Stargate SG-1 Fic: Almost (Sam/Janet)

Sep 08, 2005 14:53

Time for me to start uploading some of my older fics. Here's one dated from back in August 2001.

Title: Almost
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Genre: PWP, Humor
Rating: Mature Audiences
Summary: Sam and Janet have a quickie.


"Sam, we've got to stop doing this," Janet huffed as she searched the floor for her skirt. She'd found her panties hanging from one of the overhead pipes, quickly sliding into them as she scanned the floor for the rest of her clothing.

"I know Janet," she heard the apologetic voice behind her. "I miss you so much on these off-world missions."

Janet could feel the lanky figure sliding behind her. The strong arms wrapped themselves around her. Graceful hands sliding over her breasts, making it difficult to put on her brassiere.

"I miss you too honey, but," Janet paused for a moment as she felt Sam's lips grazing the side of her neck, tongue flicking across the sensitive spot behind her ear. "You're always the one saying we need to be more careful."

"We are careful. Besides, you're the one who found this closet," she giggled, fingers sliding over the now erect nipples. Janet had been the one to find the supply closet without several thousand dollars of security equipment that's usually found in every nook and cranny of the SGC. And had been more than willing to take advantage of such a luxury. "You're the one who started this."

Janet smiled softly, a low moan escaping her throat as she felt Sam's bare chest on her back, the textured material of her slacks on her legs. Sam always had been the quicker of the two to get dressed.

"I started it, and I think I need to finish this. Sam, we have to go."

"But Janet," Sam purred in her ear, "You're almost there." Janet gasped as she felt the hand sliding under her panties, quickly finding Janet's center. She could feel her body responding, arching into Sam, pressing her weight onto the Major. Sam quickened her pace. She wanted to take her time, go slow and enjoy every millisecond but knew the time restraints that hovered over both of them. Janet could have said no and Sam would have stopped right then and there. But, Janet didn't want to stop. She could feel it in the hand that pulled their faces together, lips connecting, both tasting the musk that still lingered on Sam's tongue. The heat from the body in front of hers, the way Janet thrust her hips onto Sam's hand, both working in unison to send the doctor over the edge.

"Hey Daniel," They both heard Jack O'Neill's voice boom through the walls. "Stop by the supply closet and get some paper towels."


Janet immediately pulled herself off Sam, hurriedly gathering her clothes. Sam quickly buttoned her shirt, rushing towards the entrance as the doorknob jiggled.

"Oh, hi Sam," Daniel squeaked as the Major barreled into him, quickly closing the door behind her.

"Daniel, what are you doing here?"

"They're throwing a surprise party for Lieutenant Davis. Jack thought it would be a good idea to get some extra paper towels. You know how messy those Marines can get."

"You mean these?" Sam thrust the large stack of paper towels at the man. He noticed the flushed look on her cheeks and neck.

"Yeah, these should be.." he stared quizzically at the stack. He calculated Sam had given him at least over five hundred. "Sufficient."

"Great, I'm gonna go get my camera. You know how wild these parties can get."

"Okay," Daniel watched as Sam made her way down the hallway. As she made her way around the corner, she turned slightly to look back in his direction. Daniel thought he'd never seen the Major's face that particular shade of red before. He shrugged and started to make his way towards the Mess Hall.

"Damn," he stopped in his tracks turning back towards the supply closet. "I forgot to get the punchbowl."

The door jerked open as Daniel reached for the knob. "Janet?"

Right before his eyes, Daniel watched as Janet's face turned several shades of red. He noticed the slightly mussed look of her hair, the less than regulation straight appearance of her uniform. And if he thought about it, he could probably pinpoint the slight musk smell that emanated from the women.

"Hi Daniel, just getting the punchbowl for Davis' party." She held the large round bowl in front of her like a shield, just as her other hand closed the door to the supply closet. Daniel craned his neck slightly, attempting to peer into the room wondering just who else was in there.

"Okay, great. So, you were in the supply closet to find stuff for Davis' party?"

"For the most part," Janet blushed again. She hadn't intended for the answer to sound as coy as it did.

"And did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah," she dared a smile as she walked away from the man. "Almost."


femslash, fic: sg-1, fic: sam/janet, fic: pwp, fan fic

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