Down Where the Sins Cry (Bare, R?, Peter/Jason)

Mar 25, 2007 01:42

Disclaimer: The only sex in the show was with Jason and Ivy. Definitely not mine, then. Title is from Touch Me from Spring Awakening since it was stuck in my head as I wrote this.

Summary: Jason and Peter celebrate Peter's birthday. Celebrate, if we're being specific. (Warning: Boysex, ahoy. Not terribly graphic, but it's definitely there and central. Hard R, maybe NC17, I'm not sure.)

Note: This is for Laura, who better love me, cause holy crap, sex! Peter's birthday smut, as promised like...a week ago. Please tell me if I even remotely came close to pulling this off...I never write things like this!

It was a good thing they’d perfected their own silent language. A quick glance, slight smile, discreet nod, and Jason was making some sort of excuse for leaving to a barely coherent Lucas, gesturing for Peter to follow him out.

Peter breathed a small sigh of relief when they were in their own room, kicking off his shoes as Jason carefully locked the door behind him. Parties were nice and all, but not exactly his thing. He’d spent most of the night glancing at his watch, waiting for an acceptable time to bail.

Jason walked towards him, wrapping his arms around Peter’s waist, kissing him softly. Peter just stood there, smiling stupidly back at him.

“Have a good birthday so far?” Jason muttered, lips so close to Peter’s own. Peter nodded, forehead against Jason’s, arms loose around his neck.

“Mm, but I’ve been waiting for this part.”

“Oh, really? And what exactly do you think is going to happen here, hm?” Jason smirked, and Peter was suddenly grateful for those arms around his waist, holding him up.

“Well, you keep saying you want to celebrate, I’m just curious to see what you had in mind.”

“You mean you’re expecting me to do something kinky.” Jason shook his head. “Naughty boy, Peter. Though I think we’ve got a jar of peanut butter and some whipped cream in here somewhere if that’s what you were expecting.” Peter shook his head, smacking Jason’s shoulder lightly.

“Hey, you’re the one that kept bringing up the porn!”

“Well, you’re 18, you can buy it now!”

“Which obviously downplays voting and being legally responsible for myself.” Peter rolled his eyes, subsequently smirking. “Besides, I don’t have to buy porn, I’ve got you to get me off.”

“Oh, that’s romantic,” Jason scoffed.

“Like you mind,” Peter stepped in closer, hips just barely pressed against Jason’s. Jason shook his head, hands moving to the hem of Peter’s shirt, pulling it up as Peter obediently lifted his arms. His own shirt found its way to the floor before he led Peter towards his bed, pushing him back gently, mattress springs squealing as they kissed, lips and tongues and teeth meeting and clashing in a promise of forever.

Peter lay squirming on the bed as Jason kissed down his neck, chest, stomach, his hands slowly tugging down Peter’s pants with his boxers. Jason stood up, exaggeratedly stripping off the remainder of his clothing as Peter laughed, letting out a small catcall.

“Oh, work it, Jase,” Jason smirked back at him, giving a shake of his hips before taking off his underwear, laughing and crawling back on top of Peter, kissing him with tender love and contentment. Peter’s arms went around Jason’s back to hold him, smiling into the kiss.

Jason broke away after minutes or maybe years, staring at Peter without the playful demeanor, something stronger shining in his eyes.

“Whatcha thinking?” Peter whispered, smiling up at him softly. Jason shook his head, kissing the tip of Peter’s nose lightly.

“Mmm, that you’re beautiful. And I-I want to you to feel as amazing as you are,” Peter’s breath hitched in throat as he locked eyes with Jason, not caring how sappy those words were, it was still one of the best things to hear. Jason pulled away slightly, one hand on Peter’s shoulder, pressing him back against the bed, the other hand traveling down between them, resting on Peter’s inner thigh, fingertips skating gently over skin. Peter breathed out a small gasp.

“Just relax, baby. Let me give you this,” Jason’s voice was low, hoarse, twisting around Peter’s mind and distorting his thoughts. “God, everything, I want-I need to give you everything,” Peter’s eyes slipped closed as Jason kissed his cheek gently. “Tell me, Pete. Greatest wish, whatever you want. Tell me.”

Peter’s eyes fluttered open, looking right into Jason, to the point where he couldn’t breath for the overwhelming connectedness.

