DEBS Fic: Lost For You (1/?, Amy/Lucy)

Oct 20, 2005 02:07

Title: Lost For You
Chapter: 1/?
Fandom: D.E.B.S.
Pairing: Amy/Lucy
Rating: Mature Audiences...for swear words, violence, and teh hot sex between two women.
Summary: Set two years after Endgame. Amy and Lucy are living a peaceful life in Barcelona. But, some skeletons refuse to stay in the closet. When one of those skeletons comes back to haunt both Amy and Lucy, the two must answer the question - is the love between a Super Agent and a Super Villain enough?

Chapter One


I’ve got her picture
It’s there on the wall
I can’t remember why I keep it at all
The doors are cold and all the windows seem gray
I write the book
There’s so much more I could say -  My Heart, So Blue


The warehouse was dark. Painted in giant swaths of black. Black that seemed to sway and lurch, as if it could reach out and grab any one who walked near.

It was dark, but it wasn’t silent. Angry alarms pierced the air. The sounds of many boot heels clacking loudly on cement. The sound of gunfire. Of yelling. Of screaming. Helicopters. Police sirens. Panic and chaos.

Lucy Diamond ignored it all. She ran through the dark corridors, gun in hand, adrenaline pumping through her veins. There was an odd familiarity to it all. A déjà vu, of sorts. Only this time, she didn’t have the same visceral thrill of before. She had no desire to be in the darkened warehouse running for her like with the police, the Feds, with D.E.B.S. all on her heels.

She didn’t want to be there. Didn’t change the fact that choice had long ago stopped being an option.


It was instinct that made Lucy spin on her heel, gun hand raised quick as lightening. Instinct that kept her finger on the trigger as the familiar voice, now familiar face stood before her. Her own gun raised, aimed at Lucy’s head.

“Don’t move,” Amy stated flatly, coldly. Nerves cold as ice as both hands held the semi-automatic.

“You’d really shoot me?” Lucy asked, a slight tinge of pain in her voice.

“I don’t have a choice, Lucy.”

“You’ve always had a choice.”

“And what choice was that?”

“You could have trusted me,” Lucy grit through her teeth, through the tears welling in her eyes as her finger tightened around the trigger.

“Lucy,” Amy warned.




Three floors below the ground level of the casino, beneath the slot machines, card tables, restaurants and hotel, beat the heart of commerce. Cash rolled in carts, guarded by armed Security guards. Rolled into rooms with counting machines and even more guards with more guns.

It was an architectural masterpiece. A labyrinth of steel and concrete, of corridors with optical keypads, heat sensitive security cameras, laser beam lights, and touch sensitive floors. All created to protect its heart; the 30 by 30 vault at the center of the structure. With 2 ton steel doors so perfectly balanced a child could open them. Yet, when closed, not even a nuclear missile could penetrate its walls.

It was, for all intents and purposes, the impenetrable fortress. They called it the Titanic of vaults. Someone forget to tell them, the Titanic sunk.

For all impenetrable fortresses have a weakness. This fortresses weakness - the need for its workers to breathe.

No one noticed the gas silently, slowly leaking through the vents. Didn't notice as one by one, yet all at once, the guards, the workers, the money counters, fell to the ground passed out.

Men in black suits wearing gas masks poured out of the vents. Pulled cards from slung shoulder bags with access cards attached to handheld computers. Little tiny modules that clicked and blinked, hacked into the building's codes.

Another figure emerged from the vent, slimmer, smaller than the bulky figures and obviously female with curvy hips and pert breasts. She was the leader judging by the way the men looked towards her for guidance, for the next orders.

They calmly followed her towards the closed doors of the vault. She signaled for the hacker guys and their gadgets. They snapped forward plugging in to various points on the vault.

Her eyes glinted at the sound they'd all been waiting for - the sound of the vault opening.

The two Security Guards working inside the vault didn't wait. Suddenly, the air filled with the sound of alarms. The lights changing from fluorescent blue to an angry red that rotated across the walls.

As the doors creaked opened, gunshots rang out, pinging against the walls.

One of the masked men pulled a container from his bag. Pulled the pin, then tossed the grenade into the vault. The thick metal walls muffled the sonic boom.

They waited a beat before stepping inside. One guard, unaware that he was supposed to be unconscious crawled across the floor. The woman stepped towards him. Pressed her boot heel on his gun hand, applied pressure until the weapon dropped from his hand.

"Who are you?" The guard gaped at her before consciousness left him.

"Diamond," she spoke in a sing-song voice. "But, my friends call me.."



