FIC: When The General's Away [SG-1; Sam/Janet]

Jan 08, 2006 00:01

Title: When The General's Away
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Samantha Carter/Janet Fraiser
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Word Count: 2844
Originally Posted: July 2005
Summary: Hammond's on vacation and Sam wants to put his office to good use.

When The General’s Away


Janet checked her watch for the umpteenth time. The day would not end. As if time itself were mocking her, it had seemed to slow. She sighed heavily, signing her name on another of the large stack of papers that loomed before her. The past couple weeks had been nothing but an endless series of meetings, and paperwork, and meetings, and then, more meetings. To the point where Janet was beginning to wonder if her occupation was that of manager rather than a doctor.

"Whatcha doin'?" She looked up to see Sam standing in the doorway. Hands in her pockets, a coy grin spread on her face.


"In Hammond's office?"

"I have a meeting in a little bit, for some reason Hammond's office was deemed the best place."

"What about the meeting room?" Sam asked.


"The medical room?"

"Training session."

"Oh," Sam gently closed the door behind her. "Isn't Hammond on vacation?"

Janet looked up at the woman. Noticed the mischievous glint in her eye. "Sam?" She stretched the word out.

"What?" Sam crossed the room until she stood next to Janet. She leaned down, her arm draped around Janet's shoulders, pulling the woman into a deep kiss. "I'm bored."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"I'm also horny," she brought her other hand to Janet's shirt, fingers playing with the woman's tie. "And here you are all alone in Hammond's office."

"Sam, you couldn't possibly be thinking what I think you are?"

"Haven't you wanted to?"

"Here?" Janet gasped. "No!"

Sam cocked an eyebrow. "You're lying."

"I am not."

"Then why are you blushing?"

Janet scooted out of Sam's reach. She'd been caught. She stood up from Hammond's chair, making a beeline towards a filing cabinet. "We are not doing it here?"

"Why not?" Sam stood behind Janet. Wrapped her arms around the smaller woman 's frame. Hands slid up the perfectly pressed shirt, cupping the full breasts. "I miss you."

"We'll be home in a couple hours." Janet tried to sound professional. But could feel the heat in her body rising. Created by the graceful fingers making swirling motions around her nipples.

"I want you now." Sam took a playful nip out of Janet's neck.

Janet turned around. Drawing upon the last ounce of decorum within her, she pressed her hand on Sam's chest. Gently pushed the woman away from her. "Maybe you should find a quiet place and take care of that by yourself."

"Why?" Sam reeled the woman back into her arms. "When I can have you do it for me?" Her lips went straight to Janet's neck. To the one spot she knew turned her one the most. Smiled as she heard the slight moan escape Janet's lips.

"Sam," Janet tilted her head back. She felt like one giant cliché because, even though her mind told her 'no', her body was definitely saying 'yes'.

"I need you, Janet," she grasped one of Janet's hands by the wrists, slowly lowered it to Sam's belt. Hands battled with the stitched cloth as lips crashed together.

Janet purred. Loved it when Sam was like this, naughty and needing. Willing to do anything, try anything to pleasure them both. Fingers pulled the zipper down, sliding between cloth and flesh. Janet could feel Sam tremble as her fingers dipped lower, danced across the wet heated flesh. Stroking the wet lips already swollen with desire.

"Mmmm," Janet exhaled. "You do miss me."

"Definitely," Sam growled. Hips thrusting onto Janet's fingers. The pace increased. They stood in the center of Hammond's office, kissing, touching. Sam panted into Janet's mouth. So close to the edge.

The sounds of footsteps approaching broke Janet from her reverie. She had a meeting. Now! Immediately, she snaked her hand out of Sam's pants. The woman stared at her.

"Oh my God!" Janet pushed herself away from Sam, began straightening her clothes. Sam stared back at her. Confused. Frustrated. Janet grabbed the woman by the shoulders, turned her around and shoved her under Hammond's desk. "Quick. Hide under there!"


"Do it, Sam."

Sam did as instructed, ducking under the desk just as the door to Hammond's office opened. Three people, she ascertained by the sounds of their voices. No one she recognized immediately. Not that she cared. She was stuck under a desk. Didn't even have time to zip her pants.

Janet sat down in the only chair available. Hammond's chair. She scooted forward, trying her best to look natural while not crushing Sam with the large mahogany chair. Elbows on the desk, she threaded her fingers together. Aroused and slightly embarrassed by the scent that still lingered on them.

"Shall we get started."

Sam yawned. Propped her elbow onto her thigh, head resting on her hand. She' d been stuck under Hammond's desk for thirty minutes. Thirty minutes listening to acquisition reports, medical jargon and small talk so inane she wondered why Janet hadn't bashed the men over the head with a crowbar. What' s worse, it didn't sound like the meeting would be ending soon. It was torture. To be so close to Janet. To want her and not be able to do anything about it.

Janet shifted in her chair, recrossed her legs. Sam's eyes widened. She caught a flash of thigh and something else. The strap from a garter. Suddenly, her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest as an idea formed in the back of her mind.