“T-touch me,” he said in a whisper barely there, plea and command all at once. Almost instantly, the hand between them shifted, wrapping around Peter, massaging slowly with the expert knowledge of what Peter liked that was practically instinctive at this point.

“Like that? Is that good, Peter?” Peter moaned an affirmation softly, head tilting back. Jason kissed his up his neck, his jaw line, slow wet kisses meant to savor the moment. His hand sped up gradually, letting the sounds coming from Peter guide him.

“God, Jase-oh fuck yes like that right there oh God. Faster, yes, fuck.” Peter kissed him, hands twisting through Jason’s short blonde strands. He broke away, hand holding Jason’s head close enough to breath in the same space, panting slightly, voice shaky. “Jason. I need-God, more,” he shook his head, trying to find the right words in his jumbled up mind to string together. “Closer. I-I want you.” His eyes were dilated, thin blue circles around soul swallowing black holes, hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead, so beautiful Jason could hardly stand it.

“You have me. Right here. Always, whatever you need,” Jason whispered in a voice he hardly recognized as his own.

“No, I know, I mean…Jase. Need you. I-inside me. Please?” He stared at Jason plaintively, and Jason could feel him trembling just slightly beneath him.

He mentally kicked himself for not knowing what Peter needed, leaning over Peter to blindly rummage in their nightstand drawer, hand enclosing around a small bottle like a trophy. Peter’s legs wrapped around Jason’s waist tightly, automatically, as Jason prepared himself, eyes never leaving Peter’s stare. One arm snaked around Peter’s back, the other resting behind his head.

Peter wanted to say something, but he wasn’t sure he remembered how to speak, not with Jason looking at him like this, holding him like he was. Jason kissed his forehead lightly and Peter braced himself--

--and oh holy fuck he was in, Peter tight and so good around him. Jason kissed Peter hard, swallowing his cries, catching them on the tip of tongue.

Jason rocked his hips-in, out, find that rhythm, just like that. Peter rolled up to meet him, setting the pace, moving with him in a primitive dance. Muscles gripped around him red hot, and soon he was hitting that spot, Peter’s whimpers and moans in his ears like a symphony.

“Jason, yes, oh God, you’re so-oh yes,” he panted, muffled against the sweat damp skin of Jason’s neck. All sound seemed to be caught in Jason’s throat, but that didn’t really matter, because nothing would quite to do justice to this moment.

The hand at the back of Peter’s head found it’s old home, grasping Peter, rubbing him, desperate to make this feel good, fucking perfect. Peter let out a low, guttural moan.

“Fuck, Jason. Gonna-gonna come. Oh, Jesus, let me-” Jason moved fast and hard, his athletic prowess at it’s highest point of potential, every bit of his body devoting himself to this moment.

“Peter. Angel. God, baby, come for me, oh God please,” and Peter was falling, seeing stars and beauty and light and oh Jason. Jason followed, coming hard, collapsing with feather light kisses to Peter’s shoulders and chest. He pulled out, helping Peter lower his legs gently before rolling beside Peter, pulling him close.

Peter pulled the blankets up around them, settling close to Jason, feeling his heartbeat even out.

“Happy birthday, Peter,” Jason murmured against Peter’s ear. Peter hummed softly, contently.

“Thank you, Jase. This was…you’re…It was a good birthday, Jason.” Jason shook his head.

“I couldn’t even manage to get you anything real,” Jason said in a soft tone Peter had never heard from him before. Peter pulled away slightly to look at him.

“Jason. That doesn’t…you don’t understand. God, you remembered my birthday and I didn’t even have to whine, you got me a fucking rose and left it on my pillow, which, by the way, might possibly be the sweetest cheesy romantic gesture ever, and…just now…you. God. I-I have you. I’m fine. That’s all I want, alright?” Jason looked at him in slight disbelief.

“You mean I’ve been going crazy every year trying to figure out what cd or book to buy you, putting dents in my bank account, and all I had to do was this?” Jason smirked; Peter hit him lightly in the chest, laughing. “Hey, ow!”

“Jackass. You just killed the moment.” Peter snuggled back in as Jason’s arms wrapped tighter around him. “Love you, Jase.” Jason smiled softly.

“You too, Peter,” he whispered, watching as Peter drifted into sleep.
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