Seriously, I don't understand how the TV industry keeps coming up with PEOPLE WHO LOOK SO GOOD. What.
Nnngh, I won't even tell you how many times I watched that scene. XD And the nerd in me was totally *_*ing over his basically cuddling a giant textbook. while half naked.
white collarlaceymcbainOctober 27 2009, 17:56:15 UTC
I saw the pilot, and I was also ridiculously happy to hear it's airing on Bravo in Canada, so I can actual watch it like a regular person. I also loved how Peter knew exactly what Matt had done at the end, giving him a way into that warehouse. I was grinning like an idiot at that point.
Re: white collartracyOctober 27 2009, 18:02:15 UTC
Go Canada! \o/ I loved how Peter ALWAYS knew what Neal had done, from the missing wife to the awesome trick at the end. And Neal remembered his anniversary when Peter didn't, hahahha. They know each other so well and are such BFFs. ♥
bellajayd has created a whitecollar community, bb. :) And am dl the first episode as I type! I kinda find it hard to really get into new shows/characters atm though as I'm still so insanely obsessed with SPN! XDD *is totally lame* Pretty boys are so very pretty though....
Hahha I know. I'm not craving the fic yet, though. This will probably be one of those shows like BSG where their onscreen BFFery is enough for me. Or not, who knows?
Well, you know I'm just as obsessed with SPN, but. Really, this show is awesome. YOU WILL LOVE IT, I hope!
Well, everybody was talking about this show, I felt the need to see what it really is about so, I already dl'ed it, I have yet to go through with the "watch" it part though XD
Comments 148
Also, the show is totally charming. AND THE HALF-NAKEDNESS EXTREMELY WELCOME.
Yes. As if I needed more pretty on my computer. Sigh.
Nnngh, I won't even tell you how many times I watched that scene. XD And the nerd in me was totally *_*ing over his basically cuddling a giant textbook. while half naked.
Pretty is so distracting. But SO PRETTY.
I don't know either but an awful lot of them seem to come from Texas. I mean, srsly?
And am dl the first episode as I type! I kinda find it hard to really get into new shows/characters atm though as I'm still so insanely obsessed with SPN! XDD *is totally lame*
Pretty boys are so very pretty though....
Well, you know I'm just as obsessed with SPN, but. Really, this show is awesome. YOU WILL LOVE IT, I hope!
Well, everybody was talking about this show, I felt the need to see what it really is about so, I already dl'ed it, I have yet to go through with the "watch" it part though XD
He's so hot, I love his eyes :)
His eyes are gorgeous, yes. As is the rest of him. nnngh.
Raise your hand if, during the brief commercials, you were picturing Matt Boner Bomer making out with Jared?
Just me, then? cough.
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