"'s has issued us at least.." Janet stopped. Any thoughts about medical supplies and stocking issues dissipated like smoke. She could feel Sam's hands on her knees, spreading her legs open. Three pairs of eyes stared at her curiously.

"Dr. Fraiser?"

"Um, sorry," she stammered. "Where were we?"

Sam placed a hand over her mouth. Stifled the giggle trapped in her throat. Carefully, she scooted herself forward while her hands caressed Janet's thighs. She was definitely wearing a garter. While not exactly standard military issue, it gave the outward appearance of such. Leaning in, she also noticed something else - Janet wasn't wearing any panties.
Janet Fraiser, she thought to herself, how very naughty.

Cognitive thought vanished from Janet's mind. How could she think? She seemed to verge on the state of panic. Her eyes flitted from person to person looking for any indication that they were aware of the goings on's under Hammond's desk. Sam's hands caressed her thighs. Making larger and larger circles on her flesh. Fingernails scraped gently on the inside of her thighs. Gentle torture under the unknowing gaze of her fellow officers.

Janet shifted slightly in her chair. A move that gave Sam a little more room, a little more access. In the shadowed light under the desk, she could see the growing moisture on Janet's sex. The delicate flesh growing darker, and plumper, signifying the woman's arousal. Sam licked a finger. Slid it between Janet's legs. Softly grazed it across the outer lips.

Janet coughed. Loud. The only thing she could do to keep from jumping out of her seat. She clenched her jaw. Stifled the moan rising up the back of her throat. Her palms began to sweat. Heat flared from every part of her body, but especially where Sam's finger currently resided.

Sam pushed her finger between the swollen lips. Began teasing Janet's swollen clit with her fingernail. Could feel Janet squirming in her chair. Eased her finger lower, until it entered Janet's sex. Pushed as far as the cramped space would allow. Twirled her finger around the soft opening.

How could they not tell? Janet wondered to herself. They sat across from her. Eyes glued to the file reports each held in their hands. And still they couldn't tell. By this point, Janet was nothing more than a controlled squirm. Hands fidgeted on the desktop. Her hips tensed, tried to the instinctual response her body craved.

Sam pulled her finger out of Janet. Smiled as she heard the slight moan coming from above. She brought the digit to her mouth, licked the heady juices clean. She wanted more. Slid her hands onto the outside of Janet's hips. When she had a firm grip, sure that she hadn't been caught, Sam placed her feet on the legs of the chair. Slowly, carefully, she pushed the chair outward. Until Janet sat on the edge of the chair. Giving her the advantage she needed, Sam spread Janet's legs wider and pushed her face in.

Janet squeaked. Her eyes went wide at the sudden sensation of Sam's wet tongue licking the length of her sex. And now they WERE looking at her.
"Dr. Fraiser?"

"Sorry," rushed through clenched teeth. "Just a slight leg cramp."

The answer seemed to appease them because their faces were back towards the reports. Words falling from their lips of outlines, and procedures.

Sam squeezed her head between Janet's thighs. Slowly grazed her tongue along the line of Janet's slit. Caressed and lapped. Seconds, minutes passed and Sam did nothing but lick the swollen flesh. Until it glistened with moisture. Playfully prodded her tongue between them. Tickled Janet's clit with the tip of her tongue. Could feel the woman twitch.

Her back straightened. A hitched gasp caught in her throat. Janet smiled
weakly at the men. "Damn meetings."

"I know what you mean. How long have we been here?" One of them laughed. He brought his hand to his face, staring at his watch. "52 minutes? I didn't realize how long this has gone on." He stood up from his chair. "I hate to be rude, but I have to go. Another meeting."

The other officers soon followed. All having their own meetings to attend. Janet stayed seated in Hammond's chair. She couldn't have walked them to the door if she wanted to, her legs seemed to have lost all ability to move. So, she stated her goodbye's and watched them leave. Waited several moments, staring at the closed door. Content that there would be no more interruptions, Janet pushed the chair away from the desk. She stared down at the blue eyes between her legs.

"You!" She panted, finally able to breathe.

"Me," Sam playfully smiled back at her.

Janet reached down, grabbed Sam by the back of the neck, pulling the woman towards her. She pressed their lips together, hungrily plunged her tongue into Sam's mouth. Purred at the taste of her own sex on Sam's tongue. Too long spent teased, touched, tortured. Now, Samantha Carter was going to finish the job, whether she wanted to or not. Janet pulled their lips apart. Hand still attached to the back of Sam's shirt, she shoved the woman down between her legs.

Sam needed no further prompting. She hefted Janet's thighs onto her shoulders, buried her face into Janet's dripping wet. Sloppily licked all over the swollen wet lips before plunging her tongue into Janet. An arm curled around Janet's thigh, fingers playfully caressing the swollen clit.

Janet arched her back, leaned back into the chair. Hips grinding onto Sam's tongue. No longer restrained by Hammond's chair, or meetings. She grabbed a handful of her smock, shoved it into her mouth. A barrier against the panted moans increasing with every thrust of her hips.
Looking up at her lover, Sam smiled. Moaned deeply as she plunged her tongue deeper into Janet. Faster. Deeper. Delighted in the taste. The smell. It was true. She wanted Janet. But, she always wanted Janet. Especially like this. Head thrown back. Eyes glazed with passion and desire.

