SVU Fic: Best of Both Worlds (A/E/O)

Aug 13, 2005 20:39

Just a little ditty I've been working on. Nothing too scandalous.

Title: Best of Both Worlds
Fandom: Law & Order SVU
Pairing: Alex/Elliot/Olivia
Rating: Mature Audiences....or, Slightly Immature Audiences
Summary: Alex plays a game with her favorite detectives. And comes to an unexpected conclusion.

Law & Order: SVU

Best of Both Worlds

Elliot noticed first. He cocked his head slightly, staring at the blonde ADA sitting caddy to him.

They were in the Squad Room. A large stack of files covered his desk. Elliot and Olivia went over various papers, while Alex searched for the ever elusive sign for a conviction. At some point in the evening, Munch and Fin had gone on food run. Amongst the pile of papers were various empty chip bags, empty coffee cups, and a bag of cookies.

Elliot’s eyes quickly glanced from the ADA to his partner. Olivia sat, eyes staring intently at the sheet in front of her. He returned his attentions to Alex. At first, Elliot didn’t want to believe he’d seen what he’d thought he’d seen, but, Alex did it again. Her slender fingers, eyes still focused on her paper, moved across the table until capturing one of the cookies in her grasp. Placing down her paper, while never taking her eyes off the text, Alex pulled apart the cookie and proceeded to lick the inside.

He sat hypnotized as if seeing some hidden aspect of the attorney never before revealed. In that moment, when her guard was down and the implacable mask lifted like a veil, Alex seemed impossibly young. She was a woman on the fast track, her ambition, intelligence and fierce determination had put her years ahead of her peers, to the point where her age seemed incongruent to the personality and demure of the person it was attached to.

Alex, feeling the eyes of the Detective on her, lifted her head to meet his gaze, “What?”

“Sorry,” Elliot shrugged with a half smile. “I’ve never seen someone make eating a cookie look so..”

“Pornographic,” Alex stated with the sly upturn of an eyebrow. It was Elliot’s turn to be embarrassed. Even if he hadn’t said it, he’d thought it. Now, they both knew.

“Your words, Counselor. I was going to say childish. But, if you wanna keep your mind in the gutter.”

“What?” She was smiling now. A devilish grin that made her eyes twinkle. “Are you saying you’ve never licked the inside of a cookie?”

“No. I‘m a man, we dunk.”

“Your wife must be terribly disappointed.”

“I keep her satisfied.”

“She doesn’t know what she’s missing. And neither do you,” Alex reached for another cookie. She turned her head towards Olivia. “What about you, Liv?”

“What about me?” Olivia huffed, acting as if she hadn’t overheard their conversation, and failing miserably.

“How do you eat your cookie?”

“With my hands.”

“God,” Alex rolled her eyes. “What is with you people? You’ve never heard the phrasing that how a person eats their cookie is analogous to sex?”

“Analogous?“ Olivia shook her head, refocusing her thoughts. “I thought we were..”

Alex cut her off, “She’s no fun, is she?”

“She can be that way sometimes,” Elliot smirked. Ignored the death glare boring a hole into the side of his face.

“Here, it’s really easy. You just break it open,” Alex performed as she spoke, her hand floated towards Elliot’s face. “And then you lick.”

There was a momentary pause in time where they stood motionless at the crossroads of consent and retreat. Where words spoken and unspoken were entendres for something always best left unsaid. Until tonight, when the air thickened with tension twisting tighter with every nanosecond as neither, in their own stubborn, bullheaded way, wouldn’t take the safe route out.

Elliot slowly leaned forward. Blues eyes twinkling as his lips turned upwards in a smile. He kept his eyes locked on Alex’s, mouth opening, running the length of his tongue upwards across the slick, sugary surface.

Olivia shifted uncomfortably in her seat. In her many years as Elliot’s partner, she’d never seen that look on his face. At that moment, she wasn’t sure if his wife had ever seen the expression. Something between childish bemusement, flirtation and the devilish grin of someone caught with their hand in the cookie jar, and didn’t care. She watched as Elliot’s tongue cleared the edge of the cookie, grazing across Alex’s finger. She could feel the heat creeping up onto her face, envy, jealousy and anger all wrapped into one, twisting and roiling with the dull, heated knife edge called desire sinking into the pit of her stomach.

