Seems a waste, don’t you think?”

Nicole hated when Naomi was like this - demanding, proprietary, lascivious. She was Nicole’s one weakness. Her drug. And the harder she fought to get Naomi out of her system, the more the need for her increased.

“Nicole?” Naomi’s voice punched through the silence in a low throaty exhale. Nicole felt a shiver run down her spine because she knew that voice. “I’m touching myself. Like you used to. Do you remember?”

“I hate you,” Nicole sighed, a half-smile on her lips. Because, yes, she did remember. All too vividly, with memories that coursed through her veins, made her pulse rise, her breathing to shallow and skin to flush.

“Think you can make it here before I come?”

“I told you, I can’t,” she muttered before the connection went dead. Left Nicole with her mouth hanging open, the lie still drifting off her lips as her foot pressed harder on the accelerator.

Hurriedly, Nicole rushed through the door, face flushed from the efforts to hide from the paparazzi, flushed with anticipation. Flushed with desire. One closed the door behind her, while the other removed the hood then sunglasses from her head.

Naomi sat on a chair, wearing the lingerie Nicole had purchased for her - a deep blue that matched her eyes and complimented her skin. Everyone has their fetishes, this was Nicole’s - watching Naomi strut around in sexy lingerie.

“How long have you been here?” She asked, surreptitiously licking her lower lip as her eyes drew towards the expanse of cleavage barely restrained by the brassiere.

“Long enough,” Naomi drawled, rising from the chair and bringing the half empty wine bottle to her lips.

“You’re drunk.”

“Not drunk enough,” she padded sultrily towards Nicole. Drew a hand towards her chest, pulled the bra down until the hint of areola peaked over the top. Set the wine bottle on the nearest table. Stepped closer towards Nicole, invading her personal space until she backed the woman against the door. Her fingers trailed along the interior of Nicole’s jacket, gathering the material into her fists. “I missed you,” she whispered huskily before raking her teeth across Nicole’s neck.


“I want you,” she pressed harder, pushed a thigh between Nicole’s legs. Applied pressure against the wetness and heat she knew was there, gently circling her hips, writhing, taunting Nicole with the slightest amount of friction.

“Please,” Nicole gasped, hips arching convulsively. It had been so long. And like a junkie needing a fix, she craved

“I want to fuck you,” Naomi smiled at the pained whimper escaping Nicole’s throat. She pulled her lips away. Gazed into eyes cloudy with desire and colored with frustration. “But not yet. I want to see how much you missed me.”

She lowered herself to her knees. Slid her hands up Nicole’s thighs, under the hem of the tailored skirt. Up over smooth thighs, the curve of hips, fingers grasping at the waistband of silk, black panties and pulling them down. Brought her nose to the perfectly trimmed patch of hair, nuzzling gently against it. Inhaled the rich, heady scent as if she could infuse it into her soul.

“You’re wet,” Naomi tilted her head up. “Look at me, Nicole.”

Her eyelids strained to open. She gazed down at Naomi through the slight cracks. Watched as slender fingers slid between her thighs, shivering at the sensation of those same fingers teasing her.

“Tell me you want me,” Naomi traced a finger around the swollen lips.

“You know I do.”

“Tell me,” her tone a bit sterner.

“I want you,” she gasped at the rewards of a fingertip pressed against her clit, hands bracing the door as her legs trembled.

“Want me to what?”

Nicole licked her lips. “I want you to fuck me.”

Satisfied, Naomi shouldered her way between the open legs. Lifted a thigh onto her shoulder and dove between Nicole’s legs. Suckled hurriedly on the engorged bundle of nerves as she thrust two fingers deep inside Nicole. Fast, deep and hard. Loving her. Punishing her. Taking everything Nicole had to give. Until she felt nails clawing into her shoulder, and Nicole’s passionate cries filled her ears.

With her freehand, Nicole clawed at the wall, body writhing, hips thrusting spastically. The tension in the pit of her stomach coiling, twisting tighter and tighter with each thrust of Naomi’s fingers, with each kiss of her lips, each stroke from her tongue. Knotting and twisting until the only thing left was release. An chaotic explosion of shivers and trembles and a guttural cry rasping her throat.

Her free leg no longer able to sustain her, Nicole slid bonelessly down the door and into Naomi’s waiting arms, her legs wrapped lazily around the other woman.

“Look at me,” Naomi whispered huskily. Thread her fingers into the silken red locks. Pulled Nicole’s head back until their eyes were level. “Promise me you’ll never leave me.”

“I promise.”

It was a lie. They both knew it. But it was the only thing closest to the truth Nicole could give. It would never be forever, just the moments in between. For the moment, it was good enough. It had to be.

“Now,” Nicole raised an eyebrow. “What do I have to do to get you out of that lingerie?”

Naomi smiled, helping Nicole to her feet and guiding her to the bedroom by the hand. “I guess you’ll just have to figure that out.”


femslash, fic: nicole/naomi, fic: rpf, fic: pwp, fan fic

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