SVU Fic: Afternoon Delight

Oct 15, 2005 18:11

Title: Afternoon Delight
Fandom: Law & Order SVU
Pairing: Alex/Elliot/Olivia
Genre: PWP, Pure Unadulterated Smut
Rating: Mature Audiences....Definitely Mature Audiences
Summary: Sequel, of sorts, to 'Best of Both Words'. The Holy Trinity of Lust have a quickie.

“Elliot,” he ignored the slight strain in her voice, the hint of panic underneath the controlled tense. Already, he could see one of Olivia’s hands on the dashboard, fingers held tight in a death grip. He didn’t care. Actually, he did care. It’s just, seeing those fingers, made him think of those fingers in places other than the dashboard. And, instead of making him drive a bit more cautiously, it just made him push the accelerator harder.

He was already starting to sweat. His heart a jackhammer beneath his chest. Pants pressed achingly against the building tension between his legs.

The car lurched hard to the left, teetering on two wheels that gripped the pavement in a screeching whine. Practically crashed into the curb. The two detectives scattered out of the car. Elliot already working on his tie as they took the steps two at a time. A hallway, a staircase, another hallway, and they were there.

The door swooshed open. Alex, two steps ahead of them, wore nothing more than a sky blue Oxford. “Jesus Christ,” Alex muttered as the two stepped into the Hotel room, Elliot practically slamming the door behind him. “What the Hell took you so long?”

Olivia answered by clamping her mouth onto Alex’s. The two all tongues,  lips and repressed desire rushed to the forefront. Elliot licked his lips at the scene. Moved his hands towards the hem of Olivia’s shirt, yanked it up and off her body, pausing momentarily to allow the two to break their kiss. Pressed himself against her back, wiggled his hands between the two women. Caressed a breast while his other hand roamed downward, until he could feel Olivia grunting through his chest. She was always so wet. Sometimes he wondered how she could get through the day with how easily she became aroused.

The two of them, Alex and Elliot, worked over Olivia. Elliot suckled the back of her neck as he stroked her hurriedly. Alex inhaled her, pushed the tight jeans down past Olivia’s hips until Elliot‘s fingers were joined with Alex‘s and Olivia couldn‘t hold back any longer.

Olivia came hard and fast, all spasm and buckling hips. Reached behind her to thread her fingers into Elliot’s hair, with the other arm, pulled Alex closer. Until the two were the only thing holding her up, until they drained her dry and she stood panting and spent in their mutual embrace.

“My turn.” Alex growled the moment Olivia’s energy returned. Olivia stepped out of the way slightly. Allowed Alex’s hungry gaze to fix on Elliot. The two women were always more careful in their assaulting of Elliot. There could be none of the shirt-ripping, teeth marking rough play shared between them. Lipstick stains and back scratches were one thing for the singles, another for the married man with four children.

In a sense, it also increased the passion between them. They had to be more deliberate, more calculating in what they wanted, and did to Elliot. Alex drew her tongue across Elliot’s lips, fingers hurriedly, but carefully undoing the buttons on his shirt when all she wanted to do was rip the damn thing open. Olivia worked on his slacks. The belt, the zipper, the damn boxers he always wore when she would prefer he go commando. Jerked down to around his ankles, leaving Elliot to figure out what to do with them because she had more important matters at hand.

He had to admit, this was the part he loved most. When the two were all over him, when he was the sole object of their desire. A bit selfish? Yes. Sexist? Maybe. But, he couldn’t deny the pleasure he felt, like right now, when Alex was kissing him so hard he thought he’d suffocate,  when Olivia was sucking him off so deep, fast with that perfect suction he though he’d explode right then and there.

His fingers thread into Alex’s hair, pulled her mouth from his. Grunted into her open, panting mouth. “Bed, now!”

The two women needed no more encouragement than that. He was tossed, practically thrown onto the bed. Pants still bunched around his ankles. Shoes still on his feet. They were in a hurry, after all. Alex was first, she was always first in that elitist manner of hers. It had been her idea to begin with. It had surprised him when Olivia went along with it. She’d never really been one for sharing. More surprising was that Elliot had gone along. He had his morals and ethics, his sense of right and wrong. But, when it all came down to it, he was still a man. Still mortal, still fallible. And, in the end, who could blame him for succumbing to such a temptation.

Alex straddled his hips. Jammed her own down until Elliot was buried to the hilt, until his head spun from the tightness squeezing around him. Until all he could do was watch because anything else would cause him to come right then and there.

Olivia crawled behind Alex. With one hand, caressed one of Alex’s breasts while the other roamed down. Until Elliot felt the combination of fingers and tight, wet flesh around him. They rode him together. A series of moans, grunts and sloppy kisses shared between them.

He regained enough of his composure to grip Alex by the hips. Could feel her getting closer through the increasing tempo in her hips as she gyrated over him. He could feel his own need building. So he held her tight, jammed his hips with a piston like speed until Alex could no longer muffle her cries with Olivia’s lips.

Elliot wasn’t far behind. With one final thrust, he came hard with a clenched grunt. Held Alex tight as he emptied himself inside her. He could feel guilty about the risquéness of it all later. For now, he allowed the rush of orgasm to take over. The spinning of his head, the spasms of his body, the adrenaline rush of release coursing through his veins.


The shower was quick and dirty, if one could call a shower such a thing. The three of them slip sliding against each other, with roaming soapy hands, exploring fingers and sloppy wet kisses. Until he was once again harder than a rock, the two women wetter than the water cascading down their skin and they jerked each other playfully to release.

Alex dried her hair in the bathroom while Elliot and Olivia dressed in the bedroom. The quickened pace that got them there replaced with a leisure none of them could afford. Even now, as he zipped his pants while gazing longingly at Olivia’s breasts, becoming aroused all over again, he wondered about risking Cragen‘s wrath for 10 more minutes.

As odd as their arrangement was, it never got weird. Which is probably why Elliot hadn’t put a stop to it. Neither asked more of him than he could give. For the most part, they always met together. Although, he presumed Alex and Olivia enjoyed each other’s company a bit more. But, when they were with him it was always as a team. Sure, there were the occasional quickies with Alex in her office, or the blowjobs with Olivia in the back of the Squad car. But, while intense and incredible, it was as if those instances were just marking time. A quick way to release sexual tension until the three could be together again.

Olivia caught the aroused glint in his eye. She casually padded towards him all hips and swagger that made the arousal between his legs throb to a dull ache. Knelt between his legs while her fingers pulled his pants open. And once again, Elliot felt the raspy texture of her tongue, the wet heat of Olivia’s mouth around him.

“Hey,” Alex stood in the bathroom doorway, arms folded petulantly across her chest while her lips spread into a seductive smile. “It’s no fun if you don’t share.”

He never really contemplated his role in all this because he figured he didn’t need to. It would end when it ended. For now, Elliot was enjoying the ride.


A/N: I swear, for the femmeslash only crowd, I have more chick on chick stuff coming, really. I just, well, if I'm going to cut my teeth on some threesome fic, might as well be the HToL!!

fic: alex/elliot/olivia, fic: svu, fic: threesome, fan fic

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