
Apr 23, 2011 13:33

nothing really new... but i updated my boys list. & my friends list with pictures ;)

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Comments 6

ciaodarlings April 23 2011, 18:49:25 UTC
Adding you on Facebook!

P.S. Our interests are pretty damn similar, haha.


trainwreckate April 23 2011, 18:55:39 UTC
<3 i can't help it that awesome people are awesome ;)


ciaodarlings April 23 2011, 19:01:15 UTC
Amen to that. ;-)


frameups April 23 2011, 19:18:22 UTC
lol i'm listening to britney spears and i laughed hardcore when i read this gif. it's too fucking funny. i don't smoke or anything, but how can i not laugh?

i'll have to go back and read your boys list. haha.

how is work going? oh and i added you on FB (bianca) my cute bubbie is my profile pic ha


trainwreckate April 24 2011, 22:39:20 UTC
hahahah i love kat williams, hilarious!

hahaha there are so many boys on that list, some don't have tags. it's basically just people i've hooked up with and are in my life.

ehh, still trying to find a better job. but i love the little kiddos that i teach on wednesdays and saturdays. they're the highlight of my week!


diorglam November 2 2011, 20:38:48 UTC
BEST .GIF ever!!!!!


i'm still lolin


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