After spending twice as much time mowing the lawn as usual (it was damp and the mower was being quite stubborn), I retreated inside, showered, and finally ate some tunafish around 8:00 pm. Man, was I hungry! Then the phone rang. I recognized the number, but there was no name attached. Decided to answer it
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Comments 11
I would get on well with this girl! *laughs*
Remind me again because I'm hopeless...why are you off to Germany? Visiting people, or just a general holiday? I took German for GCSE (seriously missing it this year :( ), but I've never been there, although I'd love to go!
It would probably seem different to you since you live in the 'old' world. *shrugs* Over here in the States, even the oldest buildings, those that actually survive (there are few), can't compare. There's probably an extra charm to seeing places and artifacts that predate the 1500's.
I could be completely off with that. How do you all really view all this history right at your finger tips?
Haha! Damn right!
And hurray for reuniting with a friend (especially a Jen -- they're easy to come by, but some are worth more than gold!). And why mowing the lawn so soon? Is it really that long there?
Is it really that long there?!?! *faints*
I have cut it twice now, but that should number three times only it rained so much over the weekend and kept me from doing it sooner. The tallest patches yester eve were about a foot high. That was part of the problem with the lawnmower. Sadly, I'm afraid the same fate shall await me upon my return to the States. *sigh*
Our daffodils have bloomed and faded. The tulips have bloomed and are now losing their petals. Spring comes 'early' in the Mid-Atlantic.
I'm happy to count you a fellow country-hater (though any form of the word 'hate' doesn't really sit right with me). ;)
Our daffodils and tulips are still hanging in there. Crocuses are gone, I think. We're always the first on the street to have blooming flowers :D The trees are coming along nicely, too. The lilac always buds first, but the maple isn't far behind.
I do have a couple of Johnny Cash songs (Hurt and Thirteen <-- both remakes of other bands), but they're not country-like at all, so they're good :)
I don't mow, Mr. Bluestar does. Especially as our lawn takes six hours with a riding lawnmower with a wide base.
Chocolate is good. Very good.
Shucks, I need a Mr. Something-or-other. Currently, with trimming, it takes 1 1/2 hours for one person to finish. I don't envy Mr. Bluestar one bit!
It'll be on its way soon!
And country is just *gag*. Which is weird, because I like a lot of more folksy-type stuff (Bob Dylan, anyone?) And Third Day.
(Oh yeah, and I'm not a rap fan either. That would have been my other choice.)
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