Okay, Okay. Deathly Hallows time is nearly hear. So. I think it's time to catch up with what was going on at the end of the last book. First... let's take a look at our dear friend Draco. ( On no! Smelly! )
Oh no! It looks like I'm up to my old tricks again! What ever will you lot do?! I'll tell you what you'll do. You'll click on the Lj-cut and read the comic. ( POW! )
So, I haven't updated in a while but some one asked me to so... I did! YAY! Also go check out my actual journal for a picture I water colored that's good. ( COMIC TIME! )
Today, I feel like making fun of two fanbases at once! That calls for an extra super long comic. This pretty much makes me want to die. You'll understand why in a few minutes. ( Up Right Left Up Right Left )