FIC: From The Mouths of Babes [SG-1; Sam Janet, Janet/OC]

Jan 08, 2006 01:01

Title: From The Mouths of Babes, Chapter 1
Pairing: Janet/OC, Sam/Janet
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: R
Originally Posted: July 2001
Word Count: 1728
Summary: Sam discovers something about Janet that changes everything for both of them.

Chapter One


Sam watched as Cassandra palmed the basketball in her hand, twirling the object until she found the right position. She set the ball on the pads of her palm, hooking her arm before shooting the ball at the basket. The ball hit the backboard with a resounding thud missing the basket by at least half a foot. Sam frowned slightly. She'd taught Cassie how to play back when Janet had taken in the orphaned girl. Cassandra took to basketball like a duck to water. Sam envisioned a bright future for the child in athletics.

So when the next ball missed the backboard completely and landed in the grass, Sam knew something wasn't right with the girl.

"Cass, is something wrong?" She asked tossing her the ball. Cassandra bounced the basketball unenthusiastically, setting up for another shot.

"No, not really." The girl sighed throwing the ball. It missed. Sam picked up the ball on the rebound.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" Cassandra said nothing just continued to bounce the basketball in front of her. "C'mon kiddo, you know you can tell me anything."

Cassie picked the ball up throwing at the basket, missing. The girl sighed as Sam tossed it back to her.

"Mom's got a date tonight."

"Oh, I see."

"Her name's Brennn-dah." Cassie spat while her body articulated the last word in fey movements quickly followed by a loud gagging noise.

"Oh." Sam's eyes went wide at the revelation. She coughed regaining her composure. "I take it you don't like her."

"God no. She thinks she's hot, and she's not. She thinks she's funny and smart and hip, except like not. She makes me wanna shove this ball down her throat." Cassie threw the ball hard at the basket. This time missing the backboard completely, the ball landing somewhere in the backyard.

"Whoa. That's a lot of resentment you got built up there. Definitely not healthy. Have you told Janet about your feelings?"

"No." The girl shoved her hands in her pockets, eyes suddenly cast downward. "I don't want to upset her."

"And what good is letting all this anger build up inside you going to do? She cares about you a lot. I think she'd want to know if something's affecting you."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that Brenda makes her happy. I mean, I feel bad now but I'd feel worse if they broke up because of me."

"Cassie, telephone." Janet's head poked out of a second story window, calling out to the girl.

"It's Patrick." She added in a forced whisper. Sam watched as the girl's face lit up, a giant smile spreading across her lips. Cassandra bounded across the yard storming into the house.

Sam followed her into the house. She watched as Janet hurried down the stairs attempting to walk and put in her earrings.

Sam could feel her heart skip in her throat and a familiar twinge at the bottom of her belly. Janet was her friend, her best friend. She was used to seeing her as a colleague, confidant. But seeing Janet cascading down the stairs, Sam felt a veil being lifted off her eyes as she saw Janet, for the first time, as a sexual being. The slinky black dress she wore hugged her body, accentuating the curves. The front cut dangerously low in a v shape showed an expanse of cleavage without looking neither cheap nor tawdry. Janet's hair, usually in what Sam liked to call 'Janet's power bun', fell loosely, gently curled around her face. In a word, Janet looked breathtaking.

She smiled softly to Sam as she pulled her coat from the rack.

"You never dress like that for poker. Where are you off to?" Sam asked coyly.

"Oh, just meeting some friends to see a play." Janet stated softly. She opened her purse checking the contents. "Are you staying?"

"Yeah, I figured I'd help Cassie with her homework."

"Great, just don't mention the B word." Sam looked at Janet with a confused expression. "Babysitting. She'd kill me if she thought I'd asked you to watch her. I swear every other sentence mentions the fact that she's fourteen now."

"Aw, don't worry. I'm sure she'll let it pass..this time."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Janet turned to the stairs. "Cassie."

The girl poked her head out of her room, the phone glued to her head. "Yeah."

"I'm leaving now. Sam's gonna stay here until I get back."

"Mom!" The girl cried, her hand covering the receiver. "I told you."

"Yeah, yeah, you're fourteen years old. Humor me. I have my cell with me, so if there's any problems."

"Stick my head between my legs and kiss my.."

"Cassandra Fraiser!"

"I was just kidding." She exhaled a large smile plastered across her face. She paused for a moment gathering her thoughts. "Have fun."

"I will." Janet beamed back at her daughter. "I love you."

"I love you too." The girl replied before disappearing into her room.