The smaller woman bucked. Body trembling violently as a final muffled scream erupted from her throat. Sam slowed her ministrations. Continued plunging her tongue into Janet. Devoured every drop of her climax. She pulled her tongue out, gently lapped around the flushed and swollen lips.

Cognitive thought slowly returned. Eyes languidly opened, a contented sigh passed across her lips. She looked down at her lover. Sam still busily licking away at her, a cat lapping the last drop of cream from its bowl. Janet reached down. Fingers played with the blonde locks. The heat quickly began to return. Only this time, Janet didn't want to receive, she wanted to give.

Sam looked up. Heart skipped as she saw the darkened eyes staring down at her.

"Stand up," Janet whispered huskily. Sam did as commanded. Janet straightened in her chair. Eyes devouring every inch of Sam's lanky frame. "Now turn around and drop your pants."

Her hands immediately went to her belt. Fingers suddenly seemed large and cumbersome as they yanked the belt open, pushed her pants down to her ankles.

Janet reached out. Cupped the firm globes of Sam's ass. Kneaded and massaged. Until she could feel Sam squirming under her touch. She wiggled her hand between Sam's thighs. "Spread'em."

Pants bunched around her ankles, Sam spread her legs as far as they would go. Which wasn't a lot but it seemed to appease Janet. She sighed as she felt the slender fingers caressing the inside of her thigh, going higher. Body twitched at the sensation of fingers grazing across the raging heat between her legs.

Janet purred at the wetness on her fingers. Explored every inch of the heat engorged lips. Her other hand pressed against Sam's back, directing her to bend over. She watched as the hips moved and the view exposed more and more of her target. A wicked grin stretched her lips and Janet reached into Hammond's desk, pulling out a metal ruler. "You've been a bad girl, Samantha. You know this means I'm gonna have to punish you."

"Oh yeah?" Sam wiggled her ass. "What kinda punishment?"

"The best kind," Janet raised the ruler horizontally then whacked it across Sam's left cheek, then the right. Watched the two pink rectangles form on the pale flesh. Massaged them gently with her hand before delivering two more blows.

Sam hissed at the strikes. Moaned at the heat flaring on her backside, then the gentle touch of Janet's hand. Turned on by the physical presence of her lover, but never seeing her, never knowing what was coming next.

Janet continued. Enticed by the growing wetness between Sam's legs. Leaned in, inhaled the heady scent. She brought a hand to her mouth, licked two fingers. And, just as Sam tortured her, she ran the back of her fingers up and down the length of Sam's heated sex. Watched the hips swaying back and forth, anything to increase the contact. She smiled as a hurried whine escaped Sam's throat. Slid the back of her finger between the swollen lips, knuckle grazing up and down Sam's clit.

Sam groaned. Hands gripped the edge of Hammond's desk. Body tense. Her leg muscles burning from her slow grind onto Janet's fingers. She wanted more. To grab Janet's hands and force the slender fingers inside her. Release the aching well of tension building. Instead, she let Janet tease her, torture her with the promise of more. Another moan escaped her throat as she felt Janet's fingers slide higher. Could feel the digits spreading her open, circling around.

"Janet, please," she hissed.

Janet tilted her hand so her fingers pointed upwards at an angle. "If you want it, you're gonna have to come and get it."

Sam needed no more prompting. Pushed back onto Janet's fingers. Hips rocking back and forth, up and down, she started slow, finding her rhythm.

Janet licked her lips. Scooted to the edge of her seat, her other hand sliding between her own legs. There was something sensual and erotic watching Sam. The sway of her hips. The way her fingers disappeared then reappeared, slick and wet with Sam's juices. She extended her thumb, rubbing it against the engorged clit.

Instinctively, Sam pumped her hips. Bounced onto Janet's fingers. Shivered as a third entered her. Stretched her open. Sweat beaded across her skin. Eyes clamped shut. Teeth clenched together, hurried whines huffed between her clenched teeth. Lightening bolted through her. Electrified her muscles until her entire body bucked, twitched, spasmed. She grunted through clenched teeth. Spasmed until the last ounce of energy drained from her and she collapsed onto Hammond's desk.

Janet smiled. Gently continued sliding her fingers into Sam. "You like your punishment?"

Sam responded with nothing more than a soft grunt.

"Now do you think you can last until we get home?"

Sam leaned up onto her elbows, twisted her head until she locked eyes with Janet. A coy smile stretched across her lips. "And if I say no?"

"I think I have something to occupy your time until then."

Janet leaned back in Hammond's chair. Her hands went to her shirt, slowly unbuttoning the buttons. Sam slid onto her feet, turning around to enjoy the show. She knelt between Janet's legs, strong arms reaching around Janet's waist to pull the woman closer.

"How long is Hammond on vacation?" Blue eyes twinkled.

"Three more days," Janet pulled open her shirt. "Why?"

"Hammond does have a couch in his office," Sam stated lasciviously, scooping Janet into her arms.


femslash, fic: sg-1, fic: sam/janet, fic: pwp, fan fic

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