“See,” Alex grinned widely before bringing the two icing-less halves together and popping them into Elliot’s accepting mouth. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

“I’ve had better,” He folded his arms across his chest, surreptitiously tucking his tie into his shirt. A cocky half-grin spread across his lips.

“You wish,” Alex smirked.

Blue eyes drifted from Elliot to the now fuming woman sitting next to her. Olivia sat, body rigidly tight in its faux relaxed form, eyes boring a hole into the paper in front of her. “What about you, Detective?”

“What?” Olivia’s eyes never lifted from the text. Alex and Elliot could play their games, she’d be no part of them.

Alex reached forward, her fingers leaning on the top of the page, pressing it down until Olivia could no longer hide behind them. “How do you like to eat your cookies?”

“With my hands,” she grumbled. She raised the paper up again, blocking the eye contact between either the blonde or her smirking partner.

“Too late,” Alex reached into the bag for another. “You already used that line. You’ll have to be a little more original.”

“Fine, by myself.”

“Ooh,” Alex cooed tauntingly, winking at Elliot. “An onanist.”

“Excuse me?”

Elliot leaned on his elbows. “You’re into masterbation.”

“I know what it means,” Olivia huffed, not quite happy at being the butt of their joke.

“Olivia,” Alex cut in with her authoritative tone. She leaned forward jutting the opened cookie in the Detective’s face. “Shut up and lick.”

Olivia glanced from Alex to her partner. Elliot shrugged in his ‘you’re on your own, partner’ manner. She’d always been ultra aware of the tension between her partner and the ADA. The often verbal sparring that hovered between combative and flirtatious. It never occurred to her, until now, that Alex would be different with her. That the same  nonverbal signals sent to Elliot would also be sent to Olivia. Now, she wasn’t so sure.

Olivia returned her attentions to Alex. The woman remained frozen in position, as if ‘no’ were not an option. At that point, Olivia wasn’t sure if it ever really was. They’d known and trusted each long enough to know there were things they did for the other that didn‘t have to be asked. And then there were times like these, when Elliot, and now, Olivia, bent to Alex’s whim for no other reason than because the blonde said so. But those were different times, when the reason was judicial, for ‘the cause’. This was something else.

This was for Alex. And like a puppy starved for attention, Olivia couldn’t pass on an opportunity to please the ADA.

Now, it was Elliot’s turn to shift uncomfortably. A witness to a moment best had in private. The two women locked eyes with each other. He’d always known the tension between the two women was always different than between Alex and himself. So tightly suppressed and compartmentalized, Elliot often wondered if they ever realized it was there at all. Now, it spilled out into the open between them. Their doubts and fears passing between them while a desire, normally suppressed and repressed by professional propriety, lurched outward into a thick tension filled fog. He wondered if that’s how he’d looked when Alex did the same with him. And if Olivia wondered if at any moment he and Alex would rip each other’s clothes off and do it on the desk. The thought of Olivia and Alex ripping each other’s clothes off jolted into his brain, like lightening on speed. And Elliot found himself re-shifting in his seat, his inner 14 year old screaming at Olivia to lick the fucking cookie.

Olivia leaned forward, eyes locked with Alex’s, stifled thoughts of control and dominance, trying to find meaning in the situation. Instead, she just licked. Pressed her tongue heavily onto the circular disc, until the entire surface of her tongue was coated in vanilla icing. Her task completed, she leaned back in her chair, eyes shimmering triumphantly.

“I’m impressed,”  Alex grinned, pressing the two halves together and placing them in Olivia’s mouth. “I guess I should start calling you ‘one lick Liv’. How was it?”

Olivia cockily folded her hands behind her head, leaning back in her chair as she chewed the remainder. She mulled over the question, reveling in the ADA‘s attentions before answering. “Sweet.”

“That’s what happens when you spread something open to lick the inside. Now,” Alex slapped her palms on the desk, “who wants to do me?”

Her eyes glazed over slightly, unfocused, as if realizing the words that had just come from her mouth, and the meaning. Just as quickly, she returned. Blue eyes twinkled, glancing from detective to detective.

