FIC: "Still Not Gay" [Hollows; Rachel/Ivy]

May 07, 2009 16:07

Title: Still Not Gay
Pairing: Rachel/Ivy
Genre: PWP
Rating: R-ish
Word Count: 359
Summary: Rachel‘s not gay. Seriously.
A/N: written for cirroco_desade


“I’m not gay.”


“I said I’m not gay!”

“Excuse me?” Ivy shook her head like she was ringing a bell. “Rachel? Who’s hands are inside my bra groping my breasts?”

“Well, mine.”

“And who just gave me a tonsillectomy with their tongue?”

Rachel sighed adding a dash of rolled eyes action. “Me.”

“Don’t think that makes you the tinsiest bit gay?”

“No, not really. I mean this?” Rachel squeezed her fingers, the ones currently clasped onto Ivy’s breasts like she was on the Titanic and they were the only life preservers left. “This is just me making sure your breasts are healthy.”

“Healthy?” Ivy tried pulling a cynical face but Rachel’s hands were still on her breasts. And Rachel’s hands felt *really* good. “And the whole tongue down my throat?”



“You looked hot,” Rachel shrugged. “So I figured you might have a fever and since I don’t have a thermometer on me, my tongue was the next best thing.”

“Oh for cripe’s sake.. This is because you slept with Nick isn’t it? Is that what having Nick penis inside you does? Makes you stupid?”

“Hey! I am NOT stupid. And I am not gay!”

“Your hands are still on my breasts.”

“My hands are cold.”

“Fine, you win. You’re not gay. Sticking your tongue down my throat doesn’t make you gay. Groping my breasts like a 14 year old boy doesn’t make you gay! Are you happy now?”

“Yes,” Rachel grinned, running her thumbs over Ivy’s nipples because if she was going to examine Ivy’s breasts to make sure they were perfect, she was going to be thorough. “Can I go back to taking your temperature?”

“Just one second.”

“What are you doing?”

“My hand is cold.”


“And dry.”


“And you‘re warm,” Ivy purred. “And wet!”

“That is true,” Rachel sighed, spreading her legs open a little wider because she was Ivy’s best friend and best friend’s always shove their hands down each other pants to keep their fingers warm. “But, just to make things clear, this doesn’t make me gay.”

“No,” Ivy grinned, pushing Rachel down onto the couch. “Not the tinsiest bit.”

femslash, fandom: the hollows, fan fic

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