"Lucy," Amy exhaled in a guttural moan resembling something of an animalistic grunt. Her body strained from tension, from hands clasped tightly to the headboard in a knuckle-whitening grip. Her back arched threatening to break. Skin still tingling, still flushed and sweaty from their lovemaking. But, that's not what made her call out her lover's name. The one still between her legs, lapping at her flesh in that way that made Amy squirm. Nor was it the finger deep inside her, leisurely thrusting in and out.

No, it was the clock on the nightstand that made Amy call out Lucy's name. The one telling her she was going to be really fucking late if they didn't stop, well, fucking.

"Lucy," she grunted again. This time eliciting a response that was more moanish than vocal. A moan that vibrated against her flesh, a moan that made Amy's back bow, her skin to tingle and her hands to grip the headboard even tighter.

"Lucy!" This time, Lucy lifted her head, all Cheshire cat grin and 'yes I did make you come.. a lot.. today' cockiness. She planted a kiss right below Amy's belly button, rising on her arms to crawl over the blonde woman.

"You know I love it when you call out my name," Lucy smiled before wrapping her lips around a nipple.

"We have to stop." Amy gasped, gritting her teeth because stopping really didn't sound like a good idea right then and there, especially with Lucy's tongue doing that.

"We do?" Another coy grin followed by another playful lick.

"I have class."

"Can't you, like," Lucy began kissing her way across Amy's breasts, making her way towards the unattended nipple, "Play hooky or something? Or, you know, say you're doing research, an in-depth study of female anatomy."

Amy sighed. "Don't make me beg."

"But, I like it when you beg."

Amy released one of her hands from the death grip on the headboard. Used it to thread her fingers into Lucy's hair, gently pulled the brunette up until their faces were level, until she could press her lips against Lucy's, a kiss both tender and sloppy in its urgency. When her lungs screamed for aired, she gently pulled the two apart, using her best stern face as Lucy smirked above her. "Don't make me kick your ass."

"Mmmm, promises, promises."

Amy rolled the two until their positions were reversed. "God, you're such a perv."

"And you're multi-orgasmic," Lucy leaned up, painted a swath across Amy's neck with her tongue. "Wanna go for a record?"


"Tell me you love me."

"I love you."

She wiggled her eyebrows temptingly. "Enough to skip class and spend all day in bed?"


"Okay, okay, fine. Go to class."

Amy finally clambered off the bed. Ignored the screaming protests of her own body. She trudged towards the dresser, pulling clothes from a drawer. "What's gotten into you, anyway?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting.. weird."

"Strange weird or sexy weird?"

"Weird weird."

"When exactly did wanting to spend the entire day with the woman you loved, in bed, all day, like in bed, start being considered weird?"

"No, it's not that..” Amy stammered, her train of thought lost. Which wasn’t hard considering the sheets now falling from Lucy’s torso, the come hither smile on the brunette’s face and her still conscious screaming at her to get back in the fucking bed ringing in her ears. “I’m gonna take a shower.”

“You really are no fun,” Lucy mumbled, watching her girlfriend turn on her heel and dart towards the bathroom. She stared at the door waiting for Amy to return. Instead, her ears met the sounds of the shower and the stark realization that ‘no, Amy really wasn’t coming back to bed’ washed over her.

She huffed loudly, as if the annoyed sound exhaled from her mouth would carry through the walls and command Amy back to bed. When that didn’t work, she flopped on to her stomach reaching over to rifle through the nightstand for something to read. If that hadn’t gotten Amy to come back to bed for ‘Lucy sex’ round fourteen, nothing would.

Her fingers touched something unfamiliar. Eyebrows pursed in confusion, Lucy pulled the object into the light. She stared curiously at the emerald ring glistening between her fingers. It had been a long time since she‘d seen one of those. Not since..

“Shit!“ Lucy shot up from the bed. Panic washing over her. It couldn’t be? Lucy shook her head vigorously. She was imagining things. While Amy loved playing the ‘starving artist’, they were anything but. Lucy had turned away from a life of crime but she hadn’t thrown away ALL her ill-gotten goods because that would have been just plain stupid. Plus, there was always Amy’s mom. The woman threw gifts at the couple like a pitcher high on cocaine.

There really was no other explanation, Lucy decided. That had to be it. Amy’s mother and her gifts.


She whipped around, surreptitiously tucking the ring behind her in a closed fist. Amy stood in the doorway, rubbing a towel through her hair. “Bathroom’s clear.”


“You okay?”

“Yeah,” Lucy fought to put a grin on her face. “I’m fine.”

END Chapter One

fic: debs, femslash, fic: amy/lucy, fan fic

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