Not one of them moved. Neither Elliot nor Olivia glanced at the other, but kept their eyes and thoughts focused fully and completely on Alex. Elliot wondered if Alex would whimper in supplication as he bit into her neck while ripping open her shirt. Olivia wondered what Alex’s lips tasted like, if her skin was as soft as she imagined as her fingers grazed across the skin of her thighs and under her skirt. Alex wondered what it would feel like sandwiched between the two of them. Body shuddering in gleeful anticipation of who was going to put what where, and when.

“Okay, who died?”

The three of them jumped simultaneously. There may have been a whimper from Olivia but no one acknowledged it. Munch and Fin stood at the entrance to the Squad Room.

Alex was the first to speak. “What?”

Munch adjusted his glasses. “The way you guys were staring at each other..”

“..all intense and stuff..” Fin added.

“Figured someone had died.”

“We were just,” Elliot coughed into his fist, “discussing the evidence.”

“Without talking?” Munch slid behind his desk. “Very impressive.”

Fin made a beeline towards the Detectives desk, snatching the bag of cookies. “I told you we already had Oreos. Did, anyway.” He glared at the empty bag in his hand, firing accusatory glances at the trio before trudging towards his own desk. “Damn, ya’ll can kill a bag of cookies can’t you?”

“Did you know,” Munch sat at his normal station, “some people think how a person eats their cookie is a designator of how they perform in the bedroom?”

Fin raised his hands defensively. “Don’t look at me. I have no idea where he gets this stuff.”

Alex rose from her chair. Suddenly, like marionette’s, Elliot and Olivia followed, shuffling papers they had no intention of taking with them.

“Where you guys off to?”

“..return some briefs..”

“..grab some grocery’s..”


The three stood on the Precinct steps shoulder to shoulder. None acknowledging the strange tension between them. Alex took the first steps downwards.

“Could one of you give me a ride? I don’t feel like taking a cab tonight.”

“Guess I could keep the squad car for a couple more hours.” Elliot twirled the keys around his middle finger, passing a glance at Olivia.

“I was going that way, anyway.”

Alex sat in the back seat, arms casually folded across her chest. A bemused grin on her face. There was a nervous energy in the car as neither Detective spoke.

Alex broke the silence. “So, anymore sexual food analogies?”

“I heard one,” Elliot smiled, giving a flash of eye contact in the rear view mirror. “Something about how you can tell if someone’s gay or straight by whether they like shrimp or oysters. Forget which one’s which, though.”

“And what if they like both?” Alex asked.

Olivia turned slightly to face her, nothing more than the barest hint of a profile. Still, Alex could tell the woman was smiling. “Then, I guess they have the best of both worlds.”

“The best of both worlds,” Alex mused aloud. “I like that.” She quieted, staring blankly out the window mulling over her thoughts. Both Elliot and Olivia were strong, unique individuals. But, Alex never felt more strong, more safe, more content than when she was with both ‘her’ detectives. She wasn’t sure when the moniker popped into her vernacular or when she‘d become so possessive of the detectives. They were hers. No argument. End of story.

Like all things involving ‘her detectives’ she never intended it to become sexual, it just did. Manifested itself in ways she could never describe nor control. With Elliot, she fought. Went toe to toe with the man in verbal spats that could leave both mentally bruised and bleeding, and always ready for more. With Olivia, she coaxed. A warm smile, the brush of a hand. With the both of them, she had them wrapped around her little finger. And in turn, they had her wrapped around theirs. She would do anything for them. Literally.

Alex shifted uneasily in her seat, the word ‘anything’ lingering in her thoughts long after the rest had dissipated. The car pulled to a stop. Another uncomfortable silence filled the air.

“Here we are,” Elliot muttered.

Alex leaned forward, poking her head between the two of them, “Would you like to come up for a nightcap?”

You. Not ‘either of you’ not Elliot, nor Olivia. You, singular, as if the two were parts of a whole. And, for Alex, they were.

She slid out of the car, walked up the steps towards her apartment. A soft smile spreading on her lips as she a car door slam shut, then the other. She was going home, with ‘her detectives’. The best of both worlds. As it should be, she thought. As it was meant to be.


fandom: svu, fic: threesome, fan fic

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