Janet turned towards her friend. "There's money on the table for pizza. You have my number. I don't think there'll be any problems but.."

"Janet," Sam cut her off. "We'll be fine. Go have fun. Or whatever it was you were planning to do in that dress." Sam chuckled as Janet's face turned several shades of red.

"Just when I was beginning to wonder where she gets that smart mouth of hers. Now I know. She gets it from your side of the family." She teased.

Sam opened the door for her. "Okay fine. Goodnight Sam."

"Have fun, Janet." She closed the door as Janet exited the house.


The next couple of hours went by uneventfully. Cassandra eventually emerged from her room. The two sat in the dining room eating dinner as Cassie did homework. Sam going over a Stargate related project.

Sam tried to concentrate. But it was hard. Really hard. Her mind kept going back to Cassandra's earlier statement. All these years Sam had known Janet, she had no idea. She felt as if Janet, her best friend, had been leading a double life. On some level, the doctor had. For some reason, Janet felt it necessary to keep this aspect of herself from Sam.
She supposed it was due to their jobs. While the military tried to portray itself as modern, Janet's sexuality could have serious ramifications to her career.

Then there was the dress. That damn dress. Thoughts of Janet and the little black number kept creeping into Sam's head. The way it revealed her figure yet kept you guessing and wanting it to reveal more.

Sam decided she had to know more. More about this new life her friend had been keeping from her. The answers buried within the girl sitting across the table.


"Yeah." The girl mumbled between bites of pizza.

"How long has Janet been seeing this woman?"

"Brennn-dah?" The girl exaggerated the name. "About two months, I guess. Maybe longer, they were seeing each other a bit before Janet brought her home to meet me."

"Do you think it's serious?"

"God I hope not," the girl rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure how much more of Brennn-dah I can take."

"So, she dates a lot then?"

"No, not really," Cassie stopped for a moment gathering her thoughts. "This is like the first serious girlfriend she's had in ages."

It made sense, Sam supposed. With Janet's workload and adoption of Cassandra probably didn't leave much room for a social life.

"She was with someone when I first moved in," Cassie continued. "I don't think Maggie liked me too much. I heard them arguing about me once. Janet broke up with her after that."

Good, Sam thought. She remembered when they first brought Cass through the Stargate. Janet took to the girl immediately. So did Sam. When it was revealed the Goa'uld had placed a bomb within the child both Sam and Janet worked until exhaustion to find a solution. It broke Janet's heart when she realized there wasn't anything they could do and Cassie would die. If this Maggie person couldn't understand the bond that Janet had with Cassandra, then she just wasn't good enough. For Janet or Cassandra.

"I felt bad," the girl continued. "They'd been together for a couple years. Janet chose me over her."

"Hey," Sam consoled the girl. "Janet made the right choice. If I know her, she wouldn't want to be with anyone who doesn't love you as much as she does."

"I know. It's just that I know how lonely she gets sometimes. I don't want her to be alone because of me." She stated sheepishly, Sam's heart breaking as she did. "Everyone deserves to be happy, don't they?"

"Yes, yes they do."


Janet slid her key carefully into the lock, trying her hardest to make as little noise as possible. She opened the door. Silently, she cursed herself for not fixing that squeak when she had the chance. The door groaned loudly sounding like an old boat.

"Young lady, you know the penalty for coming home after curfew."

"Hi Sam," Janet squeaked slightly surprised. "I didn't realize you were awake."

"Kinda hard to sleep with that front door of yours." She stood from the couch noticing Janet bundling herself in her coat. Sam glanced down at her watch, noting the time. "2:30, jeez Janet, that must have been some play."

"Um, how's Cassie?"

"She's fine. Went to sleep a couple hours ago." As Janet stepped into the light, Sam noted her appearance. Disheveled was the word that first came to mind. Her hair looked slightly mussed. Lipstick not as defined as when she left. And Sam could have sworn she saw a hickey on the doctor's neck right before Janet pulled up her collar.

"You don't have to leave."

"Naw, I was planning to take my bike to the shop before I left for work," Sam stated. Her mind tripped on the words as they spilled out of her mouth.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to go check on Cassie." Sam watched as the woman made her way up the stairs.

"Hey Janet," She turned towards her. For just a moment, Sam thought she felt her heart skip a beat. "You're doing a great job with Cass. You know that don't you?"

Janet beamed down at her. "She makes it easy. Goodnight Sam."

"Goodnight Janet."

End Chapter One
On to Chapter Two

femslash, fic: sg-1, fic: sam/janet, fic: janet/oc, fan fic

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